Chapter 589: The useless son

The queen turned around and saw her youngest son coming. His head was so big.

"How did you come?"

This guy spends all his time doing nothing but playing crickets and playing birds with the young men outside.

The queen sometimes gets a headache when she sees him being so hopeless.

 The fifth prince didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

"Mother, what are you telling my brother? Is there something you can't tell me?"

“After all, I am also your biological son, why did you hide it from me?”

 After saying that, he sat down on the chair, picked up the tea and drank it all. The prince's manners were completely gone.

The queen wanted to sigh when she saw him, "What are you doing here in the middle of the night? Are you in trouble again?"

The two sons she gave birth to, one who studies hard and the other who eats, drinks and plays, don't look like they came out of the same belly at all.

The queen sometimes wondered if her second son had been replaced by someone else.

But the fifth prince looks exactly like her natal brother, so no one would believe him if he said he was replaced.

When the fifth prince saw that she was not talking about business, but instead questioned him, he coughed and said with a guilty conscience, "It's nothing, I just missed you. Come and see you."

The queen didn't believe his nonsense and glared at him, "If you don't want to say anything, get out. I'll have a headache when I see you."

The fifth prince leaned over and said obediently, "Goodbye, Queen Mother, I really came here to see you."

“Of course, I’d like to ask you something.”

The queen snorted coldly, knowing that something must be wrong with him.

“Tell me, how much money have you lost outside?”

“If it exceeds five hundred taels this time, I won’t give you even one tael.”

  Previously, the fifth prince was encouraged by the young master outside the palace to fight crickets and gamble for money.

As he lost more and more, the angry queen hit him with a stick several times.

  Perhaps it was because he was hurt by the beating that the fifth prince was afraid, so he stopped betting.

But after he didn't bet on crickets, he went to play some kind of boat race with others. The angry queen beat him again and made him lie at home for a month.

 So when he came this time, the queen naturally felt that he was up to no good.

The fifth prince felt guilty and coughed, "No, this time it's not about gambling. It's me, I've fallen in love with a girl and want to marry her."

The queen frowned, "Oh? Which girl do you like?"

  Before, I was busy looking for a wife for the second prince, but it delayed the fifth prince's marriage.

This time he took the initiative to bring it up, and the Queen was naturally interested.

“Tell me, which minister’s daughter do you like?”

The fifth prince looked away with a guilty conscience, "It's not the daughter of the minister's family. She's the daughter of the boatman's family on the river bank."

The queen was stunned.

 Looking at him fiercely with big eyes, "Who are you talking about? Say it again?!"

 The fifth prince shrank his neck in fear after being treated so harshly by her.

"She is the daughter of the boatman's family on the shore. Her name is Jiao Niang. She is so beautiful. You will definitely like her when you see her."

The queen took a deep breath and almost died of anger.

 Punched the table fiercely, "I think your skin is still itchy!"

 “Come here, put a cane on me!”

The maid hesitated, and the queen became even more angry, "Go!"

When the fifth prince saw that his mother was angry, he quickly begged for mercy, "Mother, queen, don't be angry. I was wrong. I won't marry. I, I, I, I will go back now."

 After saying that, he ran away angrily.

The queen took a deep breath angrily, "Evil!"

Had I known that this thing was such a waste, I shouldn't have given birth to him in the first place.

 The second prince was speechless after seeing it.

“Fifth brother is really like this, it’s really hopeless.”

The queen didn't know, she waved her hand and didn't want to mention him again.

"Don't worry about him for now. Go and find out what the prince is doing." "Since he has to deal with the sacrificial affairs, he will definitely find a way to do it beautifully."

 At that time, all they have to do is sabotage secretly and see how the prince behaves!

 The second prince nodded, "I understand."

 “Then I’ll go back first.”

The queen hummed and asked him, "Be careful."

 After the second prince left, the personal maid came over to give the queen a squeeze on her shoulders.

 “You must be exhausted from worrying about it every day.”

 The queen slumped down on the chair and asked the palace maid to massage her shoulders. She said helplessly, "Can you do it without worrying?"

“The second prince is not yet full-fledged, and the fifth prince is still so hopeless.”

“If I don’t worry about these two brothers, I don’t know what will happen to them in the future.”

Although the emperor also loves the second prince, the second prince is not a prince after all. It is not that easy to make the second prince a prince.

 Many bad things have to be done secretly by her mother-in-law.

 Lest the second prince do too much and cause the emperor's dissatisfaction.

As for the fifth prince, as long as that brat doesn't get into trouble, she doesn't expect anything else.

"Concubine Shu's two sons, one is good at literature and the other is good at martial arts. The two brothers help each other in the court, and it can be said that everything goes smoothly."

“Look at the two of me. Although one has good abilities, he is not as smart as his father.”

 The other one is really mud that cannot be used to hold up the wall.

The personal maid comforted him, "They are still young. In a few years, they may be fine."

The queen sighed, "I hope so."

She lay down, took a few deep breaths, and frowned, "What does it smell like in the palace? Why is it so weird?"

The palace maid sniffed and said, "It may be the smell of alcohol from Zhao Jie and Zhou Chuwen. I will ask someone to clean it up right now."

The queen waved her hands in disgust, "Go."

As for Jing Shirong, "Tomorrow, send someone to the Jing family to send an invitation and let the Jing family enter the palace."

Since Jing Shirong had begun to doubt her, the queen had to take precautions in advance.

 The personal maid asked, "Are you looking for Mr. Jing?"

The Queen snorted coldly, "The Jing family has refused to cooperate with me for so many years. Do you really think that I am a soft persimmon?"

This time I will give them a kick so that they know that she is not someone who can be dealt with easily.

The personal maid hesitated, "Ke Jingjia, this is your majesty and a human being."

If you give power to the Jing family, wouldn't it be a slap in the emperor's face?

The queen sneered, "That's why I asked Jing to come over."

 She can’t interfere in men’s affairs. Could it be that women can’t?

Since the fifth prince was going to get a wife, he took this opportunity to call all the ladies into the palace, including their girls or nieces.

 When the right one comes along, the fifth prince can get married.

As for the Jing family, as long as she reaches the harem, it is her territory.

On her chassis, Jing's family is in hand. I don't believe that Jing Shirong and his son retreated without any difficulty.

But the personal maid said, "What if the Jing family father and son go to complain to the emperor?"

The queen sneered, "Then go and file a lawsuit. I won't admit it then, and the emperor can't do anything to me."

As long as people can't find any clues, the emperor can't make the decision for the Jing family and his son.

 The personal palace maid said, “But wouldn’t this completely make you an enemy of the Jing family?”

The queen glanced at the moonlight outside and snorted, "As early as when I poisoned Jing Shirong, I became an enemy of the Jing family."

Since we are all at odds with each other, we might as well stop pretending.

She has been an eyesore to the Jing family for a long time, and this time she must take down Jing Shirong to see whether he will choose the emperor or his own mother.

The personal maid looked at the queen's cold eyes and shrank her neck in fear.

 On the roof.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming's faces turned cold as they listened to the conversation between the two people in the room.

 (End of this chapter)

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