The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 622: , the ability is something you learn from yourself

Chapter 622: Skills are learned by oneself

Wu Shi pulled Sister Yang in, closed the door, and started to get the bamboo sticks.

"I just praised you for being calm yesterday, and now you tell me that you are going to the border? I think you are acting wild outside."

 After saying that, I will beat him.

Sister Yang said "Ah!" and hurriedly ran behind Mrs. Liang.

 “Grandma, help me.”

Mrs. Liang hurriedly tried to persuade her, "Oh, what are you doing? She is still young."

Mrs. Wu snorted angrily, "You're already in your teens, but you're still young? Brother Sen is the same age as her. Look at how steady he is, and then look at her."

Little girl is not a big person, but her heart is very wild and she dares to go anywhere.

 I don’t know how worried their parents are at home.

Mrs. Liang also felt that Sister Yang was too courageous, so she also said to her, "Your mother is right. You are still young. Don't think about traveling all day long. You can just hang out at home."

 It is very dangerous for a little girl to go out.

Sister Yang argued, "I don't want to go out alone, so why don't I have Brother Qi and the others?"

 With them here, there is no danger.

The Wu family glared at her like a tigress, "Do you think your brother Qi has seven heads? Can he always protect you at critical moments?"

 It’s not like she doesn’t have to be busy, so how can she watch over her every day?

"Don't worry about what you have or don't have, and don't worry about your own happiness and interfere with other people's business."

Sister Yang was dissatisfied, "I don't have it."

 She can now treat illnesses and save people, and it’s more like she can help. Where could there be trouble.

Mrs. Wu doesn't want her to go out at the moment anyway. He thinks she is too impetuous, and he wants to give her some character.

“We’ll talk about the future later. You should practice your temper first, and then we’ll talk about the future when you feel calmer.”

 After saying that, the door was closed to prevent her from slipping out.

Sister Yang clicked her tongue twice and complained in a low voice, "Are you really locking me up? I don't really want to go out, I just have a little thought." Actually, she is really locked up.

How could Mr. Wu not understand her?

The little girl has a movie, and all her thoughts are written on her face.

 Does she know that this girl wants to go out to play?

 Just by moving his toes, he knew that she wanted to go out with him.

“I’m telling you, before you get married, don’t even think about going out. If you want to tinker with medicinal herbs, just cook at home. You won’t be allowed to go outside.”

Seeing as she is a grown-up girl, she cannot show her face easily.

Sister Yang’s face tightened, and she said bitterly, “Didn’t you let me go out for medical consultation before? Now you don’t let me go out?”

 Wu Shi put her hands on her hips and said, "I won't give in."

The little girl was not very developed before, but this year she has grown much taller and has the figure of a big girl. How can she be allowed out again.

“Your father is the prefect after all, and you are the daughter of the prefect’s family. If you go out and show your face every day, people will point at the backbone of our couple. You decide for yourself whether to go or not.”

 It’s not that she forbids her children from going out. The key point is that it’s really not good for a grown-up girl to go out every day.

 Jiangnan will be reopened in different time periods.

 There is nothing wrong with going out on holidays. People will definitely say it if you go out every day.

She is not afraid, but as Liang Jin is an official, he has to worry about his face to avoid losing his prestige and not being convincing when handling cases.

  Even she doesn’t like others to say how her daughter is, so she should stay safe at home.

Sister Yang knew these truths. She gave up when she thought about how even if her eldest sister opened an inn before, she didn't go out often.

“I know, I won’t go if I don’t want to go, but I still have to get the medicinal materials.”

    Mrs. Wu all obeyed her.

“Your sister didn’t like studying at first, so I forced her to study for several more years.”

"You used to like tinkering with medicinal herbs, so I let you do it, but you also have to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting from me." Children in the family are all the same. They can have hobbies, but they can't fall behind in learning. This is Wu's bottom line.

Sister Yang knew that her brothers and sisters at home could not escape the law of learning, so she had no choice but to accept it.

“I know. But you can’t blame me if you don’t learn well.”

Wu doesn’t care whether she learns well or not, she must be able to do it anyway.

“I’ll call my wife over tomorrow, and starting from tomorrow, I’ll play chess, calligraphy, painting, and look at the account books. I’m not allowed to leave anything behind.”

 Otherwise, when you come to someone else’s house, you won’t know anything, and you will still have the aura of a lady, and you will be looked down upon all of a sudden.

Sister Yang wailed, "Then what if I don't get married?"

  Why don’t you know anything at home, but when you go to other people’s houses, you need to be skilled in all kinds of martial arts?

In the end, are you going to live your life, or are you going to compete with others in a battle of wits and courage?

Mrs. Wu told her, "If the emperor issues an imperial edict that allows women to stay at home without getting married, I will naturally not let you learn from it."

“Besides, the beneficiary of learning these things is yourself.”

“No matter whether your future husband’s family is good or not, these are the skills you have learned and they will last you a lifetime.”

 Nowadays, women are inherently weak.

Whether you are married or not, you must learn how to support yourself.

In this way, no matter what happens to your married life in the future, at least you still have a way out.

 After leaving your husband's family, you still have the ability to support yourself. Don't look at people's faces, just look at their noses.

 Isn’t it good to just be yourself?

 Once you have the ability to support yourself, you have the capital to go wherever you want!

Sister Yang was surprised to hear this and clapped her hands in admiration.

“Mom, I just realized what you said today, and it seems to make sense.”

Mrs. Wu snorted proudly, "I have been your mother for so many years, so I have more experience than you."

 “How can I harm you, my own child?”

Sister Yang smiled and hugged her arm, "Yes, yes, of course you won't harm me. You are so kind to me."

 And what I just said does make sense.

 The skills are all learned by oneself, not by marrying others.

No matter whether you marry or not, no matter what the character of your husband’s family is in the future, if you are strong and capable, you will be able to live a good life no matter what.

 For example, her sister has an inn and a branch store, and a lot of income every month. She can buy whatever she wants.

Whether her brother-in-law gives her money or not, she doesn’t have to ask for it.

Even if the couple quarrels, they can leave as soon as they want. They can buy a house at will and live comfortably by themselves. There is no need to worry about running away from home and having nowhere to go.

 Now it seems that what her mother said is quite right.

Seeing that she finally understood, Mrs. Wu sighed, "But I'm exhausted. If you don't understand anymore, I'll be mad to death."

Sister Yang hugged her and acted coquettishly, "Yes, yes, it was all my fault before. I will learn from you in the future, okay?"

Wu Shi snorted, "That's pretty much it."

Old Mrs. Liang was trembling as she listened, secretly thinking, it turns out that Mrs. Wu has so many scheming thoughts.

 Fortunately, she has been obediently being a rice bug all these years, otherwise she would be the one being pushed to the ground and rubbed.

But Wu is right, women are not capable and it really depends on the person's appearance.

Look at her, isn’t she?

Now she wants money but has no money, and she has no one to ask for, so she can only rely on others, alas.

Sister Yang saw her sighing and laughed, "What's wrong with you?"

Mrs. Liang snorted childishly, "It's nothing, I went to play cards, you can chat."

 After that, he walked to the neighbor's house with the wind.

Sister Yang laughed and asked Mrs. Wu, "How is grandma?"

  Wu shrugged, "I don't know, I'm just an old kid."

 (End of this chapter)

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