Chapter 586, no measure

Zhou Chuwen poured himself a glass of wine and sighed.

“If they don’t come, should we ask the second prince for help?”

In the past few years, they have been secretly communicating with the second prince, but they dare not get too close for fear of being discovered.

 After all, they were promoted by the emperor.

 If the emperor discovers that they are secretly colluding with the second prince, it will be over.

Zhao Jie doesn't understand this.

 But once you get on the pirate ship, it's not easy to get off.

  When the Queen wanted to win over them, they also hesitated.

 But they are powerful, so they have no right to refuse. They can only agree out of fear.

 With the emperor on one side and the queen on the other, it would be difficult for them to do it if they were caught in the middle.

Zhou Chuwen asked, "You said, what should we do if the Queen finds out about us coming out to meet Jing Shirong?"

 They came out secretly, but the Queen's spy was in the Zhao family, so she must know where they were going.

 When the time comes to be called for questioning, I don’t know how to answer.

Zhao Jie raised the corners of his mouth coldly.

"What are you afraid of? I went to the second prince to have a breath in the morning, and he gave me this."

 After saying that, he took out a small bottle from his sleeve and poured a pill out of it.

"What's this?"

Zhao Jie smiled sinisterly, "Who knows. Anyway, it's what the second prince gave me. I'll just put it into the tea when the time comes."

No matter what consequences Jing Shirong and the others would have if they drank it, it was the second prince's idea and had nothing to do with him.

Zhou Chuwen was a little scared.

 “Is this possible?”

At the beginning, he poisoned Jing Shirong, and this would be poisoned again. Be careful that he would kill them after knowing it.

Zhao Jie sneered, "What are you afraid of? The Queen wants to kill them, what does it have to do with us?"

 When your Majesty asks, it will be as told.

The queen wants to use them to be bad guys, and they are not stupid either.

As soon as the matter is exposed, the Queen will be summoned immediately, and no one will think twice about it.

Zhou Chuwen still felt something was wrong, "But our family is still under the care of the Queen."

If you really offend the Queen of Brains, be careful not to harm your family.

Zhou Chuwen has a family, but Zhao Jie does not.

 Although he still has some relatives who are related to him, they are all people he hates.

The money he spent studying hard all these years was all the silver reward from his boss, and had nothing to do with those **** relatives.

If they want to be retaliated by the queen, they can just take revenge. He doesn't feel bad about it.

Zhou Chuwen didn't know what he really thought. Seeing his silence, he thought he was hesitating, so he tried to persuade him.

“It’s better not to take this pill yet. If we are caught, we will be finished.”

 It’s hard to get here today, so be careful.

Zhao Jie disagreed, "We were able to make him drink that cup of tea back then, and we can do it today too!"

Don’t Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming look down on him?

Then let them see who can have the last laugh.

Zhou Chuwen felt that he was really crazy, his temper was getting smaller and smaller, and he hated this and that at every turn.

 He doesn’t want to get involved with him anymore.

If Jing Shirong drank that cup of poisonous tea, he would leave immediately and definitely not stay at the scene. In case something happens one day, he will be killed by Zhao Jie.

The two of them had their own secrets. After dark, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming came over.

 In fact, they had already sent people to ambush the inn when Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen came over.

Yipinju is Murong Yun's base. It is not easy for Murong Yun to eavesdrop on it.

No, Murong Yun told them about the conversation between Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen.

Qi Yuanming was immediately annoyed.

"Damn it. Are these two **** addicted to poison?" He keeps poisoning them at every turn. Do you really think they are soft persimmons?

“Ajing, what do you think we should do next?”

Jing Shirong looked calm and said, "Let him go." He didn't know how to drink anyway.

It’s enough to be this stupid once.

 The second time, he doesn’t need to be a general anymore, he can just resign and go home.

Qi Yuanming came up with an idea, "Otherwise, let Zhao Jie drink the tea."

That villain was so confident and sure that he would make Jing Shirong drink the poisonous tea, which made Qi Yuanming very unhappy.

Jing Shirong waved his hand and told him not to worry, "The tea has been changed. Your acting skills will be better in a while."

Qi Yuanming said "I'll go", "Why are you so fast?"

“I finally came up with an idea, can’t you slow me down for once?”

Every time he encounters an unexpected situation, as soon as he reacts, others have already thought of a response and implemented it, which is not unusually fast.

“I don’t blame Zhao Jie for being jealous of you, even a man would be jealous of you.”

 It doesn’t matter if you are good-looking, but you are so smart, there is no reason not to be jealous.

Jing Shirong was too lazy to pay attention to him and went in wearing a curtain hat.

Qi Yuanming followed closely behind.

 The two of them sounded "dong dong dong" three times outside the private room, alerting Zhao Jie that they were coming.

Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen felt a little nervous when they heard the knock on the door.

Especially Zhou Chuwen, his eyes were wide open and he wanted to run away when he stood up.

There was no way he could do it. He had been beaten all over his face by Qi Yuanming and had to lie down for a month before he recovered. Now he would suddenly meet them in a private room, so he would naturally be scared.

Zhao Jie grabbed him and said with disgust, "Can you be more manly?"

At this point, running away in the face of battle is nothing.

Zhou Chuwen coughed and sat back slowly, "Then open the door."

Zhao Jie did not move and said to the outside, "Come in."

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming pushed the door open and came in.

The two of them are tall and strong, they are dressed in black, and they are holding swords in their hands. They are very difficult to mess with at first sight.

 Just in terms of momentum, I won.

Zhou Chuwen saw them dressed in black killer attire, swallowed his saliva, stood up tremblingly, and gave up his seat to them.

“You two gentlemen, please take a seat.”

Another **** served them tea.

“You two gentlemen, please have some tea.”

That pot of tea was originally poisoned, but it was poisoned by Murong Yun.

Zhao Jie also left. He was afraid that Jing Shirong wouldn't drink, so he put poison in Jing Shirong's tea cup.

 As long as his mouth touches the rim of the tea cup, the poison cannot escape.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows quietly, unable to detect their tricks.

He and Qi Yuanming were sitting squarely, not drinking anything from them, just to see how anxious they were.

 “Tell me what you want to see us for.”

Zhao Jie saw that he was still pretending and wanted to get angry, but he held back. The smiling tiger said, "Sir, what happened before was all my fault. I was confused for a moment and listened to other people's slander. You, sir, have a lot of trouble. Please forgive me this time."

Jing Shirong picked up the tea cup, blew the hot air deliberately in front of Zhao Jie, and then put it down again.

“Oh? You said you listened to others’ slander. Who does this other person refer to?”

Zhao Jie frowned and pretended to be mysterious, "I can't say that."

 He just wanted Jing Shirong to guess by himself.

If he can guess that the person behind him is the Queen, don’t you believe that he would dare to deal with the Queen?

 When the time comes, he knows who his murderer is, but cannot take revenge. This kind of frustration makes him feel happy just thinking about it.

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth coldly, knowing what he was thinking, but pretending not to understand, he asked coldly.

“Master Zhao, you haven’t answered my question yet.”

 (End of this chapter)

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