Chapter 626, Peach Blossom Debt


The girl's red lips parted and she couldn't help but ask, "Is my brother already married?"

Jing Shirong said a cold "hmm" and said nothing.

The girl was very disappointed when she heard that her sweetheart's name was known to him. His big eyes kept peeking at Jing Shirong's side face, but he hesitated to speak.

Qi Yuanming saw the doorway, put his big hand on Jing Shirong's shoulder, and teased in a low voice, "That girl seems to be attracted to you, tsk tsk tsk, you are really charming."

Jing Shirong glanced at him and waved his hand away in disgust, "Have you eaten enough?"

Qi Yuanming laughed, "No way, I'm starving to death." I just want to tease you for fun, can't I?

Jing Shirong glanced at him and said, "Just be a good person."

Qi Yuanming laughed loudly and did not provoke him again. He went over and told the little girl, "He has a wife, so you should give up. His wife is much prettier than you."

 He thought that by saying this, the Chun'er girl would give up.

Who would have thought that it would be okay if he didn't say it, but he would say that Sister Ying was much prettier than her, which made her very unconvinced.

She is just a beauty on the mountain. She thinks she is the most beautiful one on the mountain. Does this big man have any discernment?

You also said that the husband-in-law's wife is prettier than her? She doesn’t believe it!

 She chased after him and asked Qi Yuanming, "Where is his wife?"

Qi Yuanming yelled, "What? You still don't believe it?"

They have been traveling around for many years and have never seen any beautiful girls.

 The little girl in front of me is beautiful, but compared with Sister Ying, she is still a little behind.

Perhaps Qi Yuanming's critical eye was too obvious, which made Miss Chun'er even more unconvinced.

“What a strong man, tell me where that brother’s wife is. I want to take a peek at her.”

If the other person is really better-looking than her, she can still give up.

 If not, she should still have a chance if she strives for it.

Qi Yuanming told her, "Don't think about it. Their relationship is very good, and you have no chance."

But Miss Chun'er didn't believe it, "You don't even let me try, how do you know I don't have a chance?"

She has been locked in a dark cellar these days, thinking that if any knight can come to save her, she will marry her.

 But she was also afraid that if the other person was an ugly person, then she would take back her words.

When someone came to rescue her at night, her heart almost rose to her throat, fearing that the other person's appearance would disappoint her.

 Fortunately, a tall figure came down from the dark cellar.

Even though the light was not good, she just felt that he must be very good-looking.

 Because when his cloak passed over her, a pleasant fragrance of peony floated over her.

The smell is light, like the smell on clothes, very nice and reassuring.

The light refracted through the ground, and she could see his broad and tall back. She saw that he was a handsome man, and she fell in love with him.

Qi Yuanming looked at her increasingly infatuated face and shook his head, not knowing how to persuade her.

He secretly thought that A Jing is too good-looking, and he provokes these peach blossoms every day. After a while, Sister Ying will definitely be angry when she finds out.

The boat slowly docked towards the shore, and Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were responsible for taking the children up the mountain.

When we first went up the mountain, the few families on the mountain who had been set on fire were all disheartened and fell to the ground, looking ashen and weak.

Jing Shirong asked the girls to go back, and then the girls ran over crying.


 A woman came to her senses when she heard the cry of her child, "Erya is back?"

 “Mom, I’m back.”

The beautiful little girl named Erya cried and ran over to hug the woman. The mother and daughter cried bitterly for a long time.

The remaining children also found their way back by familiar routes.

 When relatives are connected, they should cry a lot and then ask questions. “Who rescued you?”

The children pointed to Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming beside them, "It was those two elder brothers who rescued us."

The women took a cautious look at them first, and then breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the two of them looked upright and did not look like bad people.

He was a lifesaver after all, so he came over to thank him.

“I don’t know how to call you two benefactors?”

Qi Yuanming waved his hands and said to them, "You don't have to be so polite. We are from the imperial court. We are here to rectify your village this time."

 The women looked at each other after hearing this.

“Reorganization? Sent by the imperial court?”

 They were in such a remote place, but they actually alerted the court?

Qi Yuanming nodded and told them seriously, "The village chief is pretending to be the brothel owner, and all your children were abducted by him."

“Also, if it hasn’t rained in the past two years, it’s not because of the lack of sacrifices, but because of the weather. Qin Tian Jian has checked it for you, and it will probably rain next month.”

"From now on, don't listen to any words about offering sacrifices. They are harmful to others and yourself."

"As for the lack of shrimps and crabs, it's because you caught too many. In the future, underage shrimps and crabs are not allowed to be caught. Female crabs and shrimps should be released as much as possible to let them lay eggs. This way, the shrimps and crabs can continue to live. Otherwise, you will have to wait for ten years. Finished."

 The villagers looked at each other, a little embarrassed.

But I didn’t expect that the village chief was actually fake.

 “What about our real village chief?”

Qi Yuanming, "The real village chief has been killed. You must first repair your own house and the village chief's affairs, and then we will screen."

“Get a small boat later. When you run out of food, you can go to a nearby town to buy it.”

"Near this sea, you can reach a small town by boat in two days. There are grain sellers there. You can also take your own products there and exchange them."

 Because the sea fog here is particularly heavy.

The mountain people couldn't see the nearby scene, so they didn't know that there was a small town nearby.

The main reason is that the sea area here is large, the fog is heavy, and the waves are strong. The villagers probably did not dare to go out because they had capsized their boats.

But through this incident, they should try to take a step forward.

After explaining these things, Qi Yuanming said goodbye to them.

When Miss Chun'er saw that Jing Shirong was about to leave, she hurriedly chased after him, "Brother, wait for me."

 She pulled Jing Shirong's sleeve and said, "Brother, please take me away."

Qi Yuanming said "I'll go" and hurriedly pulled off Jing Shirong's sleeves so that she couldn't hold them.

"Girl, don't say this nonsense. Your eldest brother is really married, so don't do it."

 But Miss Chun'er was very stubborn, "No, I want to marry him."

After saying that, she ran back to find her parents, "Mom and Dad, I want to marry that eldest brother, he saved me."

Chun'er's parents were also a little moved when they saw Jing Shirong's appearance and temperament.

However, judging from the other party's demeanor, it was obvious that he would not be satisfied with living here, so he asked his daughter to give up the idea.

"Didn't you listen to what the gentleman said? They are already married, so you should let it go."

They don’t have any concept of concubinage here. Basically, they are monogamous, and they don’t mind marrying two women.

As soon as the mountains came in the mountains, they couldn't stand their men and other women. If you can't stand it, there will be a fight.

 Secondly, if there are more women, there will be more mouths. After that, if there are three or five more children, there will be three or five more mouths, which will be difficult to raise.

Moreover, two women will fight for their own children, and it will be so noisy that they will fight to death. It is better to marry only one.

   Thank you Ni Meng for the vote and the reward, okay () da da da



 (End of this chapter)

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