Chapter 590, Mother-son dialogue

The two of them looked at each other and left under the moonlight.

 After returning to the other courtyard, the two went to the study.

"A Jing. The Queen is really a loser. She can't deal with you. She actually decided to target my aunt. It's so hateful."

Jing Shirong had a chill in his brows and snorted coldly, "Just her?"

 He stood up angrily, turned around, and went to the main courtyard.

Seeing him passing by, Qi Yuanming scratched his head and went back to sleep first.

Jing is still awake at this moment and is still looking for children’s clothes in the house.

She has a smile on her face and kind eyebrows, which shows that she is in a good mood.

Jing Shirong knocked on the door and came in. Mrs. Jing kept smiling.

 “Why did you come here suddenly?”

Jing Shirong saw her so happy and asked curiously, "Is there something good at home?"

Jingshi smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law is pregnant. We just found out."

The two daughters-in-law at home have been married for a year or two, but there has been no movement.

The day before yesterday, my second daughter-in-law, Wang Fangning, suddenly started vomiting. When the doctor came, she found out she was pregnant. It had been more than a month, which made Mrs. Jing very happy.

 “I’m going to be a grandmother, how can I be unhappy?”

Jing Shirong was surprised. He didn’t expect Jing Yu to become a father before him.

 I feel a little strange in my heart, and I always feel that something is not quite right and sour.

Jing Shi knew what he was thinking as soon as he saw his expression.

“Who told you to be so busy every day that you don’t even have time to have children?”

“Now that your brother has a son before you, are you jealous?”

Jing Shirong snorted childishly, "Who cares?"

 Isn’t it just a son? He will have one in the future.

Jingshi asked, "When will it be in the future? Since you and Sister Ying have returned to Beijing, let's have a baby as soon as possible."

“Now is a peaceful and prosperous time, the emperor is still on the throne, and the days when the princes will fight are still far away. If you give birth early and bring up the child, it will be convenient for you to go wherever you go in the future.”

  If the child was born two years later, it would be difficult to run around with a newborn child if something strange happens in the capital.

Jing Shirong didn’t expect that his mother was quite familiar with the situation in the court?

He asked in surprise, "My father usually talks to you about court affairs?"

Jingshi nodded, "Yes. He told me everything."

Jing’s father is different from other men in that he doesn’t think that women cannot participate in politics.

  Even though he looks cold on his face, he actually loves his wife very much.

 Generally, I would tell Jing about any situation.

 Including court matters, he would also talk to her in the room to prevent her from not understanding anything and being deceived.

Jing Shirong saw that they were still so affectionate in their middle age, and the corner of his mouth was raised with a little yearning.

 I hope that he and that woman will always be so loving many years from now.

Jing asked him, "Did you remember Sister Ying?"

Jing Shirong nodded and shook his head.

 “I remembered something.”

 He recently remembered what happened a few years ago.

I think of Sister Ying who was eight or nine years old, and how embarrassed she looked during the period when her teeth were changing.

  She obviously has a beautiful face and a mouth, but one of her front teeth is missing, which makes her look funny.

I also remembered how she looked like a good student in reading and writing when she was in Jiangnan.

Jing saw him slowly remembering the past, and the big stone in his heart slowly fell.

 “It’s good if you can remember it.”

I'm afraid that if I can't remember, I'll be stuck with Sister Ying.

 This is not the case.

 “That girl talks a lot.”

When the two of them were together, she wanted to hug him for a moment, and asked him what he was doing, who he met, and what he was doing. She never stopped for a quarter of an hour.

 What can be done like this?

Even his reticent temperament was led astray by her, and he would sometimes take the initiative to tell her about recent events.

She listened, very curious, looking at him with bright eyes, forcing him to say a few more words.

Jing laughed after hearing his description. “Sister Ying has been a pistachio since she was a child.”

“It is your blessing to be able to marry her.”

“By the way, I haven’t asked yet, why did you come over in the middle of the night?”

Jing Shirong also thought of business.

"The Queen will probably ask you to enter the palace in the next few days. Please be careful and stay out of her way."

Jing Shi frowned, "Is she trying to deal with me?"

Jing knew that the queen had always wanted to win over the Jing family to work for the second prince.

 But they are the emperor's people, how could they betray the emperor and join the queen? Wouldn't that be courting death?

 But the Queen will not understand their difficulties.

 As long as they disagree, she will regard them as wanting to be her enemy.

In the past two years, the queen has been secretly stumbling upon Jing Yu and Jing's father.

 Fortunately, Jing’s father and Jing Yu were both smart and resolved several crises.

But they also suffer sometimes.

 Once the seventh prince celebrated his birthday, the emperor was also there.

 Jing Yu was also invited.

At that time, the queen made a plan and asked Jing Yu to meet the seventh prince in private.

 Then let the emperor listen to their conversation behind the scenes.

Jingyu was originally wondering why the Seventh Prince would meet with him in such a good way?

By the time he reacted, the emperor had already seen them.

Fortunately, he didn't say anything, otherwise it would be hard to explain clearly.

However, even if he didn't say anything to the seventh prince at that time, the emperor was suspicious and still suspected that he was secretly siding with the seventh prince.

Jingyu wanted to explain, but the emperor obviously didn't believe it.

 In the next six months, the emperor did not use Jing Yu again.

 Thanks to Jingyu's good attitude, otherwise he would really die of frustration.

After Jing Shirong heard this, his handsome face tightened, "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

 He has been traveling outside all year round and doesn't know much about the affairs at home. He basically relies on Jing's letters.

Jing knew that he was working hard outside and was unwilling to let him worry about the family.

Furthermore, Jing Yu also needs to grow up on his own and cannot rely on his elder brother for everything.

 So she didn’t say anything about it.

Jing Shirong only found out about this today, and he was still angry.

The Queen really stepped on his bottom line.

 His relatives and friends are his bottom line that cannot be touched.

Even the emperor has to worry about three points, but the queen is so confident, right?

 Does she really think that a subordinate can be killed at will?

If this is the case, human life is a joke.

Jing Shi saw his face getting more and more sinister, clicked her tongue, and slapped him, "This matter is over, don't worry about it. If you enter the palace tomorrow, I will be careful, so don't get involved."

 In fights between women, it is not convenient for men to take action, so she should do it herself.

Jing Shirong is not an ordinary man.

 “Who says men can’t interfere in women’s affairs?”

 Men really cannot interfere in other women’s affairs.

 But if you are your own mother or daughter-in-law, then you are not someone else.

Since we are one of our own, of course we can intervene.


“I think you’ve been quarreling with Sister Ying a lot, and you’ve become so good at talking.”

In the past, this guy didn't talk much and always used actions to do everything. He didn't like being so talkative and drove people away.

 I think if I spend a long time with Sister Ying, I will get choked.

Jing Shirong said to her, "I will send secret guards to follow you tomorrow. If there is any danger then, just call for help."

 “Never stop shouting just to save face, remember?”

Jingshi was ashamed, "What danger can there be in the palace?"

“Does the queen still dare to kill me in the palace?”

 (End of this chapter)

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