The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 581: , revenge in the middle of the night

Chapter 581, Revenge in the middle of the night

 This head.

After Zhao Jie finished dealing with the two brothers in black, a sinister curve appeared on his lips.

“Hmph, if you dare to go against me, you should know the consequences!”

The killers finished the aftermath for him and continued to hide in the dark.

Jing Shirong put on black clothes and a black mask and came out after Sister Ying fell asleep.

Qi Yuanming chased after him after a while, still holding a box in his hand.

 “Ajing, I’m here.”

Jing Shirong looked at the things in his hands, took out a bottle of medicinal powder from his sleeve, and poured it into the box.

The box that was limp just now will suddenly start to shake.

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "I bought these at the winery. Others use them to make medicinal wine, but we use them to scare people. It's damaging enough. I like them, haha."

Jing Shirong’s lips curled up coldly, “Let’s go.”

 Let Zhao Jie experience the joy of squirming in a moment.

 The two of them went to Zhao Jie's yard one after the other.

At this time, Zhao Jie was already lying on the bed and sleeping.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming landed on the roof of his main house and were about to get down when the men in black moved in the dark.

Jing Shirong saw them, raised the corner of his mouth coldly, and then went down openly to see if those people dared to come over.

Qi Yuanming held the sword in his hand and followed him with alert eyes.

The two of them went down to the roof together, inserted the key hairpin into the crack of the door, and opened it from the inside.

 After entering the room, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at each other. Qi Yuanming chuckled, put the box on the bed, and opened the lid.

 The wriggling black snakes crawled out all of a sudden and crawled into the quilt one after another.

Zhao Jie was sleeping soundly, but his face felt cold, as if something was "hissing" and licking him.

 He muttered sleepily, "Who is it?"

 Why do you keep circling him?

He didn't want to pay attention, but as something cold was wrapped around his neck, strangling him and suffocating him, he opened his eyes.


 Actually disturbed his sleep?

Just as he was about to call his servant, a small red tongue came out from his ear and licked his ear "hiss~".

 Zhao Jie's scalp felt numb and his pupils suddenly widened, "No, it can't be?"

This cold touch, couldn’t it be a snake? ?

 He slowly turned his head and looked at the thing wrapped around his neck.

Through the dim moonlight, he lowered his head and looked at a black snake.

 “Ah!! Snake!!”

Zhao Jie was so frightened that he lost all his courage and hurriedly opened the quilt.

It's okay if you don't open it, but when you open it, there are little black snakes squirming under the quilt.

He was so frightened that he rolled around and said, "Someone is coming! Someone is coming quickly!"

 But the servants were all smoked by Qi Yuanming, and they were sleeping so soundly that they couldn't wake up at all.

Zhao Jie was frightened and frightened. Seeing no one coming, he could only stumble out and run out.

 “Where are the people! Are they all dead?”

 Why can’t both of them be woken up?

 After he arrived at the yard, his heartbeat was still beating rapidly, and he was obviously still scared.

Especially the black ones are all vivid. When you see him running out, you chase him out immediately.

Zhao Jie said "Ah!" and had no choice but to call out to the killers in the dark.

 “Come down and help!”

 Didn’t you see something happened to him?

 But the killers did not move.

 They know that those black snakes are not venomous, and it will be fine if they bite them, and they will naturally not come out.

Especially Jing Shirong seemed to have discovered their existence. If they showed up at this juncture, wouldn't it be exposed?

Seeing that they didn't show up, Zhao Jie was shocked and angry, "What's going on? Why is there no one there!" The servants didn't come out, and the killers didn't come out.

Where did those people die?

Zhao Jie was so frightened that he opened the small door to the backyard and ran to Zhou Chuwen's house in the middle of the night.

 But Zhou Chuwen’s house was also in a mess, and it had obviously been tidied up.

“Zhao Jie, come and save me quickly, these black snakes are scary to death.”

Seeing that there were also a bunch of black snakes in Zhou Chuwen's courtyard, Zhao Jie slowly came back to his senses.

 “I know, it’s Jing Shirong!!”

That bastard, he must have let in these black snakes.

Zhao Jie angrily ran to the servants' room, kicked open the door, and saw a row of servants sleeping to death.

 He raised his foot and kicked those people, but there was no response, which showed that they were all drugged.

"Son of a bitch!"

    was actually put together.

He just said that Jing Shirong's woman was frightened by him, why didn't he react at all?

 But did he react too quickly?

 You actually found out what he did right away?

 Zhou Chuwen was also speechless.

“I told you not to do this before, but you refused to listen. Now I’m fine. Being treated like this by him almost scared me to death!”

Because Qi Yuanming's snitching was revealed to Zhao Jie by the emperor, so Zhao Jie has always resented Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong for being robbed of their credit.

Especially since the emperor has been praising Qi Yuan Ming and Jing Shi Rong in front of them from time to time recently. The implication behind the words seemed to be that they were incompetent, and every word put them on par with Jing Shirong and the others.

 Zhao Jie has always valued face more than anything else.

This time the emperor said that he was not capable enough in front of all the ministers, which made all the ministers look at him with contempt, making him hate him for a long time.

He is also vindictive. If he doesn't take this out on Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, he won't be able to eat or sleep.

So I came up with such a bad idea and wanted to scare the women of the Jing family and the Qi family. It's good to vent your resentment.

 Zhou Chuwen originally disagreed with him doing this.

 After all, the streets of Beijing are the foundation of people’s homes.

 They just need to give them eye drops in front of the emperor on weekdays.

It is really inappropriate to use swords and guns to retaliate against others.

 They don’t have the troops, so doing this is simply courting death.

But Zhao Jie didn't listen and said, "If you can't retaliate against those two tall men, why can't you bully their female relatives?"

 It just happened to be revealed above that these two people have not been at home recently, so naturally it is the best time to scare their female relatives.

 That's why I came up with the trick to scare Sister Ying and the others.

As for the Qi family, Mrs. Qi didn’t take this matter to heart at all and even had a barbecue feast that day.

Zhou Chuwen sat on the ground tiredly and sighed, "What should we do now?"

 If you try to frighten other women's family members, you will be retaliated against, and there is no place to talk about it.

Is it possible to tell Emperor Jing Shirong to release snakes to scare them?

If he did, the emperor would also ask, "Why do people let snakes scare you when they are so good?" Can they tell the reason?

 The secret will definitely be revealed by then.

Zhao Jie felt unlucky when he calmed down.

“That’s it, that’s how it is at the moment. As long as we don’t tell it, they can’t do anything to us.”

 They said they threw poisonous snakes to the female members of the Jing family. Do they have any evidence?

He killed all the people who released the snakes, and there will be no evidence in court later.

Thinking about this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Chuwen asked, “What about these black snakes?”

The servants are all unconscious, and they are the only two left in the courtyard. We can't ask them to catch snakes, right?

Zhao Jie assigned him, "Go and buy some snake repelling powder and sprinkle it in the yard and house."

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 (End of this chapter)

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