The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 629: , become a fan girl in seconds

Chapter 629: Become a fan girl instantly

Miss Chun'er saw him frowning and not answering, thinking that he was shaken by her words, so she kept trying.

“Brother Jing, I really like you, just give me a chance.”

"Whether you want me to be a concubine or a maid, I am willing to do it. Just let me follow you."

 After all, she is a young girl who has just begun to fall in love. She is so overwhelmed by the passion of love that she doesn’t think about the future at all.

 She also forgot her mother’s instructions before going out.

Jing Shirong saw the obsessed look on her face and refused coldly, not wanting to give her the wrong impression.

“Let me tell you one last time, I don’t like you, I only like my wife.”

“Also, don’t say anything about leaving a man easily. Your parents didn’t give birth to you so that you could run away with a man and violate yourself.”

"This kind of behavior of violating yourself for love is not great at all. Don't be moved by yourself. In the eyes of others, it is just a joke. It's a joke on you, but also on your parents."

His words were really sharp, and Miss Chun'er was stunned for a while.


 She really couldn't think about that.

 Thinking that as long as it’s for love, anything is fine.

 Even if she was far away from home with him, she was willing to do so.

Didn’t he expect that such a great thing would be so unbearable in his opinion?

Jing Shirong gave her no hope and gave her a cruel injection. "Isn't it unbearable to abandon your parents so easily and run away with an unknown man?"

“You are selfish, and you don’t care how sad your parents will be after you leave, or how the villagers will spurn your parents. Isn’t this disgusting or noble?”

His words were cold, sharp and sarcastic.

 Don’t talk about girls, it’s uncomfortable for a grown man to hear this.

 But the guards knew that he really wanted to wake up the little girl, so that she would not run away from home for a man next time.

Miss Chun'er vaguely understood what he meant, but she was very sad and aggrieved.

“I, I didn’t want anyone to call me dad or mom, I just, I just like you.”

Jing Shirong scolded her coldly, "Do you like being able to eat it?"

“Just because you like it can make you run away with someone at all costs?”

If he had a daughter and dared to act so boldly, he would not break her legs.

Sister Ying just put on her cloak and came out, yawned and stretched.

"What are you doing?"

Jing Shirong's heart skipped a beat when he saw her coming out. He quickly went over to hug her and put on her hat.

 “The sea breeze is strong in the morning, don’t get caught in the wind, or you may get a headache.”

Sister Ying said nothing, hugged him and asked, "What are you arguing about?"

Jing Shirong explained in a low voice in her ear, "It's nothing, just a naughty kid with no brains. I'm just lecturing her."

Sister Ying twitched her lips and said, "Naughty kid?"

She hugged Jing Shirong's waist and looked at the girl who was sitting on the ground with her mouth open and about to cry. She clicked her tongue twice, pushed Jing Shirong away, walked over, and stopped in front of Miss Chun'er.

 Looking at her condescendingly.

“Little sister, I heard that you want to steal a man from me?”

Chun'er girl

   Why does my neck feel a little cold for no reason?

She raised her head, looked at Sister Ying with red eyes, and said stubbornly, "I don't, I just, I just want to be with Brother Jing."

Sister Ying squatted down and raised her chin like a wolf grandmother, "Oh? You want to be with him? How do you want to be with him?"

 “Do you want me to make room for you?”

Her eyes are smiling, but there is a sense of pressure in her eyes.

Miss Chun'er looked up helplessly and saw a enchanting face under the brim of her hat.

Her eyes were flowing, and she was shining with hope between her frown and her smile. Especially her hands, they were so white, there was no trace of them at all, there were no flaws on the white sebum, they were comparable to a piece of beautiful jade.

She somehow managed to touch it with her hands. The tentacles were indeed smooth and so beautiful that it made people feel inferior.

 “You are so beautiful”

 Somehow, Miss Chun'er couldn't help but say what was in her heart.

She looked at Sister Ying longingly and forgot what to say.

 In the end, Jing Shirong couldn't bear it anymore and came over to take Sister Ying away.

 He was very appetizing, and he hugged her waist hard, not allowing her to look at other women.

Sister Ying was so breathless by him that she clicked her tongue, "You want to strangle me to death? Then sleep with other women?"

Jing Shirong was jealous, "It's obvious that you want to sleep with other women."

 You actually pick someone else’s chin?

“Her chin is better than mine? Why don’t you pick mine?”

Sister Ying didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Why are you so jealous of this girl?”

It’s okay to be jealous of a man, but not to be jealous of a woman.

Jing Shirong tightened his grip around her waist, full of jealousy, and kissed her **** the face, "Anyway, you are not allowed to touch other people, not even women."

 A group of guards.

I didn’t expect them to be so cold on the outside, but actually so jealous.

 No one can get jealous over the smallest things.

 Including Miss Chun'er, they also felt that Jing Shirong seemed to have gone too far.

  She stood up, patted the dirt on her skirt, and had calmed down.

With a cough, Jiao Didi said to Sister Ying, "Sister, I was impulsive just now, can you give me some more advice?"

 Sister Ying? ? ?

 Does this make you admit your mistake?

 Is it too fast?

But Miss Chun'er looked at her shyly, barely able to speak, "I, I wasn't awake in the morning, but I'm much more awake now. Thank you, sister, for waking me up."

 Jing Shi Rong.

Didn't he wake her up?

 Why does Sister Chengying get the credit?

But Miss Chun'er came over with a true face and pulled Sister Ying's sleeve with her little hand, "Sister, can I talk to you?"

Sister Ying glanced at Jing Shirong, who was about to get angry, and raised her eyebrows provocatively, "Okay, let's talk."

 Having said that, take Miss Chun'er to the cabin.

Just as Jing Shirong was about to follow him in, the door was closed with a bang.

He snorted angrily, but he didn't expect to be locked out.

Had I known better, I would have thrown that little kid directly onto the rocks to avoid getting in his eyes.

The guard chuckled, and seeing that he was about to get angry, he quickly coughed and ran away.

 In the cabin.

Miss Chun'er stared at Sister Ying with her big eyes, looking at her like a little girl, "Sister, what's your name?"

Sister Ying shrugged, "Just call me sister, no need to ask for your name."

Miss Chun'er didn't say anything to her, nor was she angry. She still looked at her with an infatuated expression.

“Sister, how do you take care of your skin? It’s so smooth and tender.”

There are no spots or small particles on my face. Even the pores are not visible. How on earth did it grow and my skin is so good?

  Unlike her, she is good-looking, but she still has a few small spots, although not many, but there are them.

  Furthermore, the skin on the face is not as delicate as others, and the pores are somewhat exposed.

 In such a comparison, she is so bad.

 Don’t blame the big guy for saying she couldn’t compare, it turned out that she really couldn’t compare.

She looked at Sister Ying with a look of infatuation and asked her, "Sister, can you tell me how to maintain good skin? I really want to try it too."

 (End of this chapter)

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