The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 621: , mother and daughter talk privately

Chapter 621: Mother and daughter talk privately

“This time you go to the border, and you don’t know if you will get pregnant there, so bring them all with you, in case you are inexperienced and don’t know what to buy.”

Sister Ying sniffed and was touched.


Mrs. Wu touched her head and said, "Silly girl, these are what a mother should do. Stop whining. You can all be a mother."

Sister Ying hummed, hugged Mrs. Wu, and crawled into her arms. "In my mother's house, I will always be a child."

I didn’t expect that she would be so big in the blink of an eye. I really don’t want to grow up.

 How wonderful it was to be a child, eating and drinking, carefree, without any worries.

Mrs. Wu smiled and touched her head and told her, "People have to grow up, and children also have their own worries. There are always troubles that cannot be solved."

 Adults also have the joy of being adults. You cannot only look at the shortcomings without looking at the advantages.

 Both adults and children, they have to go through each different stage and experience the happiness and troubles at different stages.

“Only when you understand these joys and worries can you grow yourself better. Make yourself a better person.”

Sister Ying listened with admiration on her face, "Mom, have I ever told you that you are very much like a philosopher?"

Mr. Wu shook his head and smiled, "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Sister Ying chuckled, hugged her, and rubbed her head affectionately, "It would be a pity if you don't become a wife."

As far as her mother is concerned, there is nothing wrong with being a teacher.

Mrs. Wu didn't have such ambitions, "I'll just take care of our family. Let more professional people do the master's work. You pack everything up quickly and bring it with you tomorrow."

Old Mrs. Liang also came over to give something away, "I've also prepared some gifts for you."

 After saying that, he secretly stuffed a baggage for Sister Ying.

Sister Ying pinched it and it felt like clothes.

 “Have you bought me clothes?”

Old Mrs. Liang coughed and looked away with a guilty conscience.

“That’s it. A few days ago, your mother said you were coming back. I went to play cards with the neighbor’s ladies, and they suggested that I buy you some clothes.”

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Really?"

The neighbor’s mother-in-law suggested buying her clothes?

 What kind of joke is this?

 Having said that, it’s time to open the bag and take a look.

But Mrs. Liang held her hand down and said, "No need to look at it, just some ordinary clothes. You can wear them when you get to the border."

Sister Ying thought they were sun protection clothes for border customs, so she didn’t look at them.

 “Okay, don’t look at it now, we’ll look at it later.”

 After saying that, the three of them lay down together and continued to chat privately.

Mrs. Wu asked Sister Ying, "In the future, you should take your time when getting along with Brother Rong. Don't keep arguing with him."

“It’s just that when a husband and wife get along, the most important thing is to be gentle and strong. We can handle many things gently and try not to quarrel as much as possible. Too much quarrel will hurt our feelings.”

Even when you are angry, don’t speak too harshly.

 If you accidentally say something harsh, remember to make amends.

 Either apologize, or give in.

 In short, you can’t remain frozen, as this will only consume each other’s feelings.

Sister Ying listened very clearly and sighed, "There are so many principles for a couple to live a happy life."

 It’s not as happy as being single at all.

Mrs. Wu clicked her forehead and scolded her, "It's troublesome for you two to be alone? Have you never seen a big family arguing together? That's called trouble."

“Your parents-in-law are so reasonable and your sister-in-law is easy to get along with, so why are you in trouble?”

Sister Ying laughed and said, "Yes, yes, I'm not in trouble. It's brother Rong who is in trouble. He's causing such a big trouble for me."

 Wu did not agree.

  "Why is he in trouble? He is lucky to marry you."

 She can talk about her daughter, or she can dislike her. But not others!

Sister Ying suddenly became happy, "You just told me to be patient? Are you going to fall out now?"

 As expected, he is still partial, after all, he is his biological child.

Mrs. Wu smiled when she heard this, "Little girl, you are still so naughty."

“I want you to develop a good relationship with him so that you won’t hate each other when we grow old together.”

How many couples are quarreling and quarreling, wishing that the other person would die quickly so that they could live a pure life.

 In other words, those who still have a good relationship in middle age can support each other when they are old. Sister Ying smiled and said, "Aren't you annoying my dad now?"

Mrs. Wu gave her a cute look, "Your father is very obedient, so I won't bother him."

There are many men who show off their power at home, but this is the kind of man in her family who is obedient and lively. You will never get tired of living with this kind of man for the rest of your life.

Sister Ying agreed very much, "Indeed, my father is an interesting person."

 It is indeed joyful to live with interesting men.

Mrs. Wu asked her, "So Rong brother is boring and your life is going to be miserable?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "He is boring, but I am interesting."

 “And he’s not that boring.” Sometimes he can be quite cute.

Especially the expression on his face when he is trying to make people laugh, it’s super funny.

Mrs. Wu felt relieved when she saw that her peach blossom eyes were smiling when she mentioned Jing Shirong.

 Mother and daughter chatted very late before going to bed.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming slept in the next room.

It’s also because of his good hearing, and because the yard was quiet in the middle of the night, the conversation in the next room was clearer.

 What did the woman just say?

 You say he’s cute?

 Hmph, he is a great general, how can he be described as cute?

You also said that he likes to make trouble and is jealous?

 Where is he?

She is obviously the one who likes to be angry, but she will fall out after just a few words. Still fierce at him.

It’s so embarrassing to complain, huh.

Qi Yuanming was fast asleep beside him, snoring so loudly that the wonderful expression on his face was not seen at all.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying really got up late.

Jing Shirong did not rush her, but loaded her things on the boat first and prepared to continue sailing.

  Wu got up early in the morning. Two boxes of food were packed for them.

 A box full of dried meat should be sealed tightly to avoid mold.

There are also thick-grain steamed buns, steamed buns, and some fragrant pastries with added ingredients.

I also brought a few cans of honey with me so I could drink it on the way.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming went to have breakfast first.

 After breakfast, I saw that Sister Ying was still awake, so I carried her onto the boat with the quilt.

Sister Yang came to see them off, but she was quite reluctant to part with them.

 “Big guy, please write to me when you have time.”

Having been together for so long, it’s hard to part ways for the first time.

Qi Yuanming also felt a little reluctant to leave her. He rubbed her head with his big hands and said proudly, "It's okay. I'll pick you up again when I have a chance to play."

Sister Yang immediately took these words seriously, her eyes lit up, "Really?"

It was okay if she didn’t say it. As soon as she said it, she immediately wanted to go to the border to play.

When Mrs. Wu heard it, she immediately pinched her ears and said, "Come back here."

 “It hurts, mother~”

When Qi Yuanming saw this, he shrank his neck and begged for mercy, "Aunt Liang, please be gentle."

Mrs. Wu glared at him and said, "Let's go quickly. I'll let her run out and beat you up as well."

Qi Yuanming swallowed fearfully, "I know, I know."

“Sister Yang, I’m leaving then.”

 After saying that, he turned back three times and left.

Sister Yang shouted at his back, "Remember to come back to pick me up. I also want to go to the border to play."

 Qi Yuanming nodded seriously, "I will."

 Keep this agreement in mind.

I will definitely pick her up when I get the chance.

 (End of this chapter)

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