Chapter 623, Evil Habits

 This head.

After Jing Shirong and others got on the boat, they continued to set out for Haikou Mountain.

 According to the route, they will take a boat to Haikou Mountain, then get off the boat and go up the mountain, walking on the mountain road.

But when he arrived at Haikou Mountain, he had to deal with one thing first.

Sister Ying was lying lazily in the cabin on the second floor of the ship and asked him, what happened? Want my help? "

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No, just stay on the boat and wait for me to come back to pick you up."

Sister Ying was puzzled, "Then you have to tell me something, right?"

If she didn’t know anything, wouldn’t it be even more confusing if she panicked?

Jing Shirong felt that what she said made sense, so he thought about it and told her.

"Before leaving the palace, the emperor asked me to come to Haikou Mountain to control the evil atmosphere."

It is said that there is a big mountain on top of Haikou Mountain. There are about a hundred households in the mountain, and the population is quite large.

This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of villages and towns, and the mountain people make a living by hunting and fishing.

They live almost a self-sufficient life, growing vegetables and raising chickens and ducks in the mountains. When they are hungry, they go hunting in the deep mountains and old forests, or go to the sea to catch fish.

 Sounds very harmonious and simple.

 But actually there is a very bad trend here.

Every year if it doesn't rain, the village chief here will organize people to capture a pair of boys and girls to sacrifice to the sky.

 If no fish can be caught, a young girl will be caught and sacrificed to the sea.

 The past few years were fine and the weather was smooth.

 It has not rained in the past few years, and there are no fish in the sea.

The village chief organized everyone and began to hold human sacrifice activities.

  The villagers would definitely disagree at first. After all, if there are children at home, who would be willing to sacrifice their own children.

 But for two consecutive years, no fish could be caught, and there was no prey in the mountains and forests. Everyone began to panic.

 After all, they have lived in the mountains all their lives and have never gone out.

 If there is no food in the mountains and no food in the sea, sooner or later you will starve to death.

Those who are not married and have no children at home insist on holding sacrifices.

 Some people agree, and some people oppose it.

 Those who have children at home will naturally disagree.

His own flesh and blood have been raised so big that no one would be willing to sacrifice them. It would make him sick to death just thinking about it.

 But seeing that no one could grow any food, and the chickens, ducks and geese were all dead, they all began to panic.

 So the robbing activities began.

Someone said that whoever snatches a boy or girl will be rewarded with a sheep and a bag of wheat.

Those hungry ruffians with black eyes immediately started to take action as soon as they heard about such a big reward.

The old, weak, sick and disabled people in the family were so frightened when they saw the fierce eyes of these people that they did not dare to go out for several days.

But the discomfort of being hungry still forced them to go out to look for food.

As soon as the male owner goes out, those people will go crazy and **** their children.

  When a child is robbed, a woman will chase after her as if she were a human being.

So they struggled together.

After all, the man was strong and armed, so he killed the woman in the confusion.

 You will feel guilty if you kill someone, but if you kill someone a few times, you will feel no guilt at all and start to become inhumane.

Gradually, they became addicted to robbing and began to rob other people’s girls.

 It’s hard to raise a beautiful girl, and anyone who wants to do it will naturally take advantage of her and fight with her.

 Thereupon the two parties fought, as if they were desperate for their lives, and killed many people at each other.

Seeing that people here are killing people and robbing children and girls, all of which have reached the ears of the emperor, so he had to take care of it quickly.

 If we don’t send someone to take care of it, all the people in this mountain will die sooner or later.

When Sister Ying heard that she was so evil, she felt goosebumps all over her back.

You don’t know until you go out, but you only know once you go out. Many places are still very backward, and their thoughts are still stuck on the extreme idea of ​​using human sacrifices to exchange for their own peace. Especially regarding boys and girls.

The behavior is selfish and shockingly stupid.

Sister Ying asked, "How are you going to solve this matter?"

Now the villagers in the mountains are all frightened. They are afraid that bad guys will come to take away their children or chop them down. They will probably chop them up when they see people.

Jing Shirong touched the back of her head and reassured her, "Don't worry, Qi Yuanming and I will solve it. You just stay on the boat."

Sister Ying hummed and asked them, "Be careful." She played the flute if she had something to do.

 When they were on a mission, she never caused trouble. She basically waited at the rear and made up for it when something happened, responding to each other's needs.

Jing Shirong hummed and gave a secret comforting look, "Protect Madam well."

The secret guard didn't respond, but he knew they heard him.

Qi Yuanming was already waiting outside at this time.

The two of them went ashore together and prepared to go up from the rocks on the seaside.

This place is far away from the villagers' residences on the mountain. You won't encounter people when you go up, so you can avoid using force when you meet them.

Qi Yuanming was also very confused after hearing about the situation here.

“I asked before I came here. Over the years, the villagers in the mountains have got rid of the bad habit of human sacrifice. I didn’t expect it to suddenly rise again this year.”

 Children who were only a few years old were captured and sacrificed. Just thinking about it makes one’s back numb and angry.

 “Let’s go in through the mountains and forests.”

 Qi Yuanming nodded, "Okay."

 The two of them split up and went up to the mountains and forests.

The trees in the mountains here are dense. Apparently no one has cut them down for a long time, and the trees are getting longer and longer.

 Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming inspected separately.

The two of them were watching the activities in the forest from the top of the tree.

I saw that many houses in the forest had their doors closed and the lights in their homes were not turned on.

I don’t know where the food comes from since he is locked up at home every day.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming both have good eyesight. When they looked down from a high place, they saw that those houses actually had cellars.

 The food is all in the cellar. Even if the fire is lit, it is done during the day. The fire is basically not lit at night to avoid being seen by turning on the light.

 The villagers seemed to have no problem, so they all locked themselves up for self-protection.

 The problem is the village chief and the evil gangsters.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming went to the direction of the village chief's house to check on the situation.

The village chief's house is easier to find. The yard alone is much larger than the others, and the cellar is also very large.

At this time, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were standing on the top of the tall tree, watching.

 Because it was far away and the sea breeze was blowing, it was difficult to hear the conversation inside clearly.

 The two of them looked at each other and went down one behind the other.

 At this time, in the house, the village chief was talking to the gangsters at the foot of the mountain.

“In the evening, you two go and set a fire, light all the houses with girls, and steal those beautiful girls out during the chaos.”

 “What’s the benefit?” The two ruffians had rough faces, their faces were full of pimples, and their eyes were filled with greed.

Especially when they smile, they look like they are possessed by evil spirits. They look very evil.

 “The benefits are indispensable to you.” After that, give them both a fat duck first.

Jing Shirong's side face moved slightly, and he looked at the village chief inside the house, and saw that he also had a ferocious face, and his face looked familiar.

 He frowned suspiciously and looked at Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming also felt that he had seen the village chief somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

The two of them watched the situation inside the house closely until the three people in the house agreed on a time and planned to go to the house of a girl to set a fire at night. They had to follow closely.

When night fell, the two of them quietly approached the village chief, but they seemed to be discovered by the other party.


The village chief turned around with a ferocious expression and looked around. Wondering who is following him.

 (End of this chapter)

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