Chapter 613, I want you to say

After reading the portrait of Jing Shirong as a child, Sister Ying felt better and went back to her room with a smile.

Jing Shirong was originally wondering what she was doing with Mr. Jing, but he didn't want to ask her.

She had made herself angry just now, so he didn’t talk to her first now!

As soon as Sister Ying came in, she saw his pulled face and took the initiative to talk to him, "What's wrong with you? Are you hungry? Do you want some mung bean soup?"

 Get rid of anger.

Jing Shirong snorted childishly, "What do you mean?" What did you mean by telling him to remove the fire?

  Meaning that he is angry? Angry?

 Thinking about this, my anger immediately rose again.

Sister Ying.

“Brother, I’m not telling you, you’ve really gotten angry recently.”

 I can get angry at every turn, and I am not afraid of hurting my liver.

Jing Shirong snorted awkwardly and didn't want to talk to her anymore.

Sister Ying saw his angry and awkward look, and couldn't help but think of his cute baby version. She felt that when he was a child, he would be super cute when he was angry.

 After all, he has the fleshy face of a mixed-race baby, so he should be cute even when he is angry.

 If they have children in the future, I don’t know whether they will be more like him or more like her.

 It would look better if I looked like him.

Thinking of this, Sister Ying was happy.

Jing Shirong didn’t even turn around when he heard her snort, and he laughed happily when he heard it.

He looked confused and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Sister Ying came over with a smile and sat directly on his lap. She hugged his handsome face with her two little hands. The more she looked at him, the more she liked him.

 “Brother Rong, you are so beautiful.”

Jing Shirong frowned, looking confused, "What do you want to do?"

You are so crazy all of a sudden, is it possible that you want to do something else?

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Why do you miss me so much? I just like you."

Speaking of this love, Jing Shirong immediately asked her, "Then do you like me now or me before?"

Sister Ying asked back, "Then do you want me to like you now? Or the you before?"

 “No matter which one it is, as long as you say it, I will listen to you.”

Throw the hot potato to him and see how he responds.


Jing Shirong didn't expect her to be so cunning. She actually threw the problem directly to him. She was really cunning.

Sister Ying smiled like a little fox, "Tell me which one you think I like."

Jing Shirong glanced up and down and was not fooled.

 “I don’t want me to say it, I want you to say it.”

Sister Ying.

He actually threw the hot potato here again.

 It’s really hot. How do you answer this?

Jing Shirong twitched the corners of her lips proudly, raised her chin, and said like an old fox, "Say it."

“Don’t you love me very much? Why don’t you answer it for me?”

Sister Ying coughed and said, "Well, actually, no matter before or now, I only like you. Whether you have amnesia or not, I will still choose you."

As if I was afraid that these words were not affectionate enough, I borrowed a love saying from someone else, "I don't think anyone in the world has any intention, but I love you the most."

 That should be correct, right?

Having used all the love words, he, a refined ancient, should be able to understand this lingering affection, right?

Jing Shirong knew that she was pretending, but he felt that the way she talked about love to him was very nice, so he lost his temper a little.

 Taste her words carefully in your mouth, "You are the only one who loves me the most?"

Sister Ying nodded with a sincere face, "Yes, I only have feelings for you."

Jing Shirong was doubtful, "What if I see other men who are better-looking than me?"

Sister Ying raised her three fingers and said "four", "Then I only like you."

 The most you can do to others is to be greedy for beauty and have no intention of being tempted.

 There is no other way, Yan control. The eyes always linger on good-looking people unconsciously.

Not only handsome men, but beautiful women also like to watch it.

 Jing Shi Rong.

 Don’t you love him the most? Then why is she in a daze with a look of infatuation? ?

 Forget it, never mind.

 This woman is his anyway. No matter whether she is attracted to other men or not, he will not give her this opportunity to climb the wall.

After saying that, he picked her up and went directly to the bed.

Sister Ying was still in a daze, but when she saw him carrying her to bed, she was confused and asked, "What are you doing in broad daylight?"

 “I still have to pack my things for departure.”

Jing Shirong didn’t care, “I’ll take care of it tomorrow.”

Sister Ying refused, "No, I have a lot of things to bring, and I have to collect them one by one."

Jing Shirong suppressed her, "Didn't you still love me the most just now? I want you to show your love to me!"

Sister Ying was surprised and opened her mouth wide, "Now?"

 Damn it, who said the ancients were reserved?

 Most of the day, I still showed her love to him, which was so embarrassing.

Jing Shirong saw that she was still and humiliated her, "Are all those love words you just said to be false? Are you trying to coax me?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "No, everything I said is true. I only love you."

After saying that, he quietly slipped out of bed and ran away immediately when he wasn't paying attention.

 “I’m going to pack my things, don’t come with me.”

Jing Shirong saw her running away and snorted, "Little fox."

will lie to him.

But forget it, they are a couple after all, and I don’t want to be acquainted with her.

 He walked over and helped Sister Ying clean up.

“The temperature at the border changes greatly, it’s cold in the morning and evening, and hot at noon, so bring clothes for all seasons.”

Sister Ying asked, “Have you been to the border?”

Jing Shirong shook his head and then nodded, "I think I've been there before."

I probably went there once a few years ago, but I was called back not long after I went there, so I didn’t have much of an impression.

 I just remember that the climate there is changeable.

Sister Ying asked him while taking the clothes, "Are you really not going to take the antidote for water lily?"

Although the old medicine king’s medicine cured his poison, the memory recovery is still relatively slow. If he takes the original antidote, he should be fine.

Jing Shirong was a little defensive.

 Since then, he no longer trusts the emperor so much.

Secondly, he was afraid that something might happen to the medicine and it would delay things even more, so he might as well not take it.

Anyway, his memory has gradually recovered, and he has slowly remembered a lot.

 The remaining memories will surely come to mind as time goes by, so there is no need to be so anxious.

Sister Ying did not expect him to have such concerns, but she also felt that his method was safer.

 Indeed, since the emperor wanted to kill him, he felt a little chilled and would naturally have scruples.

Secondly, the antidote was bought from Xishan Laoxie’s disciple, so there was no guarantee that the medicine would be ok.

 So it’s better not to take insurance.

 “Okay, I’ll listen to you. If you don’t want to eat, I won’t eat.”

 “I won’t abandon you just because you have amnesia anyway.”

These words are much more sincere than those love words just now.

Jing Shirong’s hand holding the book paused slightly, and he was obviously moved by these words.

 He was silent for a long time before responding, "I understand."

Sister Ying saw that his earlobes were slightly red and knew that he was shy, so she didn't point it out, lest he get into trouble again.

She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, smiled sweetly, and continued to collect the clothes.

The couple didn't speak quietly, but their hearts were warm and they understood each other.

 (End of this chapter)

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