Chapter 582, I have to bow my head

Zhou Chuwen said oh, put on his pajamas and walked out.

He woke up halfway through and said, "No, you started this, why should I buy snake repellent powder?"

 He is not Zhao Jie's subordinate, so why should he be the one who orders him every time?

Zhao Jie glanced at him arrogantly, "This is your home, who will go if you don't go?"

Zhou Chuwen was unhappy seeing his condescending look, "I'll go, I'll go. But don't even think about using it if I buy it!"

Qi Yuanming is right. This guy doesn't regard him as a brother at all. He only orders him around in everything, and treats him like a human being at every turn. It makes him unhappy just thinking about it.

It is clear that both of them came from a poor background, and neither of them is noble.

But Zhao Jie always looked aloof, as if he was his master.

 And he was just a servant who was sent about as he was told.

Zhou Chuwen was dissatisfied and deliberately bought only one portion when he went to buy snake repellent powder.

Zhao Jie was waiting for him in the courtyard. When he saw him coming back, he reached out and asked for it, "Give me a bag, I want to take it back."

Zhou Chuwen shrugged and pretended to be innocent, "There's only one pack left. I'll use it first, or you can go to another house later to see if there is any."

He was asked to go buy snake repellent powder alone in the middle of the night. He walked a long way and spent a lot of money before the boss got up to find snake repellent powder for him.

Why should he be given a share even if he contributes money and effort?

What a beautiful thought!

Zhao Jie was also angry when he saw that he only bought one pack of snake repellent powder.

"What do you mean?"

 “Isn’t it just a packet of snake repellent powder? Do you need to be so stingy?”

Zhou Chuwen snorted coldly, "If you're not stingy, then give me the money for the snake repellent powder."

“By the way, give me back the seven hundred taels you paid last time.”

It was obviously the same salary, but every time I went with Zhao Jie, he was the one who paid.

In so many years, I haven’t seen him invite me to dinner a few times. He always invites me.

If it weren't for the fact that they have been classmates for many years, he would have been at odds with him long ago.

Zhao Jie felt that he was very annoying tonight, and he criticized every word of his words. He asked strangely, "Did you take gunpowder at night? Why are you always going against me?"

“If I am stingy on weekdays, I will at least give you half of the stolen money every time.”

 This is true.

However, Zhao Jie is not loyal.

 But he is afraid that if the matter is exposed, those who are more greedy will be sentenced to a harsher sentence.

 At this point, half of the stolen money was given to Zhou Chuwen every time.

If the matter is discovered one day, Zhou Chuwen will accompany him to prison, so he will not be afraid.

 But Zhou Chuwen didn't understand his intentions.

 Thinking that he is upright, even though he is usually stingy and a tough guy, he still orders him around.

 But in the end, the money was distributed to him evenly every time, and he was never given less, which he was indeed quite satisfied with.

He coughed and felt that he was a little moody at night.

  He softened his words and said, "I'm just angry that every time you do things too impulsively, it hurts me."

Just like this time, he ran away to scare people, and now he was retaliated against, wouldn't it just implicate him?

Moreover, the seven hundred taels taken out were not worth it.

Zhao Jie saw that he was not angry anymore, so he used this opportunity to pour out his bitterness to him.

 “That’s right. With such a big sum of money, you can buy as much food as you want.”

“I think that killer building is a liar! He actually sent two idiots here, it’s just blackmail!”

Just those two idiots, and they actually charged them a thousand taels!

  One hundred taels are worth both.

Zhou Chuwen, “What should we do now?”

"Everything has been revealed, and Jing Shirong and the others also know about it. Do we want to express our position?"

 Otherwise, they can release snakes for them tonight, but will they release other things tomorrow?

Zhao Jie's heart went crazy when he thought about the cold feeling of being entangled by thousands of snakes. But he couldn’t bear to apologize.

 Besides, "It's obvious that they took the credit from us first, so why should we apologize?"

They are the ones who clearly sent troops and resources to catch the bad guys.

 They are also the ones doing the finishing work.

  Even they are the ones who judge bad people and clean out the dens of old thieves.

 Just like that, Qi Yuanming had the nerve to tell the emperor that the credit was theirs?

Zhou Chuwen felt that he still missed the point.

Reminding him, "What I mean is, people now know that it was us who went to scare their women. If we don't apologize, they will continue to come to punish us, right?"

Zhao Jie frowned, "No way?"

  It’s all done once, so it’s considered even.

 If he comes again, he will be too mean.

Zhou Chuwen sighed, "Who knows."

They have been fighting wits and courage with Qi, Yuan Mingjing and Shi Rong for so many years. Although they have never had a direct conflict with them, they have fought many times in private.

Jing Shirong didn't bother to fight with them, but Qi Yuanming was determined to avenge his enemies.

This time Zhao Jie let the snake go to Qi's house, Qi Yuanming must have known about it.

Otherwise he wouldn't have caught so many black snakes to scare them.

And that guy always wants revenge. Who knows whether he will do it again tomorrow if he takes revenge once today.

 Zhao Jie also thought of Qi Yuanming's temperament of revenge, which was very troublesome.

  But he couldn't bear to apologize to them.

Zhou Chuwen said to him, "It's already this time, why do you want to save face? Listen to me this time, invite them out tomorrow, have a drink together, explain the matter clearly, apologize to them over a drink, and let this matter be over." "

Otherwise, before they even become high officials, they would be plotted against by these two people every day, and their lives would be difficult to live by?

 Zhao Jie felt angry for the first time at his own weakness.

 I didn’t think so before.

It was only through this time that I realized that their strength was actually so different from that of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming!

It is clear that they are powerful officials on the surface. Jing Shirong and the others were just lackeys secretly working for the emperor.

 Especially in the past few years, almost all good things have happened to them.

 Even Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong were given the credit for handling the case. Let them enjoy themselves for a while.

 But today, it seems that everything is just the joy of embroidered pillows.

 No matter how good their reputation is, without real power, they are nothing.

 The emperor was clearly looking towards them, as if he wanted to cultivate them.

 But they were never given any real power or military strength.

  Last time, we finally gave them the military power and asked them to catch the evil leaders one at a time. It seems that the two of them are about to succeed and gain real power.

 But it was destroyed by Qi Yuanming.

 At once they were beaten back to their original position, and the military power was taken back by the emperor.

Zhao Jie hated it, "We were about to become the Minister of Military and Aircraft, but we let them destroy it, and we actually have to apologize to them?"

 It makes me feel depressed just thinking about it!

Zhou Chuwen was also helpless, "What can we do? They have a better foundation than us after all. The capital city is their base. Before we have no troops, we should be softer and don't go head-to-head with others."

 Zhao Jie didn’t refute with his mouth, but he was dissatisfied in his heart.

 But things are like this, so we can only admit defeat first.

 The green hills are left and there is no need to worry about having no firewood.

Merrow, make an appointment with Jing Shirong to make peace first.

 As for the future, look for opportunities to drag them into the water again. I don’t believe they can always win the king’s heart.

Once they get a chance, they must pull down the people named Jing and Qi from their high positions, and make them kowtow to him and admit their mistakes!

 Otherwise, one would not understand the hatred in his heart.

 (End of this chapter)

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