The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 606: , Qi Yuanming coaxes my mother

Chapter 606, Qi Yuanming coaxes my mother

It was all planned, so why didn’t Jing fall into the lake? ?

The queen asked the secret guard in the dark, but the secret guard shook his head and said everything was normal.

"everything is normal?"

 This is strange.

The maid will not disobey her orders.

Then why didn’t Jing fall into the water?

 Or did she climb out after falling into the water?

The queen wanted to ask the palace maid, but the palace maid was unconscious after she fished it out, and she couldn't ask anything.

The queen was really confused and glanced at the secret guard. In the end, she didn't ask any more questions and went back to the house.

 After the door is closed.

The queen's face dropped.

He snorted coldly and said, "He is really good at it. He can even bribe the secret guards of this palace."

The personal maid was suspicious, "You mean, the secret guard was bribed by Jing Shirong?" No?

The queen twitched her lips coldly, "Otherwise, with the eyesight of the secret guard, he wouldn't have been able to see what happened at that time?"

Jing is just a weak woman. The maid she sent there was good at martial arts.

How could a palace maid who knew martial arts be pushed into the water and pass out? Someone must have been there.

There is obviously someone coming, but the secret guard says there is no one. Doesn’t it mean that the secret guard has been bribed?

The palace maid was puzzled, "But aren't the secret guards one of ours?" How could they be bribed so easily?

The queen also had doubts about this. It stands to reason that the secret guards signed death contracts with her and should not be bribed by outsiders.

 But they say everything is normal? This puzzled her.

 If everything is normal, why did the palace maid fall into the water?

 But the secret guard's expression didn't look like he was lying. Unless they were separated on the way, and when they came back they found Jing and the palace maid away, everything was as usual in the pavilion, so everything seemed normal to them.

 This explanation makes sense.

 As for the truth, we don’t know.

Jing Shirong came back to Jingshi with the antidote, and gave Jingshi the antidote to poison. When he saw that she was in better spirits, he went back.

Qi Yuanming hid in secret with him and asked him, "How was the investigation in the palace? Did your Majesty really know about the poisoning?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "I know. But he gave me the antidote."

Qi Yuanming's chest rose and fell, and he took a deep breath to suppress his anger.

 He gritted his teeth and said, "Why is he like this!"

 It was too much to watch the queen poison A Jing.

Moreover, he already had the antidote, but he hid it without taking it out. What’s the use of taking it out now?

Jing Shirong patted him on the shoulder and asked him to calm down.

"I showed the antidote to Gu Gu, and he said it was fine and let me take it. It will be good for restoring my memory."

Qi Yuanming said, "Then you should eat quickly."

Jing Shirong was not in a hurry, "I'll eat it after I go back and show it to Sister Yang."

That girl is talented in medical skills. Let her see the real antidote for water lily. Maybe she can develop it by herself in the future.

Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue, "I didn't expect you to be very nice to Sister Yang."

Jing Shirong shook his head and did not pretend to be pretentious with him.

He said to him, "I will set off for the border crossing the day after tomorrow, and you will go too then."

Qi Yuanming nodded without any surprise, "Then I'll go back and talk to my parents, and then have a meal with them."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Go ahead, I'll watch from here."

Qi Yuanming said yes and went back to Qi's house first to tell his parents about the matter.

Qi's father and Qi's mother were not too surprised when they knew that he was going to the border, as if it was a small matter for their son to go to the border, and they were broad-minded.

 “It’s okay, a man has his ambitions in all directions, and he always has to deal with obstacles at every turn.”

"However, there is a shortage of supplies at the border. If we go there, we probably won't be able to eat well." My son loves meat so much that he will probably starve if he goes there.

Qi Yuanming said, "No. Your Majesty has sent a lot of supplies this year, including cattle, sheep, horses, and some chickens, ducks and geese."

Cattle, sheep, and horses can all give birth to babies, and chickens, ducks, and geese can also lay eggs. There is still meat to eat there.

 There may be more yellow sand and the weather is hotter.

But it doesn’t matter to him, as long as he has something to eat.

Qi's mother patted him on the shoulder and said sadly, "I'm not worried about how you'll be fed and clothed there. I'm worried that you'll be there for too long, and how old you are without a wife. Then you'll really be like those old generals. Just like that, I will be a loner all my life.”

Qi Yuanming.

 “Don’t always talk about General Tian’s affairs.”

 It is not voluntary for someone to have a daughter-in-law. Maybe something has delayed her.

Mrs. Qi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Okay, I won't talk about anyone else, but you. When will you get a wife?"

"How about tomorrow? If you have a wife, you can take her to the border with you, or you and your wife can work together to take care of each other."

Qi Yuanming.

 “I beg you, please don’t harm this girl.”

 Are you going to get married tomorrow?

It is not harmful to people to take them to the border without even knowing them.

Mrs. Qi coughed and said, "Then, sister Ying also has to go to the border with Brother Rong. Everyone has a daughter-in-law to take them there, but you don't have one, so aren't you jealous?"

Qi Yuanming said with a calm face, "I have nothing to be jealous of. I am too late to be happy."

Sister Ying is such a good person, even in the desert, she can make it comfortable and warm for you.

 With her here, their food will definitely be good. He is so happy, isn't he?

Mrs. Qi was simply convinced by him.

"Okay, okay, I'm too lazy to tell you whether you want to marry or not. Anyway, your brother has already given birth to a son, and our family has a daughter. If you want to leave, just leave."

Qi Yuanming couldn’t laugh or cry, “Why are you still angry?”

Go over and squeeze her shoulders, "Don't be angry, I will definitely marry my wife. As long as I can meet a girl I fall in love with at first sight, I will definitely marry her. Don't worry."

Mrs. Qi glanced at him and said, "If you want to marry, you have to marry someone else."

 Who likes a poor boy?

Qi Yuanming coughed and said, "You're not that poor. Didn't Ah Jing help me buy three properties? Then you can help me manage them well and I will have enough money to marry my daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Qi rolled her eyes at him and said, "I will send you a messenger."

Qi Yuanming squeezed her shoulders and coaxed her, "Why don't my son leave and stay to look after the store? I will marry you a daughter-in-law next year, and you will have a fat boy the year after that, so that the whole family can be happy together?"

Mrs. Qi raised her head and glanced sideways at him, "You'd better get out, I still miss you when I come back once a year. If you have to be at home every day, I'll be annoyed by you."

Qi Yuanming laughed, knowing she was joking, and hugged Mrs. Qi's shoulders, "Then I'll go out and come back later."

 After saying that, he ran away like the wind.

Mrs. Qi looked at him and shook her head and sighed.

 “You brat, have you learned how to coax people?”

He used to be so straight, speaking arrogantly, but now he is much calmer.

Qi's father also said, "I have been with Brother Rong for a long time, and I have finally made some progress."

 When you are with excellent people, you will become excellent unconsciously.

Mrs. Qi nodded in agreement, "I'm not worried about anything else. The only thing I wonder about is that he is always alone. Isn't he lonely?"

 At such a young age, why don’t you want to marry a wife at all?

Father Qi shrugged, "Who knows."

 Maybe just let him.

He also didn't marry until he was almost 30 years old. He is mainly emotionally dull and has no feelings for girls.

 It was only later that I met the child’s mother, and that’s when I started to feel excited.

 (End of this chapter)

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