Chapter 595: Too much inner drama

Sister Ying hummed and sat on the edge of the bed.

 Hand the supplement to her.

“This is a good thing for repairing tires. Let the small kitchen stew it for you. It will be good for your health.”

Wang Fangning thanked her sincerely, "Sister-in-law, I took the trouble."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "No, just be nice."

Mrs. Wang saw that her belly was flat, but she brought the tonic to her. She immediately imagined a big drama in her mind, thinking that the tonic must be an abortion pill, and she was so frightened that she snatched the tonic from Sister Ying's hand.

Sister Ying was shocked when she was robbed, and looked confused.

 “What are you?”

Mrs. Wang took the tonic and smiled coquettishly, "It's nothing, I just took a look and took it to the small kitchen to stew it for my daughter to drink."

Sister Ying saw it very seriously.

Mrs. Wang's gesture of grabbing goods didn't look like she was going to stew Wang Fangning's medicine.

Wang Fangning was also speechless. She sighed and asked them to go back first.

“Mom, please go back first, I want to sleep for a while.”

Mrs. Wang saw that she was sleepy and thought that she was pregnant, so she planned to leave.

 But seeing Sister Ying sitting here, I felt that she must be unkind.

 After all, her daughter is pregnant with the Jing family's child, but the eldest daughter-in-law is not pregnant. Maybe she wants to harm her daughter's pregnancy.

Sister Ying.

Is this Mrs. Wang a little too dramatic?

 Is she that perverted? Doing something to a little fetus?

Wang Fangning himself didn’t even notice.

Mrs. Wang’s defensive expression made it impossible to tell that she was guarding against Sister Ying.

 “Mom, go quickly!”

 She is so embarrassed.

 Mrs. Wang was urged by her several times and glanced at her, "You, I am doing this for your own good!"

What a stupid girl, why doesn’t she understand anything?

You should know that there are many cases of sisters-in-law harming each other.

Why is this girl so defenseless!

As for her, it would be better to marry another sister and come in to plan the plan together, so that this girl will not know that she will be plotted one day.

Wang Fangning took several deep breaths and said, "Huan'er will send Madam out."

The maid knew that the situation was tense and hurriedly invited Mrs. Wang out.

After those Miss Wangs were invited out, they complained.

“Mom, I think the eldest sister is really stupid. Without our help, she would never be able to gain a foothold in the Jing family.”

 So stupid and not good-looking, my brother-in-law will change his mind sooner or later.

For the first time, Mrs. Wang felt that what they said made sense, but this was not the right time to mention it.

 “Go back first and then talk about it after you get back.”

Wang Fangning listened to the footsteps getting further away, then slumped back on the bed and breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Sister-in-law, I’ve made you laugh.”

Sister Ying helped her wipe the sweat from her forehead and reassured her, "No, your mother is doing it for your own good, but the method is wrong."

Wang Fangning was worried that she had nowhere to pour the water, so she told her everything.

“My mother’s methods are not only wrong, but all her ideas are wrong!”

Just because her grandmother was a difficult mother-in-law, her mother felt that all mothers-in-law in the world were not human beings and would make things difficult for their daughters-in-law.

 Including that man is heaven and earth, and a woman must bear sons for men, she was tired of hearing this sentence.

“We sisters have not been favored by our grandparents since we were young. Even our legitimate daughters have to make concessions to our cousins.”

Let alone cousins, if any concubine has a son, he can step on them.

This kind of thinking is not terrible. What is terrible is that their mothers actually agree with it.

Wang Fangning really didn’t want to chat with them, otherwise she would be mad to death. Sister Ying did not expect that her thoughts would be different from those at home, and asked curiously, "Why do you think their thoughts are wrong?"

 Growing up in the same environment, their ideas should be almost the same.

 How much more so in ancient times.

 It is indeed rare for Wang Fangning to be different from the Wang family.

Wang Fangning smiled helplessly, "Actually, I'm no different from them, I'm just more rebellious."

 Since she was a child, she has deliberately tried to go against what her family said, and she just doesn't approve of them.

 As I grew up, I gradually developed a rebellious and unpleasant temperament.

Until she married Jing Yu, he taught her a lot of knowledge and truths for a year, allowing her to re-understand the essence of many things. So much progress has been made.

 So now she gradually understands what is right and what is wrong.

Such a good Jing Yu, she would not give it to other women, never even think about it.

“Sister-in-law, how is my eldest brother treating you?”

Sister Ying smiled and nodded, "He is very good to me."

Wang Fangning also smiled shyly, "Our family Jingyu is also very good to me."

The two have been married for a year, and their relationship has not diminished but increased, and they have always been sweet.

 Such a good man, not to mention his biological sister, even the King of Heaven and I would not give him to him.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Jingyu is indeed good."

 The children educated by Jing’s family and Jing’s father are all excellent.

Wang Fangning agrees with this point, "My parents-in-law are really very well-educated. It is rare to see such a well-educated couple in the capital. I envy my parents for their knowledge and affection."

Sister Ying agreed, "Yes, they are really good."

 With a good pair of parents-in-law, there will be peace in the family.

If you get a pair of unreasonable parents-in-law, your life will be miserable.

Wang Fangning looked down at Sister Ying's belly and asked her in a low voice, "Isn't sister-in-law making any movement yet?"

 She didn’t mean anything else, she was genuinely concerned.

Sister Ying knew she had no intention of doing anything else, so she replied, "Not yet."

 It's not that she can't give birth, she and Jing Shirong are both in good health, but whether she can get pregnant or not depends on God's will.

Wang Fangning thought there was something wrong with her health, so she looked outside and whispered to her.

“I couldn’t get pregnant last year, so I secretly went to a gynecological specialist to have a look. After taking medicine for more than half a year, I actually became pregnant.”

“If sister-in-law wants to go, I’ll ask Huan’er to take you there tomorrow.”

Sister Ying did not expect this to happen, and asked curiously, "Is this what you saw reliable? What medicinal materials did you take?"

Wang Fangning asked the maid to take out the medicinal materials and give them to Sister Ying, "This is it. It is said to be able to help you conceive a child."

Sister Ying winked at Sister Yang and asked her to take a look.

After reading it, Sister Yang frowned, as if there was something wrong with the medicine.

Sister Ying was startled and asked Sister Yang to come over and check Wang Fangning's pulse.

“Brothers and sisters, I forgot to introduce you, this is my biological sister, my name is Sister Yang. She loves medical skills, and she hasn’t checked the woman’s pulse yet. Why don’t you ask her to do it for you and let her practice her skills?”

If other women heard this, they would definitely not be happy.

 Would you think a little girl would see any disease in this movie?

 But Wang Fangning doesn’t.

She knew that Sister Ying meant no harm, so she stretched out her hand generously, as if she was caring for a child, "Look, let's practice it."

Sister Yang smiled sweetly, "Thank you, sister."

Sister Yang put her finger on Wang Fangning's pulse and saw that the pulse on the bead was sometimes strong and sometimes weak. It was not clear yet, so she winked at Sister Ying. Her meaning was still unclear.

Wang Fangning saw their actions and asked curiously, "Is there something wrong?"

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, my dears (o^^o)



 (End of this chapter)

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