Chapter 607, The Queen is Poisoned

Mrs. Qi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Come on, are you the only one who still doesn't have feelings for girls? I think you just said you don't have feelings for girls when you meet unattractive girls at the border."

If there was a beautiful girl, I would probably have fallen in love with him long ago.

Qi's father looked innocent, "Where can I have it?"

 He is not a person who is motivated by sex.

 And there are also pretty girls at the border, okay?

Mrs. Qi glared at her and said, "Say it again?"

“Can a border girl be as beautiful as me?”

Father Qi swallowed fearfully, "Of course I'm not as good-looking as you."

After saying that, she turned around and was about to run away, but Mrs. Qi carried her back, "Kneel on the bed and don't get up until you tell me clearly."

Qi's father felt that he had been wronged and felt that he had not said anything wrong. He retorted, "You asked me if there are any beautiful girls at the border."

 “Then you’re angry when I say I’m here?”

 Why are women so difficult to understand!

Mrs. Qi laughed angrily at him, "Are you scolding me in your heart?"

Qi’s father looked dissatisfied, “No!”

 Even if I scold you, I won’t tell you, huh.

With his expression, you can tell what he is thinking without having to guess.

Mrs. Qi glanced at him and said, "If you don't want to sleep, get out of here."

 Every day, I became angry with her.

Her son has at least learned to make her happy.

 This old thing can't learn it in his whole life. He is really a piece of wood.

When Qi's father was scolded by her, he childishly threw up his sleeves and walked away, "Just leave."

  He walked to the door but did not leave. He sat angrily on the threshold and sulked.

 In the end, Mrs. Qi smiled and called him, "Come back and wash my feet."

Father Qi looked arrogant and said, "How can a man wash a woman's feet? Don't even think about it."

Mrs. Qi said "Oh?" "Then let the maid wash it for me."

Father Qi snorted, "If anyone cares, call him yourself."

Even though he said that, he still walked in and murmured, "They say the women at the bottom of the mountain are tigresses. I think the master didn't lie to me."

 He has been a military attache all his life, and he also went to the border and served as a general for several years.

 When do you make small mistakes?

Now I am reduced to washing the feet of a tigress. I am really unwilling to do so.

There was reluctance on his face, but he didn't go out and consciously knelt down to wash Mrs. Qi's feet.

Seeing his cute look, Mrs. Qi felt that her son must have followed this old man.

 Has low emotional intelligence, has no feelings for females, and likes to curse. The father and son are exactly the same.

 I don’t even know which girl can make that brat’s heart flutter?

 This head.

After Qi Yuanming left Qi's house, he went to the backyard of Jing's house.

Sister Yang was already asleep at this moment, so he tiptoed to her window and knocked on the door.

“Sister Yang? Are you asleep?”

Sister Yang opened her eyes in a daze, "Who is it?"

"it's me."

 “Qi Yuanming?”

 She rubbed her eyes, put on some clothes, walked to the window, and opened it.

"How did you come?"

  It’s so late.

Qi Yuanming got in through the window and told her, "A Jing and I are going to the border the day after tomorrow. We will take you with us and send you to Jiangnan."

Sister Yang was stunned, "So fast?"

Although she had always wanted to go back to see her parents, she didn't expect it to happen so soon. It was quite sudden.

Qi Yuanming rubbed her head and told her, "Why don't you come to my house for dinner tomorrow? My father hasn't met you yet. My mother misses you too." Sister Yang said "Huh?" "Yes?" Well?"

 She has only been to Qi's house once, but she didn't expect Mrs. Qi to like her so much.

Qi Yuanming chuckled, "Yes, she really likes you. And you are leaving. Go see her again, slander her, and guarantee that she will risk her life to have a daughter next year." Referred to as Lao Benshengzhu. .

Sister Yang was even amused by him.

 “Be careful your mother beats you.”

 What's the point of returning a pearl from an old clam?

“I must tell your mother tomorrow and let her hear what you have to say.”

Qi Yuanming covered his mouth and snickered, begging for mercy, "No. If you tell her, my legs will be broken."

Even if the legs are not broken, there will definitely be injuries on the back.

Sister Yang covered her mouth and giggled, "It depends on my mood."

The two of them were laughing and joking. Qi Yuanming was afraid of being discovered by the maid, so he was about to leave. "Then I will pick you up tomorrow. Remember to wear a hat."

Sister Yang hummed, "Okay, I understand."

 After he finished doing this, he went back to see what was going on at Jing Shirong's side.

 After Jing took the antidote pills, he was fine and sober.

Jing Shirong told her that he would take Sister Ying to the border the day after tomorrow, and asked Jing to go home tomorrow.

As soon as Jing heard that he was leaving, she couldn't wait until tomorrow, so she went to tell the queen that night that she was going back.

 The Queen was still surprised, "Aren't you dizzy?"

The amount of medicine she administered was obviously quite large, and Jingshi didn’t even drink the detoxification wine. How come it healed so quickly?

 Is it really Jing Shirong who is doing something secretly?

 The more the queen thought about it, the more likely it was, and she immediately felt that Lingxiu Villa was unsafe.

Jing Shirong was actually able to come and go freely under her nose, and even gave Jing an antidote. Even the secret guards were dismissed by him, which shows how terrifying this person is.

The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. She was afraid that Jing Shirong might poison her, so she hurried back to the palace that night.

But when she arrived at the palace, she began to feel light-headed and thought she had caught a cold. Later, she became alarmed and quickly called the imperial doctor for fear of being poisoned.

 After the imperial doctor came to see him, he said he was fine and just had a cold.

 But the queen was suspicious by nature and did not believe that she simply caught a cold, so she kept looking for different doctors to see her.

But all the doctors said it was fine, but she still didn't believe it. Later, she directly called Xishan Laoxie's apprentice and asked him to take a look.

Xishan Laoxie's apprentice checked her pulse and then said, "You are indeed poisoned, but I don't know the specific poison."

This poison is somewhat similar to the symptoms of water lily, but not very similar.

 Normally, doctors can't tell anything by checking the pulse.

He happened to have water lily pills, so he knew the symptoms of this poison.

The queen almost fainted when she heard that she had been hit by water lilies.

 “What about the antidote? Do you have any antidote for water lily?”

Xishan Laoxie's apprentice shook his head with a guilty conscience, "No. My master only left behind poison, but no antidote."

 In fact, it existed, but it was bought by the emperor.

But he didn’t dare to tell the queen about this, lest she ask for the antidote from him, and then he would lose leverage.

 When the queen heard that there was no antidote, she immediately panicked.

“Then go and prepare the antidote for me!”

She asked, how could Jing still be fine after planting Xishan Laoxie's medicine?

It turns out that it was Jing Shirong who came to save her.

Since Jing Shirong can live freely in Lingxiu Villa, it is no problem to drug her.

 So she must have been poisoned by Jing Shirong.

 “Go quickly!”

Seeing Xishan Laoxie's apprentice standing there motionless, the queen glared at him angrily, "Why don't you move?"

Xishan Laoxie's disciple coughed and said, "My dear, it's not that I won't get you an antidote. The key point is that I haven't seen this kind of poison in your body before. At least I have to go back and study it first before I can get you an antidote."

He is the youngest among Xishan Laoxie's disciples. He can survive today mainly by selling poisons that his master left behind during his lifetime.

 Otherwise, his medical skills are still far behind.

 (End of this chapter)

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