Chapter 598, Three women and one drama

 Jing Shirong has been a baby with personality since he was a child.

Despite his pink and jade-like appearance, his big, watery eyes, he looks harmless to humans and animals.

  But I have clear preferences since I was a child, and I know people very well.

 Usually, when the maid in Jing's house hugs him, he will frown, but he won't cry.

But this does not mean that he is willing to be held by others.

 And if the hug lasts for a long time, he will look for Jing.

Like this moment, when he saw that the person holding him was wrong, he immediately looked for Jing.

 The person who raised his voice and said "Ah ah ah~" was called Jing.

Even though he is pink and tender, he is just as cute as a pink lotus root dumpling, but his voice is so loud that even a quarter of an hour can make you deaf.

Jingshi was so afraid of him that she couldn't leave him for a while.

Since the two old ladies here really want to take her son away, just take him away.

As long as their ears can bear it.

No. Mrs. Jing just pouted and asked for her relatives. The cute version of Jing Shirong immediately ran away with a look of disgust on her face and screamed angrily, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

 Even though a child cannot speak, his lung capacity and energy are surprisingly amazing.

He howled so loudly that Mrs. Jing felt her ears buzzing.

  hurriedly hugged him away and said, "Hey, your dear grandson has such a big voice."

Even though my head is buzzing, I am still excited about this beloved grandson.

However, Jing Shirong didn't want others to hug him. He looked at Jing with his big, watery eyes and was about to cry.

The two old ladies had never experienced his crying skills, and they didn't know he was crying. They thought he wanted to find Jingshi, so they hugged him tightly and didn't let him move.

“Look, dear grandson, what good thing has your great-grandmother given you?”

 Having said that, let the maid bring up the children's toys.

 But Jing Shirong was still a little baby, and he only had his mother in his eyes and heart.

Seeing that Mr. Jing didn’t come to hug him for a long time, he curled his lips, feeling not only sad but also angry.

The little red mouth opened, and she cried with a "wow".

His crying was so loud that Mrs. Jing was so frightened that she quickly hugged him and comforted him.

 “Oh~ don’t cry if you don’t cry, my good grandson won’t cry.”

 But after coaxing her for a long time, Jing Shirong still cried.

His business is really loud, especially if you hold it close to your ears, the powerful cry can make people's heads buzz.

Mrs. Jing saw Mrs. Jing’s triumphant look and knew she was waiting for them.

The two old ladies refused to admit defeat and felt that Mr. Jing wanted to laugh at them, so they immediately picked up Jing Shirong and went back.

They still don’t believe it, they can’t coax a little baby.

Jing watched them take the child away and was not worried at all.

 With the child I raised myself, I didn’t even invite a nanny. I fed her and took care of her myself. My son kissed her the most and I couldn’t leave her for a while.

If you don’t believe it, just wait and see. They will definitely bring her son back to her in the evening.

 Sure enough.

After Jing Shirong was carried to Mrs. Jing’s room, he first looked around the room curiously.

Mrs. Jing Mrs. Jing thought he liked this house. She looked at Mrs. Jing proudly and said, "Look, I'm just saying, it's just a little baby, just coax him."

She asked the maid, "Go and get all the toys that the young master has prepared."


The maid went to bring up a basket of toys and placed them in front of Jing Shirong. Jing Shirong also played with them curiously for a while.

He was only seven or eight months old at the time, and he was chubby. He was sitting on the bed curiously playing with this and that, but he forgot to cry.

 He didn’t cry until lunch time.

Mrs. Jing, seeing how well-behaved he was, told her daughter-in-law very proudly.

"Look, he is just a child. As long as you take him with you, he will definitely kiss us in the future."

Mrs. Jing smiled and nodded, "Then let him sleep with you that night?"

Mrs. Mrs. Jing nodded, "That's natural."

Since you want to develop a relationship with your great-grandson, you naturally have to hold him to sleep every day so that the child will kiss you. But when it was time to go to bed, Jing Shirong first scratched his head and then his face.

 I will start looking for my mother-in-law later.

Mrs. Mrs. Jing saw him like this and guessed that he wanted to eat some rice. She asked someone quickly, "Go and call the wet nurse."

The nanny came quickly and took the cute baby version of Jing Shirong to feed him.

 But Jing Shirong only recognized Jing's family. First he smelled something wrong, and then he started to groan.

  Everyone had already learned about his loud voice in the morning. Seeing that he was about to cry, they hurriedly covered their ears.

Who would have thought, he groaned twice but did not cry.

Everyone was surprised, so they put down their hands and went to take a closer look.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came over, he immediately let out a deafening "Wow!!"

 “My mother, my ears”

  I almost couldn’t hear it in advance.

Mrs. Mrs. Jing’s head was buzzing and she asked the nanny, “Hurry up and coax her. If you can’t coax her well, don’t do it.”

It was hard for the wet nurse to have such a high-paying assistant, so she naturally cherished her and quickly held the baby Jing Shirong in her arms and coaxed her.

 But after coaxing her for a long time, she still cried.

 The crying became louder and louder, and Mrs. Jing was afraid that he would make her voice hoarse from crying.

"I finally figured it out. No wonder Mrs. Jing is not afraid of the child being taken away. It turns out he is waiting here."

She has been taking care of the child for so long. She knows that the child only needs her, so she has nothing to fear.

The old woman Jing asked, "What should we do now? Send her back?"

 Otherwise, there is no solution for the child to cry like this.

Mrs. Mrs. Jing said, "No. If you are sent back so easily, what dignity will you have in front of the Jing family in the future?"

 If they can't even take care of a child, how can they manage the affairs of the family?

Especially since Jing is so rebellious, she actually wants to see their jokes, but she won't let her succeed!

Mrs. Jing had a headache, "But it's not okay to let Brother Rong cry like this."

 With such a young child, it doesn't matter if he keeps crying. After all, he's his grandson, so he still feels bad.

Mrs. Mrs. Jing said, "It's okay. It's good for the boy's health to cry. Let him cry first. After a while, he will get tired from crying and fall asleep naturally."

Mrs. Jing looked at Jing Shirong's howling and it didn't look like it could be stopped easily, and she felt inexplicably guilty.

 But she had to listen to what her mother-in-law said and could only watch.

The other end.

 In Jing's house.

Jing's old **** is here, but the maid is particularly anxious.

“Madam, are you just watching the young master cry like this?”

 At any rate, a mother-in-law could not bear to raise her by herself.

Jingshi said, "Don't worry, that boy is very good."

 He was howling angrily now, but he naturally stopped once he found out that she wouldn't go.

Moreover, someone from Jing’s father’s side has already gone to inform him that he will be back soon.

 Sure enough.

 Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

As soon as Jing's father heard that several women at home were having trouble again, he came back in a hurry.

As soon as I arrived in the yard, I heard my son crying, and I immediately felt heartbroken.

 “Brother Rong?”

Mrs. Mrs. Jing didn’t expect her grandson to come back suddenly. She coughed and asked, “Why are you back?”

 What does it look like for a grown man to run to the backyard every day instead of running errands?

Jing’s father felt very sorry for his son and immediately went over to hug Jing Shirong.

Jing Shirong recognized her biological father. When he hugged him, she immediately stopped crying. She hugged Jing's father with her two chubby hands. Her big eyes were watery and her little fleshy face looked pitiful.

 (End of this chapter)

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