Chapter 628: Coming to the door

 “Go and call your brother back immediately, or you won’t come back either.”

Because she felt sorry for her son and felt that the girl was confused, Chunmu decided not to protect her daughter.

 “Why are you like this?”

“I just want to ask if he is willing to marry me. Can’t you satisfy me even with this small wish?”

Seeing her red eyes, Mother Chun softened her heart and softened her tone, "Then you can't let your brother blow the wind at the beach in the middle of the night. The family relies on him and your father to support you. How dare you let him catch a cold?"

Ms. Chun'er's eyes were red. She knew that she had not thought carefully and only thought about herself. She cried with guilt, "I know I was wrong. Now go and call my brother back."

 Chunmu hummed and went with her.

 The mother and daughter went to the rock and asked their son to come back together.

 As for whether they will be there tomorrow, it depends on God’s will.

 After returning home, Miss Chun'er couldn't sleep all night, tossing and turning, afraid that Jing Shirong would disappear the next day.

Jing Shirong and Sister Ying, on the other hand, hugged each other and slept soundly.

 On the second day.

 The girl woke up early in the morning.

She quickly dressed up and roasted sweet potatoes, wanting to take them to Jing Shirong to eat.

Seeing how diligent she was, Mother Chun couldn't help but sigh, "Young women can't be retained."

I have never seen this girl get up early before.

 Meals are always prepared for her to eat. When have I seen her get up and cook?

 Sure enough, when you see the man you like, you learn to give.

Miss Chun'er blushed and smiled sheepishly, "Mom, please stop teasing me. I will cook for you next time."

Chunmu had no choice but to say, "No, go over and take a look today, and ask one last time. If they don't want to, then give up."

Miss Chun'er still held a trace of fantasy and said firmly, "I will, I will make it clear to him."

As long as she is moved with emotion and rationalized, he will definitely fall in love with her.

 Before going out, she repeatedly checked her appearance. When she saw the beauty in the water tank, she went down the mountain with confidence.

 Because the genius was slightly bright, no one on the boat was awake yet.

Jing Shirong’s original plan was to wake up and set out again.

Originally they wanted to climb this mountain, but after checking the terrain of the mountain that day, the road was obviously not easy to walk, so they planned to go to the next coast and then go ashore on land.

Miss Chun'er came to the reef and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the boat was still there.

 She straightened her hair and assessed the distance between the boat and the reef. I think it shouldn't be a problem if I jump down.

Relying on her courage, she held on to the rocks and slowly went down.

 The secret guards on the ship were aware of her movements, but did not come out to see her.

They knew that this girl was the one from last night and was harmless, so they closed their eyes and continued to sleep for a while.

Qi Yuanming was fast asleep on the bed at the moment and didn't hear any movement on the rocks.

Jing Shirong heard it, but ignored it and continued to sleep with Sister Ying in her arms.

Girl Chun'er held on to the rocks and slowly fell down until she was almost on the boat, then she jumped off.

This jump caused the ship to shake twice.

Qi Yuanming lay on the bed and clicked his tongue, "Who is it?" But he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

 The guard came out to check, "Who are you looking for?"

When Miss Chun'er saw that there were other men, she coughed and said, "I, I'm looking for the big brother who saved me last night."

The guard frowned, "Master Jing?"

When Miss Chun'er heard the name, she was very happy, "It turns out that my eldest brother's surname is Jing."

"Is Brother Jing up? I roasted sweet potatoes for him. They are so sweet. Which cabin is he in?"

 Speaking, he was about to go to the cabin to look for it.

The guard went to stop her and said, "Miss, stay here. Your Excellency and Madam are still resting, so please come back."

 After saying that, he made a gesture of invitation.

Miss Chun'er refused, and wanted to force her way in. When the guard drew his sword, she didn't dare.

 But I was still unwilling to leave just like that.

 Can only wait on the boat.

She sat down where she was, with a childish temper, and said to the guard, "If you don't let me in, I can just sit here." The guards looked at each other and said, "I'm sorry."

 After saying that, he lifted up her arms and started to drag her up.

Miss Chun'er struggled anxiously, "Let me go! It's indecent!"

She screamed so loudly that she finally woke up everyone on the boat.

Sister Ying made a sound, half asleep and half awake, and muttered, "It's so noisy~"

Jing Shirong opened his eyes and frowned, knowing who was coming and feeling unhappy.

 He hugged Sister Ying and kissed her forehead before getting out of bed and getting dressed.

After changing his clothes, he walked out quietly, closed the door, and looked coldly at the instigator outside with his handsome face.


His tone was very cold, not at all as gentle as in the room.

Miss Chun'er was frightened by the coldness on his face, "I"

Even if I can’t see his expression at night, I still think he’s cool.

 Seeing the cold and serious expression on his face now, it seems that he is even colder than the previous village chief.

But he is so good-looking.

 Deep eyes are like the blue sea, deep, mysterious and charming.

His nose is really straight, even straighter than the most handsome brother in the mountains.

 Such a good-looking man, no wonder she is so fascinated by him.

“Brother Jing, it’s me. I’m Chun’er. I saw you last night.”

Jing Shirong naturally knew it was her and glanced at her with a frown, "What are you doing here?"

 It was so early in the morning that he disturbed his wife while she was sleeping.

 After a while of not sleeping well, it was time for her to lose her temper with him again.

 If you ignore him for a whole day, he will die of suffocation.

 So he was unhappy now because this woman had disturbed their rare brief moment of sleeping together.

Miss Chun'er didn't expect him to be so angry and felt a little aggrieved, "I, I just wanted to come and see you."

“By the way, I also roasted sweet potatoes for you, please eat some.”

 After saying that, he carefully handed over the sweet potato hidden in his sleeve.

Jing Shirong refused to accept the request and asked the guards to "send her back."

 After saying that, he turned around and went back to the house.

Miss Chun'er was reluctant to let him go back to find his wife, so she rushed over and wanted to hug his back.

Jing Shirong reacted quickly and turned around to get out of the way.

He didn't like strangers touching her, so he turned around and stayed away from her, looking worriedly in the direction of the cabin, for fear of waking up Sister Ying.

Sister Ying was indeed awakened.

Because Miss Chun'er couldn't stand it and yelled when Jing Shirong avoided her like a snake or a scorpion.

“Why? What’s wrong with me? Do you think so little of me?”

 What is wrong with her can be changed.

 Why does he dislike her so much.

“Do you think I’m not clean if I’m kidnapped to a brothel? But I didn’t do it on purpose, me.”

 “I am still innocent, if you don’t believe me, just look at it.”

 After saying that, he rolled up his sleeves, and a red red flower was lit on them.

This is what the local girls who have not left the government will order.

Jing Shi Rong has a big head and doesn’t know how to reject her.

It's okay to let him go into battle and kill enemies on weekdays, but when it comes to women's affairs, he always gives a cold and cold answer.

 People know how to retreat when faced with difficulties, so they retreat.

 It’s just that this is so difficult.

Today I went to my old best friend’s house to make pizza, and then came back to code. I can’t stop updating. Good night^_^



 (End of this chapter)

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