Chapter 587, The tea cup is poisonous

Zhao Jie saw that he was deliberately acting like him, but he refused to admit defeat and said acting like a play.

“Sir, it’s not that I don’t want to say it. The main thing is”

There is no word after ˆˆ.

 Don't tell him, it will **** him off!

Jing Shirong looked at his stupid and poisonous look and did not continue to ask. Instead, he raised the poisonous tea cup to his mouth, and then blew on the surface of the tea again in front of Zhao Jie, but refused to drink.

Zhao Jie almost got angry when he saw that he didn't drink even after blowing for several times.

 He really wanted to bump the rim of the teacup into his mouth as soon as he raised his head.

 When the tea is poured on his lips, he will not be able to escape the poison.

Jing Shirong pretended not to know, and said cunningly like an old fox, "What do you always think of me, Mr. Zhao?"

“Is it possible that you want to drink the cup of tea in my hand?”

 After saying that, he handed over the tea cup and put it to Zhao Jie's lips.

The edge of the warm tea cup suddenly touched Zhao Jie's lower lip. Zhao Jie's eyes widened in fright and he stood up suddenly.


He was startled and quickly wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

Afraid that my sleeves were not enough, I hurried outside to rinse my mouth.

Qi Yuanming was almost laughing to death in his heart, but he pretended to be confused on his face and asked Zhou Chuwen, "What's the matter with Mr. Zhao? Can you vomit even after drinking tea? It's not like a woman who is afraid of happiness. It's really weird."

Zhou Chuwen knew there was something wrong with the teacup, so he coughed and pretended not to understand.

“Mr. Zhao slept late last night and may be feeling a little unwell. Just drink yours and leave him alone.”

 After that, continue pouring tea for them.

Neither Qi Yuanming nor Jing Shirong drank. Zhou Chuwen felt cold sweat on his forehead and kept wiping his forehead with a handkerchief.

Qi Yuanming also deliberately teased him, "Master Zhou, what's going on? We are not giant insects in the mountains, how can we still eat you? Look, I'm scaring you."

Zhou Chuwen coughed and continued to wipe his sweat, "You are joking, I am just weak and like to sweat. I will be fine in a while."

 After saying that, he stood up and went outside to see how Zhao Jie was doing.

Zhao Jie washed his face and rinsed his mouth outside, but he was still worried and started to induce vomiting on himself.

He thought that as long as he spit out the poisonous tea, there would be no danger to his life, so he lay here vomiting for a long time.

Zhou Chuwen looked at his embarrassed look and asked quickly, "Are you okay? Didn't you drink the tea? Why did you vomit?"

Zhao Jie has a bad temper and is fierce, "You are not the one whose emotions have been poisoned in your mouth. Of course you can take it easy."

Every time we encounter a task, he is always the one who comes up with ideas.

This Zhou Chuwen is nothing but a useless waste. He is pointed at him for everything, and he is so heartless that he is poisoned and yet he does not care about him.

Zhou Chuwen was speechless when he saw that he lost his temper again.

"I didn't recruit you. If you delay going back at this juncture, they will definitely become suspicious, so you'd better go back first."

 As for the antidote, just ask the queen when the time comes.

Zhao Jie was relieved when he heard the important point, "Yes, I forgot. There must be an antidote at the queen's place."

Then let's do it quickly. He has to go back and get the antidote.

 The two of them went back to the private room together.

 At this time, all the incense inside was replaced, including the wine and teacups.

However, the smell of the incense has not changed much, and the pattern of the tea cup is the same as before, so ordinary people cannot detect it at all.

Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen came in and sat down with guilty consciences.

The two of them looked at each other, raised their glasses, and said to Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, "What happened last time was our fault. We have deeply reflected on it after last night, and we will never do wrong things indiscriminately in the future. Do you, sir?" A lot, please let me go this time."

 After saying that, he picked up the wine glass and said, "Drink first as a token of respect."

Zhao Jie took a sip of the wine, but Zhou Chuwen was a little hesitant.

They have been out for so long. If the wine was poisoned, wouldn't it be over if they couldn't drink it anymore?

 Zhao Jie is usually so afraid of death, why did he drink the wine in one go? Zhou Chuwen was a little afraid to drink, but Zhao Jie had already drank the wine. It would be unreasonable for him not to drink, so he had to bite the bullet and drink the wine.

Jing Shirong knew what Zhao Jie was thinking.

 He must have thought that he had planted a highly poisonous poison, and there was no need for other poisons, so he drank it so easily.

He took advantage of this and poured the poisonous powder into their wine glasses openly.

 It is not entirely true that it is poisonous powder.

It's just some medicinal powder that makes people sleepy, somewhat similar to the sleepy symptoms of Nymphaea lily, but it won't hurt people's lives.

 It can be recovered in one month.

Zhao Jie finished his drink and winked at Zhou Chuwen. They both stood up together, clasped their fists at Jing Shirong and said, "I forgot to tell you, sir, that we have some important things to do. We'll be here today. I'll invite you when I get the chance." Have a meal so that you can make amends for your second sin.”

Jing Shirong knew that he was going to find the queen. He glanced at them with a noble temperament, waved his hand and said, "Go."

If Zhao Jie saw him looking down on him so much in the past, he would definitely get angry again.

 But I was accidentally poisoned tonight, so I decided not to be acquainted with him and go get the antidote first.

 The two of them hurriedly evacuated. As soon as they left the door of the inn, they felt a little dizzy.

Zhou Chuwen was frightened to death, shook his head, and tried to wake himself up.

“Zhao Jie, what should I do? There seems to be poison in the wine.”

Of course Zhao Jie knew that the wine was poisonous, otherwise he wouldn't have drank so happily.

  He was already poisoned anyway, and there was nothing wrong with getting him poisoned again.

 He was right, but Zhou Chuwen was very unhappy.

“You knew the wine was poisonous, why did you drink it so readily?”

 It was really killing him that he had to bite the bullet and drink together.

 Zhao Jie did it on purpose.

He himself was poisoned, how could he let Zhou Chuwen recover? He would definitely be dragged into the water.

Zhou Chuwen only found out today that he was so insidious. He said angrily, "You are such a villain! Even if you are poisoned yourself, you still want to bring me with you. You are really not a brother."

Thanks to their cooperation for so many years, this **** actually doesn’t regard him as a brother at all.

 You want to drag him along after being poisoned, you are so **** inhuman.

Zhao Jie didn't care about his anger and snorted softly, "Go to the Queen to get the antidote first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

Zhou Chuwen snorted coldly, "Let me wait for this account first!

 The two of them hurried back and asked the assassin in the dark to deliver the message.

The killers saw that their faces were pale, as if they had been poisoned, so they hurried back to report them.

When the queen heard this, she said, "What? Are they poisoned?"

 These two idiots!

Didn’t you ask them to poison Jing Shirong?

  Why did you poison yourself?

 “Go and bring them here.”


 Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen disguised themselves as eunuchs and entered the palace. When they saw the aloof queen, they immediately knelt down and asked for help.

“Mother, Jing Shirong is a cunning old fox who actually poisoned us. You must save us.”

The queen looked at them like ants, and knelt down humbly on the ground. She burst into tears and cried. It was really ugly to see them crying, and she frowned in disgust.

 “That’s it. Stop crying.”

Her impatient tone made Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen think that she wanted to give up on them, so they hurriedly crawled over and hugged the queen's ankles.

"Mother, we know we made a mistake. We didn't do the job well this time. We will do it well next time. Please ask someone to detoxify us."

  Hope the epidemic will pass soon



 (End of this chapter)

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