Chapter 573, Kang Geer is coming

Jing Shirong looked up at her and said, "Then let Brother Seng pick up the food, and you shouldn't go."

 Lest he be captured, he had to put in effort to save him.

 Sister Ying doesn’t like to hear this.

“I’m the wife your matchmaker is marrying, why don’t you think it’s too hard for you to save me?”

 If you don’t want her as a wife so much, you might as well give it to someone else.

Jing Shirong’s face tightened, “What did you say?”

Sister Ying. "Ahem, no, I mean, my Brother Sen is still young, how can he push his dear brother out to be a gunman for the sake of his own life and death?"

 After all, it came out of the same belly, how could it be so deceptive?

Jing Shirong glanced at her and said, "Brother Rensen is much better than you. Letting him go will save you 10,000 times more worry than letting you go, so don't cause any trouble."

Sister Ying was furious, "That's wrong. When did I cause trouble for you?"

 Doesn’t Wu Zha deserve respect?

 Not every time-traveling woman can be a hero.

She can open a store and settle accounts, which is already considered an achievement, right?

 Be a man of contentment!

Jing Shirong ruthlessly poured cold water on him, "He is just a scumbag in martial arts."

Sister Ying.

“Okay, I can’t talk to you. I’ll sleep with Sister Yang tonight.”

 Having said that, get up and leave.

Jing Shirong didn’t chase her, she was just as childish, “I love to sleep but I don’t want to sleep.”

The couple slept in the same room for the past two days, but they were separated from each other.

 First of all, since his memory was still fully restored, he felt somewhat strange to her and could not be so intimate with her for a while.

 But after all, they are husband and wife and cannot live apart. They still need to cultivate their relationship.

 So they both sleep in the same room and on the same bed every night.

However, he was still a little shy, and he took the initiative to separate from Sister Ying. He slept outside, and Sister Ying slept inside. They slept on a straight plank all night, without crossing any line.

Sister Ying doesn’t care about this.

They are all asleep. Who knows about the 38th Parallel? They can lie down wherever they want.

 One moment her thighs were on top of him, and the next moment she was lying on his chest, almost crushing him to death.

Jing Shirong was sleeping well, but Leng Buding felt a big stone on his chest, almost suffocating him to death.

  When he finally woke up in a daze, he realized that this woman was actually lying on his heart, using his chest as a mattress. She slept so sweetly.

 He rolled his eyes speechlessly and raised his hand to push her down.

The mattress was very soft, and Sister Ying didn't feel any pain when she was pushed down. She calmed down for a while and then started to move on top of him again.

Jing Shirong was really convinced by her. He pushed her several times but it didn't work. In the end, he just grabbed her two little hands and stopped her from moving.

At a young and vigorous age, who could bear to be teased by her two little hands?

Sister Ying was held by his two small hands, and her thighs were pressed by his. Her whole body seemed to be covered by a beam, and she couldn't move. She groaned anxiously.

She thought she was having a nightmare, so she moved desperately, trying to push the beam away from her body.

Jing Shirong saw sweat coming out of his forehead when she pushed him, so he sneered, but finally softened his heart and let her go again.

After Sister Ying was freed, she breathed a sigh of relief and continued to sleep happily.

Jing Shirong was really defeated by her. In the end, she didn’t care about the 38th line and let her do whatever she wanted.

Just now Sister Ying said she wanted to sleep with Sister Yang that night, but he didn't care.

Since he was going out at night and might not come back until tomorrow, it would be better for her to sleep with Sister Yang.

 When it got dark, he went to explain to Brother Seng.

“Someone has brought food recently, so be careful and don’t get in other people’s way.

 Seng Geer understood and nodded, "Okay, I understand."

 After dinner in the evening, Jing Shirong went out.

Sister Ying asked him when he would be back, but he said, "I'm not sure. Just stay at home and don't run around."

Sister Ying knew it and told him, "Be careful."

 After he left, the courtyard suddenly became much quieter.

Although this guy doesn't talk much usually, when he's around, I feel very at ease.

 If he leaves, the room will feel empty. Sister Ying was bored, so she went to dry herbs with Sister Yang.

 Hand by the way, let’s learn some tricks from Brother Seng.

 Sen Ge'er didn't want to practice with them and found it boring, so he turned to Gu Gu for advice.

 While stroking, I saw the homing pigeon coming back.

Brother Sen went to the tree to get the letter, read it once, and handed it to Sister Ying.

  said, "Mother said that the second brother has come to the capital and should arrive in a few days."

Kang Geer has been repeating his studies at home for two years. Next year will be the triennial Spring Festival, and the exams will begin again.

This time he came with the intention of passing the exam, because he wanted to be a Jinshi so that he could go to the Lu family to propose marriage to Mei Xianer.

Sister Ying knew what he was thinking and took a pen to reply.

 Ask Kang Geer to stay with the Jing family first and not to contact them for the time being.

Seng Geer said, "But, the people in the dark will find out his relationship with us, and will they arrest him then?"

 This is possible.

Sister Ying frowned, "But if we ask him to come and live with us, he will still have to go out and take exams."

 When the time comes, he will still be arrested if he goes out alone.


 Seng Geer asked, “Unless what?”

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows, "Unless you follow him and work as a book boy for him, brothers who work together can be as powerful as gold?"

 Seng Geer was angry and funny, "You will bully me."

 He is the fourth of four children in the family, and he is the one who is bullied by his three siblings.

 Now that I have come to the capital, I have to work as a bookboy, which makes me feel miserable.

Sister Ying saw the rare childlike childishness on his cold face, covered her mouth and snickered.

The eldest sister coaxed, "Okay, isn't that because I'm afraid that Kang Ge'er, a bastard, is too stupid to read and won't even know if someone takes him away?"

“You are smarter than him and more vigilant than him. Of course, any situation will depend on you.”

 Seeing her boasting that he was smarter than Kang Geer, Brother Sen felt a little proud and raised his chin, which was a bit cute.

  "Okay then, who can make me better at martial arts than him?"

 Just practice your skills.

He saw that Brother Qi and others sometimes pretended to be servants, but were actually martial arts masters, and he liked this disguise.

 So this time he has to be a master of disguise.

Sister Ying lovingly touched his head and pinched his handsome face. The more she looked at him, the cuter he became.

 Sen Ge'er didn't like to be pretentious, so he took her hand away because he didn't like being pinched.

 “Then I’ll go pick him up.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Be careful, don't let others follow you."

 Seng Geer didn’t even look back, “I got it.”

Sister Yang heard the noise and came out to see, "Why is he gone?"

Sister Ying, "I'm looking for your second brother."

Sister Yang's eyes lit up, "Second brother is coming to the capital?"

I haven’t seen him for a long time.

Sister Ying was also happy, "Yes, it's been a long time since we last seen each other. I miss them very much."

Sister Yang curled her lips and said, "I miss my mother."

Sister Ying touched her little face and pressed it against hers, "I thought about it too."

 It’s okay to go out for a short time, but if you go out for a long time, you will miss your family.

Especially for Sister Yang, who is traveling far away for the first time.

 At first she wanted to come out, but now that she has been out for a long time, she naturally misses her family.

 (End of this chapter)

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