The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 591: , a child who can compete for favors

Chapter 591: Children who compete for favors

Jing Shirong handed her a bottle of medicine, "There is an antidote in it. Take it before entering the palace tomorrow."

Jing felt warm in his heart because of his concern.

 “I know, I will.”

 “Okay, it’s very late, you should go back quickly.”

 After saying that, she pushed him out and told him as he walked, "If you are not busy recently, you can have a baby with Sister Ying."

"Your brother is going to be a father. You should also try to let Sister Ying get pregnant this year. Otherwise, your son will be born later than your nephew. But you have to call your nephew brother."

This is what I said.

Jing Shirong was stunned for a while.

 “My son’s name is Jing Yu’s son’s brother?”

Jing added fuel to the fire, "It's not good. Your brother has wanted to be your brother since he was a child, but he will never be able to do it in his life."

 “Now that’s good, his son was born before your son, so he’s going to put you at the disadvantage.”

 Jing Shi Rong.

 Why do you feel suddenly and inexplicably unhappy?

 There are three children in the family, and he has always been the eldest.

 His younger brothers and sisters are all under his control.

How could he let Jing Yu step on top of his head?

Jing saw that he was really jealous and encouraged him, "Then go back and have the baby quickly."

“As long as the children are born in the same year, there is no need to call them older brothers if they are a few months apart.”

This is complete nonsense.

 But Jing Shirong listened.

 “Then I’m going back.”

 After saying that, he said "咻" and left.

Jingshi covered her mouth and laughed secretly, "You brat, I can't cure you?"

 Although this kid has been cold and cold since he was a child, he is actually the most jealous.

Especially after Jingyu Jingxin was born, Jing Shirong began to become clingy, asking her to take her with her every day and follow him wherever he went.

She wanted to hug Jingyu and Jingxin but he wouldn't let them.

 Perhaps older children are possessive of their parents and feel that they are their parents’ most beloved child.

 Brothers, sisters, etc., all have to stay behind.

  Even though Jing Shirong is so aloof now, he would have fought for favor when he was a child.

Jing’s father came back at this time. When he entered the house, he saw Mrs. Jing looking at the yard next door and snickering. He asked her, “What are you laughing at?”

Jingshi said cheerfully, "I'm laughing at your son."

“That kid, when he heard that Jing Yu was going to be a father, he immediately became anxious. He really hasn’t changed at all.”

Having to argue with your brother about everything is very childish.

Jing's father also laughed when he heard this, "He's just like that, very awkward."

 When he was a child, he was generous and never stingy when asked to give toys or snacks to Jing Yu and Jing Xin.

 But if he wanted to give up the Jing family, he would not be happy.

But he didn't say it on his face, he would only pretend to be sleepy, as if he was hugging Jingshi tightly to coax her to sleep. No matter what, he won't let Jing leave, but he is too clingy.

Jing’s father and Mrs. Jing looked at each other and smiled.

 This head.

 After Jing Shirong came back.

 Go straight to the main house.

Sister Ying had just come out of the shower. When she saw him coming back, she asked him, "Would you like a midnight snack?"

“There are some fried noodles in the pot, can I heat them up for you?”

Jing Shirong glanced at her and said "hmm", meaning he wanted to eat.

“Then just wait, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

The noodles were soon warmed up, and Sister Ying brought them over.

 Put it on the table for him and say, “Eat.”

“This is fish ball soup. Mom sent someone to bring it to you. You should eat it all.”

Jing Shirong hummed, lowered his head and started eating.

After eating, he glanced at Sister Ying again, and she looked confused.

 “Do you have something to tell me?”

 Otherwise, why would you keep looking at her?

Jing Shirong wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, turned away with guilty eyes, stood up, and changed the subject, "I'm going to wash up."

 Speaking, he went directly into the inner room.

Seeing that he didn't even bring a change of clothes, Sister Ying sighed and went to the closet to get some clothes for him.

