Chapter 575, Parental Love

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming began to train in the military camp when they were teenagers. They also ran errands for the emperor for several years, and their temperaments were already developed.

 But the environment where Sen Ge'er grew up has always been very good, and he will probably suffer some losses if he adapts to the intrigues of the capital city.

 Sen Ge'er is not afraid of suffering, but he doesn't like to be restrained.

 At first he wanted to take the martial arts exam, mainly because he wanted to make his mother happy.

 But now it seems that her mother wants him to be healthy and happy more.

 So he has no obsession with Wu Zhuangyuan now.

 At most, I just want to compete with other heroes to see how strong I am and how I can improve?

Jing Shirong understood what he meant and said, "Since you don't like the affairs of the court, then don't compete. Ni is following us during this period, which will allow you to compete with other masters. But remember not to underestimate the enemy."

Since the people in the dark want to get rid of them, they must send masters who are rarely seen.

 Seng Geer wants to compete, and the best thing is to compete with these people.

Sister Ying is a little worried.

“His martial arts skills are good, but not as good as the two of you, and he doesn’t have much experience in sparring, or else…”

Jing Shirong said, "The kindness of women!"

 A manly man, if you want to do what you like, do it boldly.

 If you are worried about this or that, just go home and stay.

Sister Ying knew what he said made sense, but she was also worried, "The people sent secretly are all cold-blooded and ruthless people. What will happen when the time comes to kill them?"

This is my younger brother. Who can bear it if he is seriously injured or something happens?

Jing Shirong said bluntly, "It's normal for a man to get hurt. If you dote on him like this, he will never make progress."

Boys just need to go out and exercise more.

 If you overprotect it, it will only be a useless embroidered pillow in the future.

Sister Ying, “You.”

She is not overly pampered, she is just worried about Kang Geer's life.

But Jing Shirong just felt that she was a kind woman, a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law.

“Anyway, don’t worry about Brother Seng’s affairs. Just ask him to follow me recently.”

 It means that Brother Seng will take care of him himself.


Sister Ying opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but felt that what he said was right.

She really shouldn't be overprotective, but isn't it a bit bad to have this attitude when this guy comes back?

Seeing that the couple was staring at each other and about to quarrel again, Kang Geer was busy trying to make peace.

 “Okay, okay, stop arguing. It’s a rare reunion, so don’t get emotional.”

 Good guy, we don’t even have children yet, so we are making so much noise.

 When there are children in the future, the quarrel will be even worse, right?


Jing Shirong lowered his head and glanced at Sister Ying's belly, thinking to himself that if he had a child in the future, he would definitely not want this woman to take care of him.

 Otherwise, if she dotes on her child so much, she will definitely turn her into a loser.

Sister Ying couldn't understand the look in his eyes and glared at him angrily, "You say I dote on my children? If you can, don't love your children in the future."

If he had a daughter, I don’t believe he would be so cruel.

Jing Shirong was particularly confident, "Anyway, I won't spoil my children."

 Even to a daughter, he will be a strict father!

He will never be like her, a loving mother who often loses her sons.

Sister Ying.

 “My loving mother has many failed sons, I.”

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Kang Geer hurriedly poured them wine.

 “Come, come, have a drink, it’s a rare reunion, brother-in-law, I’ll give you a toast.”

Jing Shirong gave his brother-in-law face, snorted, stopped talking, and clinked glasses with Kang Geer.

Sister Ying didn’t want to quarrel with him, so she picked up her wine glass and had a drink with Kang Geer.

When everyone saw this, they raised their glasses and said, "Come on, let's all drink one." They were all in a good mood.

 After eating and drinking, Sister Ying asked them if they wanted to eat fruit?

 Kang Geer said in a lively manner, "Eat, we all know the fruit after the meal."

Sister Ying smiled at him and said, "You are the only one who can speak."

 Kang Geer’s lively temperament simply followed their father’s lead. Liang Jin has a lively personality and can liven up the atmosphere.

 As long as they are around at home, the atmosphere will be full of laughter.

 After eating the fruit, Jing Shirong went to the study room with Qi Yuanming and Brother Sen.

   Kang Geer stayed to help Sister Ying with the work.

While washing the dishes, he asked, "Sister, why are there no cooks or maids in this courtyard? Do you still want to wash the dishes yourself?"

Sister Ying looked outside the house and whispered to him, "It's not convenient for us to show up recently, so the maid didn't call."

“But I don’t wash dishes every day, just occasionally.”

 They basically eat takeout from the inn during the day.

 Occasionally, ask the steward to bring over some fruits and vegetables and cook them at home.

She cooks and Sister Yang washes the dishes, and she doesn’t do all the dishes.

Even Jing Shirong will help at home.

Although his memory has not been restored and his character is arrogant, he is not a macho person.

Even if he looks aloof, he will roll up his sleeves to chop wood, light a fire, and chop meat for her.

Sometimes after eating, he would look at Sister Ying's white and tender hands and take the initiative to wash the dishes without saying a word.

Such a good man, how could Sister Ying not love him.

Kang Geer smiled happily when he heard this.

"Sure enough, if you find the right person, you will be happy after marriage, and your life will be warm even if you are thousands of miles away. I don't blame my mother for not worrying about you."

 With such a good husband like Jing Shirong, the family is not worried about Sister Ying's son's life at all.

 Because they all firmly believed that Jing Shirong would not let her suffer.

Sister Ying smiled sweetly, "Yes, as long as you find the right person, it will be the same wherever you go."

If you find the wrong person, let alone the pain of marrying far away, you will cry bitterly at the doorstep.

Kang Geer smiled and said, "I will also be like my brother-in-law."

 If the men in the family are good to their mothers-in-law, he will definitely learn from them and treat his own wives well in the future.

Sister Ying was concerned about his situation with Mei Xianer and asked him, "How are you and Xianxian?"

Kang Geerjun blushed when he mentioned his sweetheart.

 “Much better than before.”

 Previously, Mei Xianer only regarded him as a younger brother or a friend.

Now that the two of them have found their minds, they like each other, and their relationship is getting sweeter.

He was regretful that he couldn't take her out this time, and he missed her strangely.

Sister Ying smiled slightly and said, "It's okay. After the exam, you can go back to propose marriage. When the marriage is consummated, you two can be together."

Kang Geer laughed and said, "I'm looking forward to it too."

As long as he wins Jinshi, he will get married immediately after returning.

 At that time, no matter where you go to take office, you will be able to take the immortals with you.

Sister Ying sighed, "I just don't know if my parents will be lonely after we all leave."

 When I was a child, my whole family lived together.

 But when the children grow up, they will start a family and start a business, and they will go out one by one. The parents will definitely be disappointed and reluctant to let go.

Kang Geer said, "Don't worry. Our parents are the most open-minded."

Wu and Liang Jin are both capable people with great wisdom and foolishness.

 Although the two of them were reluctant to let their children leave home at first.

But gradually, they also understood that when their children grow up, they have to go out and see the world.

 They will eventually grow wings and do what they like.

 As parents, as long as their children can do what they like, they are willing to let them go and let them fly freely.

 Perhaps this is the highest state of parental love.

They welcome you when you go home, and bless you when you go out.

 (End of this chapter)

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