Chapter 625, finally solved

 He came to the backyard and saw no one.

Judging from the cunningness of this old thief, everyone is probably hiding in the cellar.

 After searching around, I found the mechanism in front of a water tank. When I opened it, I saw an entrance on the ground. You can go down the stairs to the cellar.

Jing Shirong did not go down immediately, but threw a stone down first.

 The people below heard the commotion and came up to check.

Jing Shirong took the opportunity to go down.

 He looked around the cellar and was thankful that there were not many abducted children, only about twenty.

  It was probably because the villagers resisted fiercely that the old guy started killing people.

 Happily, the children were all well, but their hands and feet were tied and their mouths were not blocked, but they consciously did not scream.

I guess I stopped calling over time because I knew no one would hear me calling for help.

Jing Shirong confirmed the number of people and told them, "Someone will come to pick you up soon. Follow him and he will take you home."

 Having said that, regardless of whether the children understand or not, leave the cellar first.

 After getting there, he went around to see if there were any other escape routes.

This old thief must not be allowed to run away again this time, otherwise this matter will never end.

Moreover, if these guests with dirty thoughts are not taught a lesson, they will not know how to live or die, thinking that they can buy fun by spending money.

It seems that a bigger fire needs to be set at night to make these people suffer.

Over at the Yamen, Qi Yuanming has already gone to call someone.

He had a token in his hand, and there were people from the imperial court who were in charge of the sea area nearby. He went to ask them to compare with the people from the Yamen.

 After all, those people are highly skilled in martial arts and have a stronger sense of mission.

Before Qi Yuanming came back, Jing Shirong sneaked into the small house and asked the martial arts people to leave first, otherwise they would set fire to it, and he would have no control over these people.

The people in the rivers and lakes are all good people. They come here just to rest and talk business, not to have fun.

Seeing that he was serious about what he said, I had no doubts and left one after another.

While waiting for the crowd to come in and out, Jing Shirong had already poured the oil and lit the fire.

 “No, it’s on fire!”

 Because the low house is also made of wood, it catches fire quickly.

Tan Laoyi was very angry when he heard it.

 “It’s on fire again?”

Last time, his brothel was destroyed because someone got angry.

 Why did it catch on fire again this time?

 Could it be that the last wave of lackeys from the imperial court came again?

 He thought it was very possible, and Scar snorted coldly on his face.

“Forget it, let’s settle the old and new accounts together this time.”

 The last time he was arrested, it was mainly because he was drugged.

 Fortunately, he communicated with his secret men the moment the fire broke out, and after he was caught in the dungeon, he was dropped and escaped.

 I thought that after "he" died, no one would catch him again.

Who would have thought that the court's dog would still come after him.

It just so happens that no matter how many come this time, if we kill them all together, we will avenge the last time.

 He searched among the chaotic crowd, and his ferocious black eyes suddenly found Jing Shirong's figure.

"It's you?"

 That brat, he should have set the fire in the first place.

When Jing Shirong saw that he had found her, he drew his sword and rushed over without saying anything.

Mr. Tan raised his thin lips coldly, and he also drew his sword and rushed over, "Suffer death!"

 When their weapons met, both of them used their full strength.

This old thief is not weak in martial arts. The only fatal point is that his left leg is inconvenient, which makes the transfer of light kung fu a little slower.

Jing Shirong saw the right time and attacked his left leg specifically.

Mr. Tan was furious, "It's a shame that you are still a member of the imperial court, but you are so despicable." He hit him specifically on his injured left leg. Jing Shirong sneered, "A dog that is worse than pork, what kind of martial ethics can you talk about?"

 Just send him to the eighteenth level of hell.

Mr. Tan sneered, "Just you?"

Last time it was his carelessness that got him into trouble. This time, even if he couldn't win, he would drag him to death together.

 “Suffer death!”

After finishing speaking, a handful of medicinal powder was thrown over.

Jing Shirong had been on guard against him for a long time. He had seen this kind of drugging trick many times, so he turned around to avoid it, and also gave him a try.

This old thief ran away directly after spreading the powder. He still had no determination to die together.

This kind of person has no courage to die. It would be good if he could live for another quarter of an hour.

Jing Shirong leapt up with Qinggong and went after him confidently.

The people from the Yamen heard the commotion and quickly came to find him and began to solve the matters in the low house.

The people Qi Yuanming was looking for were blocked at the beach.

 Sure enough, the old thief took the money and went straight to the coast.

Unfortunately, as soon as he got on the ship, he was trapped in an iron cage.

He never expected that he would be tripped up twice, and he yelled angrily, "Why, how on earth did you predict that I would run away from here?"

It’s okay to be caught carelessly last time, but this time I was caught again!

Having lived a proud life for forty years, he never expected that he would be arrested twice at the age of forty. He was really angry!

Jing Shirong sneered, "Want to know?" I won't tell you.

 Let’s go slowly in the next life.

The guards took the man away. This time, Qi Yuanming watched him with his own eyes. He tied him up with iron chains and observed him for two days. When no one came to save him, he confirmed that there were no other accomplices.

The officials who tried the case also heard about his evil deeds and sentenced him with righteousness.

After this confirmation, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After settling the matter here, the government gave them a big ship and asked them to take the kidnapped girl and the children back to Haikou.

The children were scared at first, but when they saw Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming, they suddenly stopped being scared.

They got on the boat obediently and did not make any noise or fuss all the way. They were so obedient that it made people feel distressed.

One of the girls was bolder and came over shyly and asked, "Sir, are you here to save us?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yeah." He said no more.

When the girl saw his handsome face, she was immediately attracted to him and wanted to say a few more words to him.

“Sir, my name is Chun’er. I am sixteen years old and not married yet.”

 After saying that, he felt extremely embarrassed, but he kept secretly observing Jing Shirong's expression.

But Jing Shirong didn't seem to hear what she was saying, but was looking into the distance.

Qi Yuanming knew that he was thinking about Sister Ying and told him, "Sister Ying is very nice there. She also knew how to return the ship and hide her. The old thief didn't find her when he went to sea."

Jing Shirong nodded and said to himself, "I forgot to buy her some food."

They have been out for four or five days. The woman must have eaten solid food for four or five days, and she is probably tired of it.

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "It's okay. When we send the children back, we'll go to the mountains to have a good meal."

That group of enthusiastic people will definitely treat them to a meal.

Jing Shirong nodded and had no objection.

The girl heard their conversation and asked out of curiosity, "Who is Sister Ying?"

The words "Sister Ying" finally made Jing Shirong look sideways at her.

The other person is a beautiful girl with a slim figure.

He was also very courageous. He looked at Jing Shirong with ecstasy and made no secret of his liking for him.

Jing Shirong saw her expression and said coldly, "She is my wife."

That girl.

 (End of this chapter)

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