Chapter 577, Strange knocking on the door

Sister Yang was packing her things in the house, but she didn't see Sister Ying for a long time and came to call her.

She was still surprised. She came out with the package and was about to go to the main room to find Sister Ying, but she was held back by Qi Yuanming.

 “Come back! Don’t go!”

Sister Yang didn't know why, "Why? I'm looking for my eldest sister."

Qi Yuanming coughed and said awkwardly, "Your eldest brother-in-law is going in to discuss things with her. I will sleep with Gu Gu at night. Brother Sen and Brother Kang will sleep in the same room. You should go and sleep as well."

The couple is reconciled as before, so don’t bother them.

Sister Yang said oh, she didn’t have any doubts or understanding, so she went back with the baggage in her arms.

 On the second day.

It was rare for Sister Ying to stay in bed until noon. Finally, Sister Yang knocked on the door and said, "Sister, it's time to eat."

Having slept all day, I really got enough sleep.

Sister Ying hid under the quilt, with a shy face, and replied, "I know, you eat first, I don't think I want to get up today."

This was not the first time she stayed in bed. Sister Yang didn't doubt it, so she just said "oh" and went to eat first.

Jing Shirong rarely got up late today.

  What happened last night is still fresh in my mind, especially when it happened when I was sober and not drinking, which makes me blush and heartbeat even more.

 But as a man and the husband of this woman, he felt no need to squirm, cough, and get up to get dressed first.

Sister Ying was hiding under the quilt and was so embarrassed, but when she saw that he was so generous and looked like it was no big deal, she refused to admit defeat and opened the quilt like a normal person and called on him.

“What about that? Bring me the skirts on the left and right.”

 I have to take a bubble bath after a while to feel refreshed.

Jing Shirong didn't look at her, his ears were a little red, but he pretended to be calm and said nothing, and went to get her skirt.

 He took the skirt over, handed it to her, and asked seriously, "Want to take you to take a bath?"

Sister Ying coughed, feeling shy and said, "No, you go and wash up first, I'll go back later."

Jing Shirong was actually shy, and her ears were extremely red. She hummed and went to wash up while holding her clothes.

Sister Ying got up to change her clothes. When she heard the bath water gurgling in the back room, her face turned red again.

 When Jing Shirong finished washing, she shyly got out of bed.

As soon as I landed on the ground, I felt a sour feeling all over my body.

 “His~my old waist.”

Sure enough, after not practicing dancing for the past two years, my bones have become hard.

Especially that guy was not gentle at all. Looking at the way he held her down, there were marks on her waist.

Jing Shirong came out of the bath and saw that she could not stand firmly, so he came over to hug her.

Sister Ying was suddenly picked up and she punched him twice with her small fists. "What are you doing? I'll go by myself."

Jing Shirong didn’t listen and walked straight in with her in his arms.

  Place her by the pool, and stretch out your hand to help her pull off the belt of her clothes.

Sister Ying shyly covered her pajamas, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, I can do it myself. You can go out to eat first."

Jing Shirong had a serious look on his face, but his eyes glanced at her neck and waist. He felt that he might still be a little hot, so he let go of her and ran out as if running away.

 “Then soak slowly.”

 After saying that, he escaped from the master bedroom and went outside to enjoy the fresh air to wake up.

Sister Ying took a deep breath and held her face in her hands, feeling extremely shy.

She soaked slowly and dried her hair after soaking. When she came out, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were gone again.

This time Brother Seng also went out.

 The only ones left in the family are Brother Kang, Gu Gu and Sister Yang.

Sister Yang was pouring herbs in the yard, while Brother Kang was reading a book.

 In ancient times, they slept in trees.

Sister Ying asked the steward to bring over the account book of the outbound inn, and sat down to read the account book in the courtyard.

 Eat some snacks while watching.

 The atmosphere in the courtyard was quite good, it seemed calm and peaceful.

 At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

 “Bang bang bang!”


Sister Ying was suspicious, not knowing who was coming. Food delivery at the inn is basically done according to the time schedule and will not arrive early or late.

 Meals had been delivered at noon, and there was a sudden knock on the door. It must not be someone from the delivery inn.

 Since you are not from the inn, you should be vigilant.

Sister Ying carefully approached the door and put her ear on the iron door, trying to hear the sound.

 But the knocking on the door suddenly stopped.

Sister Ying did not ask further questions and continued to listen with her ears.

 But the knock on the door never came again.

The ancients were awakened, stood on the tree and looked at it, and did not see someone outside the door, shook her head at Ying.

 “Strange, could it be an auditory hallucination?”

 But there was a knock on the door just now.

 She asked Kang Geer, "Did you hear the knock on the door just now?"

 Kang Geer was just immersed in reading and didn't pay much attention. He shook his head and said, "I didn't hear it. I was too absorbed in reading."

Sister Yang was also concentrating on getting the herbal medicine and didn't hear it. Gu Gu didn't feel the danger and didn't worry about it.

Sister Ying scratched her head and doubted herself.

 “Is it because I’m too tired and have auditory hallucinations?”

 But her hearing has always been very good, and she always felt that she heard correctly.

An ancient saying goes, "It's okay, don't be afraid even if there are people."

 He is still here and no one will rush in.

 The ancient martial arts are also among the best.

Jing Shirong felt at ease when he was there.

Especially since the courtyard is guarded by secret guards, I think everything will be fine.

After Sister Ying smoothed things over, she no longer worried.

“That’s all, let’s pay attention.”

 In broad daylight, there shouldn't be any killers coming to kill, otherwise the traces will be exposed.

The group of people continued what they had not finished until evening. When everyone was tired, they all went back to their rooms to rest.

 Jing Shirong did not come back in the evening, and Sister Ying was in the house by herself.

 She lay on the bed, closed her eyes, and fell asleep after a while.

But after sleeping for a while, I heard the sound of "dong dong dong" outside the door.

Sister Ying was half asleep, but she still heard it.

 She sat up and asked the secret guard, "Go and check to see who is playing a prank."

He deliberately made noise in the middle of the night, either to lure them out or to scare them by pretending to be a ghost.

 No matter which one, she will not be fooled.

The secret guard went to look outside the door, but there was no one there.

Seeing this, Sister Ying lay back down and continued to sleep.

 There is no fear at all.

She knew that if someone wanted to harm her, they would definitely show up again, so there was no need to be curious and fall for this trick.

If you just wanted to scare her on purpose, then I'm sorry, but she's really not afraid.

 The whole family lives in the courtyard, so even if there are ghosts, she will not panic.

The man in black in the distance saw that there was no movement in the room and asked strangely, "Why don't they come out?"

 Is it because their method doesn’t work?

 “No matter, let’s continue tomorrow.”

 Collect people's money and help them eliminate disasters.

 Since their employer asked them to scare the women in this courtyard, they will do it.

 If the knock on the door is not enough, try something else tomorrow.

“How about we catch some venomous snakes and scare that woman?”

 Aren’t all women afraid of this?

Person B in black said, "That makes sense. Let's go catch snakes in the mountains first and throw one to her tomorrow."

 Wait until the other person is scared to death, and then put one in her house at night to ensure that she is scared out of her wits.

 (End of this chapter)

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