The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 599: , baby version of Jing Shirong

Chapter 599, Baby version of Jing Shirong

Jing’s father has been taking care of him since he was one month old. He puts him to sleep by pooping and peeing, and he has already developed feelings for him.

 Normally, my son hardly cries. He only cries when he is hurt from falling or when he is sleeping.

Little Yuan’s face turned red as she cried today, and Jing’s father immediately felt heartbroken when he saw it.


He glanced at Mrs. Jing with some resentment, as if he was complaining that she bullied a child.

Mrs. Mrs. Jing choked, "Me."

“I don’t want him to cry either. He didn’t want to cry on purpose.”

After all, she is also Jing Shirong's great-great-grandmother. If she is really willing to let her child cry to death, then she is not fighting against the Jing family.

Jing’s father saw that she still didn’t know her fault, so he was angry with them for the first time.

“Brother Rong is only a few months old. You just let him cry like this for your own selfish purposes, and you are not afraid of ruining his voice!”

 After saying that, he hugged the child angrily and left.

 Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Jing saw Father Jing so angry for the first time, and they faintly realized that they seemed to be really wrong.

 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other, "What should we do? He seems angry?"

Mrs. Jing also had some regrets, "Mom, otherwise we won't have to fight with the Jing family."

  It was not a big deal in the first place. I had to hold the child to fight with him, but now it is better. My son is so arrogant, and Mrs. Jing also has a headache.

Mrs. Mrs. Jing also regretted it.

How did she know that her grandson would come back so soon?

Had I known he would come back so soon, I wouldn't have brought Jing Shirong over.


Why does grandson come back so punctually?

 You also happened to come back when Brother Rong was crying?

  Could this be the fault of the Jing family?

 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other and reacted, "Is it really the Jing family?"

This woman is so cunning! He actually asked her to put it together.

Let’s just say, why is she so calm?

 The son was taken away, and he had no intention of chasing after him. It turned out that he was waiting for them here.

She knew Rong Geer was not easy to take care of, so she let her grandson see them "abusing" Rong Geer, so she had a bad feeling with them. It was really sinister.

 “This Jing family is so damaged, so abominable!”

There are so many daughters-in-law and grandsons in the Jing family, but none of them makes Mrs. Jing feel threatened.

This time we really encountered a tough situation.

Mrs. Jing also felt that Mrs. Jing was not easy to mess with, so she said, "Mom, why don't we stop messing with her?"

This woman dared to run away with her baby shortly after giving birth.

Now he dares to use a chain trick to defeat them, which shows that he is a powerful character.

As expected of a child brought from a merchant family, he is really insidious and cunning.

Because she looked down upon businessmen, Mrs. Jing was dissatisfied with her granddaughter-in-law as soon as Jing entered the house and picked on Jing at every turn.

 Jing is also an open-minded person.

Her mother-in-law and great-grandmother didn't like her, so she basically ignored them and let them find fault. It didn't matter to her that it didn't matter to her.

 But as soon as she got pregnant, she had to be a concubine for Father Jing, which made her sick.

Especially because she wanted to take the child away right after giving birth, which made her even more unhappy.

 It’s okay to bully her once or twice, but it’s absolutely intolerable to put your hands on her son.

This time she deliberately set up such a way for them to let them know clearly that she was not to be trifled with.

 If they want to do something in the future, they have to weigh it carefully.

Sure enough, after Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Jing were put in such a way by her, their lives in the future became much more peaceful.

Wang Fangning and Sister Yang were surprised to hear the story of Jing's youth.

Wang Fangning was impressed, "I didn't expect my mother to be so strong when she was young."

This is how she ideally looks strong.

  Unexpectedly, my mother-in-law is actually her type.

Sister Yang also clicked her tongue in surprise and asked, "Sister, is your mother-in-law okay?"

But, "How do you know about these things?" Sister Ying laughed and said, "Have you forgotten? Your Aunt Jing was our neighbor when I was a child."

At that time Jing’s father resigned and took his family to the countryside and became neighbors with them.

 Jing family and Wu family fell in love and did needlework together every day.

Chatting while doing it, we talked about all the things that happened when we were young.

At that time, Sister Ying's life was boring. Every time she heard them telling stories, she would rush over and eavesdrop.

When they were talking about this, she was sitting on the ground listening, her big eyes widened, and she also admired Mr. Jing.

“So, don’t worry, my mother won’t give Jing Yu a concubine casually.”

 A person who doesn't like his concubine himself will probably not provide a concubine for his son.

 Unless she doesn't like her daughter-in-law and wants to cause trouble for her.

 Perhaps the other party is a double standard. The husband does not want to share with his concubine, but when it comes to his son, he feels that it is best if he can take care of his son.

Sister Yang chuckled, "Then you still don't like your daughter-in-law?"

Wang Fangning also laughed when he heard this.

"I can rest assured that."

As long as her mother-in-law doesn't give Jing Yu a woman, she has nothing to worry about.

Jingyu is not a romantic person, and he treats her well, so she trusts him.

At night.

 After chatting with Wang Fangning for a day, Sister Ying also went back to the house to rest.

As for Kang Geer and Gu Gu, they still live in another courtyard.

Now that the Jing family has female dependents, it would be more convenient for them to live in another courtyard.

As for food, let Xiao Zi send it to them.

Xiao Zi hasn't seen Sister Ying for more than a year, and she has long thought that it won't work.

At this moment, when he saw Sister Ying coming back, he screamed, "Miss!!"

 The big man rushed over at once, knocking Sister Ying staggering.

Fang Fang’s face was full of tears, “Miss, you’re back, you haven’t come back to see me for so long.”

 It’s so sad to cry.

Sister Ying touched her head and coaxed, "Isn't there something delaying me?"

 Xiao Zi still cried, "I think you are just being wild and don't think about others at all."

 Say that and continue crying.

Sister Ying waited until she had cried enough before handing her the veil.

   “It’s all snot from the nose, so I’m not ashamed.”

Xiao Zi felt embarrassed and quickly wiped her face.

Fang Fang’s face also looks coquettish, “Then why don’t you call me home even after you’re back.”

 Must have met another dog outside.

Sister Ying.

“I called you? You cried so loudly that all the neighbors heard you. How dare I call you?”

 This girl's loud voice is comparable to that of Jing Shirong when she was a child.

Xiao Zi smiled awkwardly, "Well, then I, wasn't I too excited?"

She came to the capital with Sister Ying. She has long regarded Sister Ying as a relative. If her relatives are not around, wouldn't she miss her to death?

Sister Ying pinched her nose like a child, "Okay, it's my fault. I'll take you with me next time I go out, okay?"

Xiao Zi’s eyes widened, “Really?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Really."

 In fact, she also likes to take the girl out. The journey is full of fun and is not boring at all.

 She has been a master and servant for many years, and she is reluctant to leave her behind.

Xiao Zi chuckled and raised her chin proudly, "I know you can't live without me, so I'll make a quilt for you."

After saying that, he hummed a little song, twisted his wide waist, and went to spread the quilt for Sister Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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