The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 583: , slowly remember a little bit

Chapter 583, I slowly remembered something

Zhou Chuwen saw that he had figured it out and said to him, "Then I'll go deliver the letter."

“Invite Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong out tomorrow, apologize to them then, and this matter will be over.”

Zhao Jie reluctantly said nothing and did not refuse again.

 This head.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at the two people in Zhou's courtyard from the dense trees and snorted disdainfully, "Let's go."

Qi Yuanming said oh and went back with him.

 After the two of them arrived home, the people in the courtyard were still sleeping soundly.

Jing Shirong returned to the main room and saw Sister Ying sleeping soundly with her pillow on her side. He stood by the bed and looked at her quietly for a while before changing clothes and going to bed.

He lay outside, took her in his big hands, put her head on his arm, lowered his head to smell the fragrance of her hair, kissed her forehead, held her little hand in his big hands, and then fell asleep contentedly.

the next day.

When the sun rose lazily, Sister Ying slowly woke up.

 She yawned "Ha~", stretched, and touched the place next to her with her little hand. When she felt the presence of someone lying next to her, she smiled, leaned over and lay on top of him.

 “Mr. Xianggong~”

Jing Shirong had just woken up and saw her calling him, and let out a hoarse hum. "sleep well?"

 “Have you had any nightmares?”

Sister Ying looked at him with watery eyes and shook her head, "No. She slept well."

Jing Shirong smiled when he saw how big-hearted she was.

He put his big hands into her hair, rubbed her scalp, and said in a loving voice, "Idiot."

 He said "Idiot" on his lips, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Sister Ying felt comfortable being scratched by his scalp, and she narrowed her eyes in enjoyment.

 “Hmm~ It’s so comfortable, I have to scratch my back.”

Jing Shirong hummed in a loving voice, put his slender fingers on her back and scratched her.

His fingers are long and slender, and the fingertips are hard and strong. The muscles of the person who presses them relax, and the whole body feels much more comfortable.

Sister Ying was fascinated by the massage. She felt the massage on her scalp and slowly opened her eyes.

 “That’s not right, why do you do this action of pressing your scalp??”

 This was Brother Rong’s favorite intimate action when we were in Jiangnan a few years ago.

At that time, he liked to touch her scalp the most, like petting a cat. He would always insert his fingertips into her hair and scratch it a few times, which was so comfortable that it gave people goosebumps all over.

 Ever since he lost his memory, he has never had these intimate behaviors with her.

 How are you today? ?

  Could it be, "Have you recovered your memory?"

Jing Shirong tilted his head, looking confused, "What about restoring memory? What's wrong with me?"

Sister Ying stared at him with her big eyes, "Don't you remember?"

Jing Shirong shook his head and frowned, "I vaguely remember what happened before, but I haven't remembered what happened after that."

 His memory has gradually recovered in the past few days, and he can already remember all the things he did for the emperor before.

 Including the disagreements with Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen, I also remembered everything.

Sister Ying held his handsome face and said sourly, "You even remembered Zhao Jie, but you didn't think of me?"

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth and smiled.

 “I seem to remember things from my childhood.”

At that time, he had just gone to Lingxi Town, and Sister Ying was only a year old at the time.

At that time, she was still unsteady in walking, wobbling, and had a little chubby flesh.

  Unexpectedly, the lucky doll from back then would actually become his wife? It's amazing.

Sister Ying laughed when she heard his description, "Otherwise, what should your ideal wife be like?"

 If you don’t marry someone like her, then what type will you marry?

Jing Shirong thought seriously, and the image of her wearing a phoenix crown and harem was in his mind.

Although that charming shadow has no front face, looking at the figure, you can tell that the bride is her.

Sister Ying looked at him with a smile, "How do you know the bride is me? Maybe she is a beautiful girl."

Jing Shirong, on the other hand, was very sure, "No." What he believed in would never change easily.

Even if you lose your memory, you can’t choose another woman.

Sister Ying groaned and glanced at him up and down with her big eyes, "Who can't say it with your mouth?"

If she is not here while he is losing his memory, and a beautiful woman comes to take good care of him, I don’t believe he won’t be moved.

Jing Shirong frowned and said to her, "In your heart, am I so casual?"

Are you attracted to a beautiful woman?

 It’s not a male buffalo, so it’s ok if it’s a female?


There is really no trust between husband and wife at all.

“Then let me ask you, if you were the one who lost your memory, and I happened to be away, and a handsome man came to take care of you, would you also be attracted to him?”

Sister Ying, "Uh, this"

Not always.

Who knows.


Jing Shirong thought she would firmly say no.

 Unexpectedly, she was having fun secretly? The look of a **** made him furious.


 Fortunately, he thought she was cute when she was a child. When you grow up, you are not cute at all!

Sister Ying saw that he was angry, so she hugged his neck and laughed.

“If you are so afraid that I don’t like you, just follow me. Otherwise, someday a handsome man will come and kidnap me. I’m afraid I won’t be able to control how much I’ll give you.”

 Jing Shi Rong.

"speak nicely."

Sister Ying looked at his serious look and said, "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

“Don’t worry, I only like you and I won’t fall in love with anyone else.”

Why does Jing Shirong not believe this so much?

 He glanced at her up and down, looking increasingly unsafe.

One day when he is not in the capital, he wonders if this woman will run away with another good-looking man?

Seeing that he was still serious about it, Sister Ying clicked her tongue twice, "You said you, why do you still take it seriously? I'm just teasing you. This is called couple's love."

Jing Shirong didn't appreciate it. He pushed her away and said mercilessly, "I'm going to the study, don't disturb me."

Sister Ying looked at his angry back and scratched her head, feeling that her joke had gone too far.

 But the side also reflects that this guy probably hasn’t remembered everything yet.

 If he thought about it, he would definitely put her on the bed and clean her up.

 Thinking about his toned figure, I was actually a little excited.


 Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, I’ll get him something delicious later, and apologize to him, so that he won’t get awkward and stop talking to her again.

 Outside the door.

Qi Yuanming also got up.

He first warmed up in the yard and played with Brother Seng for a while. He stopped only when he was sweating.

At this moment, he saw Jing Shirong coming out and walked over to him and said, "Ajing, Zhao Jie has sent a letter. He asked us to go to Yipinzhai for a drink in the evening."

 “Want to go?”

Jing Shirong raised his eyes and glanced outside, then said, "Go."

Since everyone has handed over the ladder, it would be a pity not to add more fire.

Qi Yuanming chuckled and said, "I think they must beg for mercy from us."

 The two of them were scared to death last night, they must be scared.

 The letter I sent you today must be to apologize.

Jing Shirong looked at the letter and snorted coldly, "If an apology is useful, why bother creating a killer building?"

Qi Yuanming laughed, "Yes. There's no point in apologizing."

 But you still have to drink some wine.

 (End of this chapter)

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