The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 612: , a banyan baby wearing women’s clothing

Chapter 612, Baby Rong in women’s clothing

Sister Ying laughed when she heard this, "Really? He actually put on rouge?"

I really didn’t expect that Mr. Xie Mei could actually live a life of dressing up in pink makeup.

“Mom, do you have a portrait of him when he was a child? The one in a skirt?”

 If you have it, you can use it to tease Jing Shirong and see how angry he looks. It will probably be fun, hahaha.

 Xiao Zi

 I think you are asking for trouble.

Sister Ying, however, got carried away and said, "How could this happen? This is called enhancing the relationship between husband and wife."

Jing Shi secretly looked outside and said with a smile, "There are really two of them, but I kept them hidden at the bottom of the box and didn't dare to take them out."

 After all, in this era, men wearing women's clothing would be disgusted and despised, so naturally Jing didn't dare to display the portrait of Jing Shirong when he was a child.

Jing Shirong was only three years old at that time, and he was relatively silly, but because his face was so beautiful, Jing loved him very much. Every time he looked at him, he would sigh why he was not his daughter.

 If she is a daughter, she will definitely become the most beautiful woman in the capital in the future.

At that time, painters were particularly popular in the capital, so she called the painter over and painted several portraits of Jing Shirong.

 At the beginning, I drew normal images.

In the back scene, Shirong suddenly ran to the room and took out the skirt she was going to give to her niece. She was squealing and wanted to wear it.

 “Mother, put on some clothes.”

 “To wear something.”

Because Jing often took Jing Shirong to her parents' house to play when she was a child, Jing Shirong played well with her cousins.

Especially with Jing Han, they are about the same age, but Jing Han was a naughty boy when he was a child, and he would deliberately lead Jing Shi Rong to the wrong place every time.

For example, Jing Shirong is a boy, but Jing Han thinks that because he is so beautiful, he should not be a boy, but a girl, so he keeps telling Jing Shirong, "You are a girl, and girls should wear skirts."

Then he took Jing Shirong to the room to change into daughter's clothes.

Jing Shirong was innocent at that time, so he followed her and changed into women's clothes. After returning home, he kept wiping his face and wearing a hairpin, which almost scared Jing to faint.

 Fortunately, after correcting him several times, he finally realized that he was a boy, not a girl.

It's hard to change the cuteness of wearing a beautiful skirt for a while.

When he took out the beautiful little skirt, Mrs. Jing originally wanted to beat him, but by some strange combination, the elders in the family happened to be away, so she put it on for him, and then asked the painter, "Hurry, this is my niece. I’m going back soon, so hurry up and draw two pictures for her.”

The painter looked confused. He thought this beautiful girl looked familiar.

He pouted and wanted to ask, "Does this child look a bit like your son?"

 But when the words came to his lips, he didn’t ask.

 After all, children from wealthy families are all so beautiful, so it is normal for one or two to look a little alike.

Especially since the young Jing is so good-looking, there is nothing wrong with her niece’s exquisite appearance.

So the painter, confused, quickly drew a few pictures of Jing Shirong in a small skirt.

There were originally three paintings in total, but Mrs. Jing accidentally saw them and she tore up the paintings on the spot in anger.

In their eyes, dressing Jing Shirong in daughter's clothing was a deviant and bad thing.

 Let alone draw it for him, it is simply embarrassing to all the ancestors.

Jing knew she was in the wrong, so she bowed her head and let them scold her before going back.

 But I cherished the two remaining paintings and hid them at the bottom of the box.

Sister Ying was said to be very curious and wanted to see it.

“Mom, show me, I really want to see it~~”

Jing Shi smiled and said, "Okay, come up to my room and I'll show it to you."

 After saying that, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law went to the house together, moving in a sneaky way.

Jing Shirong could see their sneaky figures in the house, and frowned in confusion. He didn't know why they were there.

Xiao Zi also followed over with a smile, obviously wanting to take a peek.

But Jing asked her to send her to the kitchen, "Go to the kitchen and see if the mung bean soup is ready. Your lady said she had a fever last night and was about to go out." Xiao Zi said "Huh?" It's disappointing.

"Let Xiaobai go, I won't go, right?"

Jingshi glared at her, "If I don't leave such a big matter to you, how can I rest assured and go quickly?"

  The master had spoken, and Xiao Zi had no choice but to turn back one step at a time.

When Jing saw her walking away, she closed the door and locked it.

Hehehe said, "It's better not to show Xiao Zi's big mouth to her, so as not to make her laugh later."

Sister Ying nodded and agreed very much.

 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other and smiled cunningly.

Jing walked to the bed and pulled out the box under the bed.

 Take the key from your neck, open the golden lock, lift the lid, and take out two wooden boxes from the bottom.

 The box was also locked. After opening it, four paintings were taken out.

 She gave the scroll to Sister Ying, "Now, take a look."

Sister Ying let out a hey and carefully unfolded the scroll.

 As soon as the scroll was opened, a beautiful little baby was seen happily eating mung bean cake.

The baby's eyes are dark and bright, the eyelashes are very long, and the eyelids are very deep, like a little mixed race.

 The little mouth is red and watery, and it is very cute.

Sister Ying was stunned, "Is this what Brother Rong looked like when he was a child?"

   It’s so cute! !

Jing saw that she liked it so much, so he gave her another one.

“Look, this is what he looks like in a little skirt. It’s not my fault, there is no more beautiful little baby in the whole capital than our Rong brother.”

 Even the little princess who was praised to the heavens was not as good-looking as her son.

  Although it is not something worth showing off when a boy is praised for his good looks, Jing is extremely proud and thinks that he is so good that he could give birth to such a cute child.

Sister Ying carefully opened the scroll, and sure enough she saw a beautiful little baby on the scroll, smiling happily and spinning in circles.

The pink little Luo Qun on his body looks a bit big, and it is not his size at first glance.

 But his little white face, big eyes, and red mouth, paired with a fluffy little pink skirt, are simply too good-looking.

Although she is beautiful, she is not feminine.

Especially his smile is really bright and his smiling eyes are so cute.

Jing's mouth curled up as she looked at it, touching the cute little girl in the painting like a mother, with a motherly smile on her face, "Tell me, why are children so cute when they are young?"

Sister Ying also looked like an aunt, and said lovingly, "If I had known he was so cute, I should have Rua him more." It's so cute.

 Human cubs are indeed the cutest.

 The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked at each other for a long time with the expressions of nymphomaniacal aunts on their faces.

“Mom, can you give me one of these paintings?”

Jingshi felt heartache and told the truth, "I want to send you off in my heart, but I can't bear to do it."

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Okay, okay, I won't take away your treasure. When we have children in the future, I will also hire a painter to paint more pictures."

Jing laughed when he heard this.

 “Okay, I’ll put it away then.”

These are her memories of being a mother.

 (End of this chapter)

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