The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 576: , I will regret it less when the house is ready for use.

Chapter 576: When the house is used, it will be less regretful

 Speaking of this, Sister Ying was a little moved.

 Because not all parents know how to let go.

Many parents feel that their children are still young, and even after their children get married, they still feel that they have to take care of them in order to feel at ease.

 So some children may not get true freedom throughout their lives.

However, every family situation is different, and there is no way to generalize about this. You can only take care of yourself and bless others.

Kang Geer said, "I'm not married yet, so I can't understand such a deep love."

 When he becomes a father in the future, he should be able to understand.

But then again, "Sister, why don't you and your brother-in-law have a baby?"

This question was asked so carelessly that Sister Ying even laughed.

“Who asked you to ask? My parents? Or my grandmother?”

 Kang Geer chuckled and said, "Guess."

Sister Ying rolled her eyes and said, "I guess they all want to ask."

 It’s not that she doesn’t want to give birth.

 At first, it was because I was traveling all over the country with Jing Shirong and the conditions were not good, so I didn’t plan to get pregnant on the road.

 Later, he was poisoned and lost his memory. He was busy treating the disease and detoxifying, so he had no chance.

 Plus he has been busy investigating the poisoning matter recently, so he has no time to talk about having children.

Kang Geer sighed and asked, "Are you and your brother-in-law more quarrelsome?"

Just now at the dinner table, there was a quarrel even if we just said a few words, which made Kang Geer feel depressed, like a parent.

“You are not emotionally broken and can’t go back to the past, are you?”

Fortunately, he thought this couple was so sweet just now.

 Has there been any problem with your co-authorship relationship?

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "What are you thinking about? We are very good."

“Didn’t I tell you just now that your brother-in-law is very kind to me, so don’t worry about it.”

Kang Geer was very doubtful, "You just said that my eldest brother-in-law will still wash the dishes for you after losing his memory, but it's been so long and you haven't seen him coming?"

Sister Ying was ashamed, "He has something to do, why are you so talkative? Go wash your dishes!"

This guy is really lively and talkative.

If they love gossip so much, they must have followed their grandmother's lead.

Mrs. Liang, who was far away in the south of the Yangtze River, sneered and muttered while playing cards, "Who is talking about me?"

 Other old ladies joked, "It's probably because your children miss you."

Old Mrs. Liang was happy in her heart, but she snorted arrogantly on her face, "A bunch of heartless kids, they forget about me when they are having fun. I don't want them to miss me. Humph~"

 Having said that, I continued to play cards. I was in a good mood.

 Brother Kang also let out an "ah sneeze~", which was obviously rebounded by Mrs. Liang.

 He rubbed his nose, finished washing the dishes, and continued chatting with Sister Ying.

“My brother-in-law asked me not to go out recently. Is it so dangerous outside?”

Sister Ying shook her head and nodded, "Anyway, you are right to listen to him."

Jing Shirong also has eyes all over the capital. He is aware of every move outside and it is always right to listen to him.

Kang Geer also admired Jing Shirong from the bottom of his heart and said, "Then I'll go and rest first."

 “But by the way, where will I stay at night?”

The rooms are all full, and the remaining ancient rooms can still be squeezed in.

But Kang Geer had to stay up late at night to read, and Gu Gu started to sleep and snore after drinking a little wine every day. If he was in the same room, he would definitely not be able to concentrate on studying.

 But he would definitely not be willing to let Qi Yuanming live in the same room as Gu.

After thinking about it, Sister Ying said, "How about asking Sister Yang to sleep with me in the main room, and you and your brother-in-law sleep in the same room?"

Kang Geer nodded, "Is it feasible? Will my brother-in-law agree?"

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, "You have to do it regardless of whether you agree or not. You are his brother-in-law." After saying that, she smiled with gloating.

You know, Jing Shirong usually doesn’t like to sleep in the same room with others, let alone the same bed.

 He reluctantly agreed to sleep in the same room with her. If it were anyone else, especially a grown man, he would definitely not be happy.

But Kang Geer is his brother-in-law, so I don’t believe he can refuse directly.

 When the time comes, whenever she sees the expression on Jing Shirong's face that dares to be angry but dare not speak, Sister Ying will want to laugh.

 Kang Geer felt his scalp go numb when he saw her holding back her evil expression.

"I said, sister, please don't trick me. I'm your brother."

Sister Ying smiled at the good show and said, "No matter what you say, I will never trick you, and I won't even have time to hurt you."

 After saying that, he went to the study to talk to Jing Shirong about this matter.

Jing Shirong was halfway through talking to Qi Yuanming when he saw her coming in. When he was about to ask her what she was doing, Sister Ying spoke first.

“Sister Yang will come to sleep with me in the main room tonight, and you and Brother Kang will live in the side room.”

 After saying that, he turned around and walked out without giving him a chance to refuse.


Jing Shirong did not expect to be tricked by her, and he gritted his teeth angrily.

Qi Yuanming looked on and laughed loudly, "Don't be angry. Who told you to buy this courtyard in the first place and why it is so small?"

The villa that Jing Shirong bought was in another place. It was in a large location and had many houses.

But thinking that Sister Ying would be lonely if it was too far away from Jing’s house, she bought one next door to Jing’s house.

 The main reason I bought this place is that it is close to the street and is right next to Jing’s house. When you are bored, you can go back to the main courtyard to chat.

 As for the house, he really didn’t want that many rooms.

 After all, a couple living together, why do they need so many rooms?

He wished he could just build one house. When the couple quarreled, she would have no other room to go to even if she wanted to share a room with him.

Who would have thought that it would be so hard to use a house today?

He was actually kicked out of the main house by that woman and asked to sleep with a brat.


 He is not happy.

Qi Yuanming saw that he had a stinky face and it was not a big deal to watch the excitement, "How about you sleep in the same room with me?"

  Anyway, if they are in a good relationship, it is normal for them to wear the same pair of pants and sleep in the same room.

Jing Shirong glanced at him with disgust, obviously unhappy.

He snorted angrily, stood up, and went directly back to the main room.

Just as Sister Ying was about to come in and make the bed, Jing Shirong walked in, walked directly to the bed, and looked at her displeased.

Then in front of her, he roughly kicked off his boots, crossed his thighs, and lay down directly on the bed.

Sister Ying.

"What are you doing?"

He urged him, "Go to Sister Yang's room and sleep with Brother Kang at night."

Jing Shirong was lying on the bed, glanced at her unhappy, pulled the quilt with his big hand, covered himself with it, raised his chin childishly, and hummed, meaning I'm not going!

Sister Ying.

“So, do you want Kang Geer to live with you in the main house?”

Jing Shirong saw her sly eyes and the way she was deliberately bullying him. He sat up immediately, pulled her over, pushed her under her body, and leaned towards her with her head lowered.

He looked at her with dark eyes.

Sister Ying raised her eyes to look at him. She originally wanted to be tough, but his breath was hot on her face, and the traces of beautiful man hormones always penetrated into her nose, making her heart beat faster. The temperature of my little face suddenly warmed up.

 She always felt that he was tempting her, but she didn't want to lose.

Jing Shirong really wanted to seduce her and see her blushing and begging for mercy.

But when he was so close to her, the alluring fragrance of her body always penetrated into the pit of his heart, making him feel a little warm.

The couple just looked at each other with blushing faces. Finally, they couldn't help each other, so they closed their eyes, leaned over, and kissed each other.

 “Alas, the candles haven’t been blown out yet.”

Just as Sister Ying was about to struggle, Jing Shirong flicked his sleeves, and the bright lights in the room immediately dimmed.

 The bed curtain is lowered

 (End of this chapter)

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