As soon as he came in, he saw Jing Shirong taking off his inner clothes.

 He has a perfect figure and very attractive muscle lines.

Especially because he has good skin. Under the dim light, every two steps he takes shirtless is full of walking hormones. Especially those abdominal muscles with deep and distinct lines, dripping with sweat, making people unable to take their eyes away.

Sister Ying coughed, her face turned red, "What about that? I brought you some clothes."

After saying that, he handed the clothes over and asked him to take them.

 But Jing Shirong didn't accept it.

As if seductively, in front of her, he sat in the pool with perfect leg muscles, his upper body exposed, and he held water on his body with one hand.

 The water droplets slowly slid down from his toned chest and slid onto his abdominal muscles bit by bit.

Sister Ying couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Looking at it in a daze, I completely forgot what I came in for.

Jing Shirong used this to seduce her, "Madam, please rub my back."

Sister Ying swallowed her saliva and walked over by accident, "Okay."

 Throw away the clothes with two small hands, and use the upper hands to rub his back.

Jing Shirong was very satisfied with her performance as a nymphomaniac, and it was not in vain that he deliberately used a beauty trick.

Sister Ying diligently rubbed his back, her big, watery eyes not forgetting to pinch his smooth skin and take the opportunity to wipe away the oil.

Jing Shirong turned his back to her, taking a deep breath from an angle that she couldn't see.

Even though he is sitting there, he is actually being burned by the fire.

 But he can act cunningly.

 “Let’s rub it on the front too.”

Sister Ying blushed and said "Huh", bent her sleeves, picked up the bath towel, walked to the front, and prepared to rub the mud for him.

 She rolled up her skirt and sat on the rock, asking him, "Come here."

This pool is neither big nor small. If Jing Shirong deliberately moved back, she would not be able to reach it, and she would fall in accidentally.

Jing Shirong said, "Come down."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Shall I go down?"

"please do not."

 She just washed herself and didn’t want to wash it again.

Jing Shirong raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

Sister Ying looked innocent, "I'm sure. I've already washed it."

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth evilly, "I understand."

Since you won’t come down, I have to come up.

 After saying that, he stood up suddenly with his thighs lifted.

Sister Ying.

 “Brother, what are you doing?”

Jing Shirong ignored her surprise and walked over, picked her up and walked into the house.

Sister Ying raised her head and looked at his deep and cunning eyes. She seemed to understand a little, but also a little inexplicably.


Jing Shirong lowered his head and pretended to be innocent, "I stopped washing because of you, why don't you thank me?"

Sister Ying.

"When did I tell you not to wash? You can wash it, but what does it have to do with me?"

She didn’t want to wash it a second time, but she didn’t say she wouldn’t let him wash it.

Jing Shirong twitched his lips evilly, "Is this what you said?"

 What he did at that moment had nothing to do with her.

Sister Ying.

 She seemed to understand why this guy was acting so abnormally tonight.

 Are you trying to start a vegetarian diet?

Jing Shirong pressed him down, "What? You don't want to?"

Sister Ying raised her eyebrows, "If I say I don't want to, can you get up from me?"

 Jing Shirong, “Can’t.”

Sister Ying. “That’s fine.”

Jing Shirong raised his lips and smiled, "The consciousness is good, I like it."

 Having said that, lower your head and cover it.

Sister Ying pushed him away, turned over and took over.

"You can do evil things to seduce me, but you have to listen to me tonight."

Jing Shirong was pressed up against her, and he was so amused that he curled up the corners of his lips in an evil way.

 “Okay, I’ll listen to you.”

 Having said that, he spread his hands and looked like he was ready to take advantage of you.

Sister Ying snorted angrily and lowered her head, "Then I won't be polite."

Jing Shirong chuckled and waved his hand, and the lights in the room immediately dimmed.


Then no. Hahahahaha~~



 (End of this chapter)

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