Chapter 596, Harmful Tonic

Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked at each other and looked at Wang Fangning.

 Ask, “Second brother and sister, who introduced you to the place where you went to see a doctor?”

 Wang Fangning, “My mother found it for me.”

Sister Ying frowned. Since it was Mrs. Wang who found her, she probably wouldn't harm her daughter.

But if someone introduced him with care, it would probably be detrimental to Wang Fangning.

Sister Yang told her, "Those medicines seem to be tonic for the body, but they are a great tonic."

 A good person will become physically weak after taking a lot of tonic medicine, and he will become more and more weak.

 At that time, people will be top-heavy and have problems in their lives, let alone having children.

Wang Fangning was surprised, "No way?"

She thought back carefully, "I did seem to be a little weaker during the period when I took the medicine."

However, the doctor told her at that time that she was acting like this because she was in poor health, and that she would be fine as long as she kept drinking for a while.

After she persisted in drinking for a while, she started to vomit. Then she felt her pulse and found out that she was really pregnant. She thought that her pregnancy was due to this medicine, so she wanted to introduce it to Sister Ying.

Sister Yang said, "It's really not the medicine that made you pregnant."

 Happily, Wang Fangning got pregnant in time and stopped taking the medicine.

 Otherwise, if you continue to drink it, you will suffer from kidney deficiency.

Wang Fangning didn’t quite understand, “But it’s true that I’m pregnant.”

Sister Yang didn't know how to explain it to her. She could only tell her that although the medicinal materials had the effect of stimulating pregnancy, they had serious side effects.

 Sometimes it can cause the fetus to become unhealthy, so she should not listen to this in the future.

Although Wang Fangning didn't understand, she was a little scared when she heard that she said it was so serious.

 “Then I won’t take these medicines from now on.”

“But I’ve been taking it for a while, does it have any effect on the child?”

Sister Yang shook her head, "I'm not sure yet. I'll check your pulse later."

Wang Fangning was very worried and asked Sister Ying, "Should I go see a doctor?"

Sister Ying patted her on the shoulder and comforted her, "It's okay. I'll ask Sister Yang's master to take a look at it later. Don't worry too much."

 After saying that, he winked at Sister Yang and said, "Please ask Gu Gu to come and show it to your sister Fang Ning."

Sister Yang hummed and asked Gu Gu to come over.

Gu Gu came over slowly, still yawning.

Wang Fangning saw that a doctor was actually coming, looked at Sister Ying, and asked with her eyes, "Is it reliable?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Reliable. He has very good ancient medical skills."

Wang Fangning’s maid was a little hesitant and lowered her head to wink at Wang Fangning.

Perhaps it was Mrs. Wang's suspicion about Sister Ying that made Wang Fangning's maid worry about whether the people who came today were pretending to be doctors and deliberately came to harm her young lady?

So he was a little afraid to show Wang Fangning the ancients.

Gu Gu has seen a lot of people in his life, but he sneered when he saw a little maid still guarding herself.

“Girl, your teeth have been hurting lately, right?”

The maid was stunned. She didn't expect that he actually knew that she had a toothache.

  Ancient continued. "You drank too much mung bean paste because you got angry. You must have had a lot of diarrhea yesterday?"

“Also, your dizziness and nausea from time to time are caused by the pillow being too high. Don’t use such a high pillow next time.”

The maid didn't expect that he got everything right. She was extremely embarrassed and said, "Miss, look at him."

  Why did you tell me all your embarrassing things?

Wang Fangning did not expect that the other party could tell his condition without taking his pulse, and he was very impressed.

“Please show me. I hope the fetus in my belly is fine.”

Gu Gu sat in front of the bed, put his hand on her pulse, listened quietly for a while, then touched his goatee and said, "You can't tell the fetal image at one month, I'll come over and show it to you after four months." ”

 When the baby is older and there are fetal movements, the pulse can be measured more accurately.

Wang Fangning breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he didn't say anything to death, but he couldn't let go.

"Are those medicines bad for the baby?" Gu Gu nodded, touched his goatee, and reassured her, "Don't think too much. Pregnant women worry too much, which is bad for the fetus."

"You just need to relax and give birth to the baby in ten months. No matter whether it is good or not, you have to raise it, right?"

I don’t know whether these words are comforting or disturbing.

 But Wang Fangning heard the key point.

“Yes, no matter whether the child is good or bad, I will always raise him to be an adult.”

 Instead of worrying unfoundedly, it is better to take good care of your body and have the strength to raise children in the future.

She could figure it out, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Sister Ying talked with her for a while before taking Sister Yang back.

 After returning to the other courtyard, she asked Gu Gu, "Is everything going to be okay?"

 The old man shook his head. "Those medicines are originally used on animals, but if they are used on humans, they will inevitably be bad for the body."

If it involves the fetus, the fetus will inevitably be weak and may be a little thinner after birth.

Sister Ying was puzzled, "The doctor introduced by Mrs. Wang is too unreliable."

 I don’t even know who found the doctor for her.

 She asked the secret guard, "Go and find out what's going on."

 The secret guard went as he was told.

 I came back to report in the evening, saying that the doctor was actually found by the concubine of the Wang family.

 Because Wang Fangning married well, Mrs. Wang gained some confidence at home and dared to take care of other concubines.

One of the concubines had a miscarriage due to a quarrel with Mrs. Wang.

Because of this incident, the concubine has always held a grudge. She also heard that Wang Fangning wanted to ask for the secret recipe for giving birth to a child, so she thought of such a harmful move.

The female doctor she introduced to her was not a gynecologist, but a veterinarian who specialized in giving medicine to sows and cows to induce birth.

It’s strange that people can get well after taking the medicine prescribed by a veterinarian.

 Fortunately, the veterinarian was afraid of death and did not dare to prescribe random medicines. In the end, he only prescribed some major supplements and some pregnancy-inducing drugs.

 Fortunately, Wang Fangning got pregnant in time, otherwise it would be extremely bad for the body if she continued to eat it.

Sister Ying was speechless after hearing this and asked the secret guard to tell Jing Yu about the matter and see how he would handle it.

Jingyu had been busy in the Hanlin Academy during that time, but he didn't expect that something like this would happen.

 He was worried and angry.

While I was angry at my mother-in-law's stupidity, I also wished I could catch the concubine and get rid of her as soon as possible.

 But he didn't want to disturb others, so he didn't want people to disturb Wang Fangning, so he did it privately.

Sister Ying moved back to the main courtyard the next day and went to visit Wang Fangning.

Wang Fangning asked the maid to close the door and quietly revealed it to Sister Ying.

“My husband was very angry when he found out about this last night.”

 That night he put on black clothes and went to Wang's house and set a fire in the concubine's room.

The concubine was okay, she was just choked to death.

Mr. Wang was still distressed about this for a long time.

  He also specially gave her a new yard.

 But after the concubine moved to the new yard, the new yard caught fire again.

Now Mr. Wang no longer dared to feel sorry for her, and began to feel sorry for his own money.

The yard that was originally good was burned down when she lived in it. It was a disaster.

So Mr. Wang didn’t want to have anything to do with her anymore to avoid bad luck, so he sold her overnight.

Later, this concubine was bought back by a butcher, who forced her to give birth to a son every day. If she couldn't give birth, she would be beaten or scolded. In short, her life was miserable.

But these are all things for later.

 (End of this chapter)

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