Chapter 580, wait for him!

"Master Zhao, this matter depends entirely on you. You must be responsible for us brothers."

 Seeing Zhao Jie's disdainful eyes towards them, the two men in black were naturally unhappy.

Zhao Jie felt disgusted when he saw their bad attitude, but he said hypocritically, "Aren't you two watching? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

Man B in black, "We listened to your order and first used poisonous snakes to scare Jing Shirong's woman, but she turned an army against her and ended up like this."

“Mr. Zhao, you have to help us find a way to get the antidote.”

 They turned into such weird looks, the little girl must have poisoned them.

Otherwise, he would be so neat and tidy, with black hair all over his body.

Zhao Jie frowned, "Jing Shirong's woman gave you poison?"

Is that woman so smart?

 Or are there other experts in the hospital helping her?

 Otherwise, how could a woman be so capable? He played tricks on the two killers and made them look like ghosts or ghosts.

 “Mr. Zhao, what should we do now?”

 How can they go out to meet people when they look like this now, with black hair all over their faces?

Zhao Jie annoyed them, his tone was somewhat impatient.

“Isn’t it just a little hair growing on your face? Can’t you go back and shave it off?”

Is that killer building reliable? He actually sent two idiots like this.

How can you do anything for him like this? What a waste of his money!

His tone was disgusting. How could the two men in black not hear it? They immediately became angry.

“What Mr. Zhao is saying is inhumane. We brothers are doing things for you, and now we have turned into monsters. You just open your mouth and it’s over?”

Even if the antidote is not given, we still have to pay them mental compensation, right?

 Zhao Jie has always been searching, and every time he spends money, he feels pain for a long time.

This time to hire these two killers, I struggled with Zhou Chuwen for a long time before asking for seven-tenths of the silver. He gave me three-tenths of the money, and then I scraped together a thousand taels to hire the two killers.

 But the price of marriage in the killer building has always been high.

  It’s only a thousand taels, so I can’t attract anyone at all.

However, the person in charge was very greedy for money and could only spare a thousand taels, so he randomly promoted two bandits who had just come to seek refuge and asked them to come out to work for Zhao Jie.

 Zhao Jie initially thought that the killers in the master building were all very powerful, after all, he spent money.

Who would have thought that these two losers here, who can't even handle trivial matters, would have the nerve to ask him for money?

It was impossible for him to give money to two losers, but he couldn't confront them head-on, so he could only smile and laugh.

"I have made an agreement with your manager, and I will reward you with silver only when things are done."

“Now that you haven’t done anything well, I naturally can’t give you a reward. Otherwise, why don’t you go back and think of a way to make things right?”

  No matter what these two people do, he will eventually go to the steward to refund the money.

Even if they can't refund, it's absolutely impossible to pay any compensation to these two people.

His abacus clicked. These two brothers were not fools. They knew that Zhao Jie was cunning, and they were afraid that they would turn into a black-haired monster and lose money if they didn't make any money.

 The two of them looked at each other, immediately took out the knife in their hands, and pointed it at Zhao Jie.

Zhao Jie didn’t expect that they would suddenly draw their swords at each other, and he was startled.

 “What do you want to do!”

 Two idiots actually want to kill him?

The two men in black naturally didn't want to kill him, they just wanted a guarantee from Zhao Jie.

“Master Zhao, it’s all because of you that we are like this now. We don’t have to ask for the money, but you must get the antidote for us. Otherwise!”

Zhao Jie’s eyes were slightly cold, “Otherwise what?”

"Is it possible that you really dare to kill the imperial official?"

The two men in black naturally did not dare to kill the imperial official. They had just come down from the mountain to find a job and were assigned to do such a despicable task.

I didn’t expect that the mission would fail, so I could only find a way to return to normal and quickly go back to being a bandit.

"Mr. Zhao, we really don't dare to kill the imperial officials, but if I go to Jingda for what you told us to do, do you think you will get something good?" They are stupid, but they are not stupid enough to let Zhao Jie do it. To the point of toying with them.

“I heard that Mr. Jing is the emperor’s confidant. If the emperor knows that you have touched his confidant’s wife, do you think the emperor will punish you in order to appease his confidant’s heart?”


Zhao Jie never expected that these two idiots would actually threaten him.

Although the emperor may not necessarily believe it, if it really comes to that point, the emperor will have to show off to some extent, and it is inevitable to punish him for Jing Shirong.

It took a lot of effort for him to achieve his current status. How could he be punished in front of all the ministers and lose face if he spoke out about it?

His eyes were cold, and he secretly thought that these two **** idiots dared to threaten him with the face he valued most. It seemed that it was better for these two to not leave the Zhao family.

So he raised his eyes, gave them a cold look, and tapped his fingers on the table. Soon, a group of real killers flashed out of the study.

 “Kill them all!”

He had a sinister look on his face. As soon as he gave the order, the killers took action and killed the two brothers in black.

 After seeing this, the secret guard took advantage of the chaos and hurried back.

After hearing this, Sister Ying frowned.

“Tell me, which two men in black did Zhao Jie kill?”

 And do it directly at home?

It's really perverted and vicious enough.

The secret guard reported back, "Those killers must be from the West Tower because they are ruthless."

 In a black market somewhere in the capital, there is a West Tower.

 They are all killers with high martial arts skills.

The secret guard reviewed the ruthless moves of those people and confirmed that they were the people from Xilou.

Sister Ying frowned, "Since they are all experts, do you think it will be expensive?"

How could Zhao Jie, who is such a picky person, be willing to spend a lot of money to invite that group of people to his home?

 Could it be that someone gave him those killers for free?

Sister Ying thought it was very possible and asked the secret guard to deliver the news to Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong learned about the situation at home and rushed back overnight.

 After returning home, he glanced at Sister Ying up and down. When he saw that she was fine, he calmed down.

 Ask, “Are you okay?”

Sister Ying walked over and hugged him, looking up at him, "It's okay, I just miss you."

She smelled delicious, and her skin was warm and soft. Jing Shirong stretched out his arms to hug her, and his empty heart was suddenly filled.

He raised his hand to touch her head and asked her, "Have you ever been scared by a venomous snake?"

Sister Ying shook her head, nodded again, and complained like a child, "I was almost scared to death. I haven't dared to eat food delivered from outside these days."

Especially opening the box has become a psychological shadow.

Jing Shirong frowned, a hint of murderous intent flashed through his black eyes, and he rubbed her little face with his hand to comfort her.

“Don’t be afraid, I will avenge you.”

Sister Ying shook her head, "Don't take revenge yet. There are a group of killers in Zhao Jie's family who are very strong in martial arts. I don't know who gave them to him. You'd better check this first."

 As for revenge, it is a small matter and will be discussed later.

 But Jing Shirong didn't listen.

 He raised his eyes and looked in the direction of Zhao's house, his eyes cold.

 Dare to scare his woman?

 Let him wait!

 (End of this chapter)

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