The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 634: , the third princess is jealous

Chapter 634: The third princess is jealous

The third princess shook her head and said, "I won't help. They can't solve such a trivial matter, and there's no need to convince the public."

Mr. Zhong nodded and served her the white fungus soup.

 “Drink, it’s time to wake up soon.”

The third princess glanced at her son who was sleeping soundly on the bed and smiled.

 “He can really sleep, he sleeps all day long.”

 Either eating or sleeping, just like a little lazy pig.

Mr. Zhong picked up his son with a fatherly look on his face, gave him a rare kiss, and retorted, "We little pigs are still little babies. It's normal to eat and sleep. Don't dislike us."

The third princess saw that her father was almost overflowing, and snorted, which was actually a bit tasteful.

 “He’s just a brat, nothing special about him.”

Mr. Zhong was very surprised, "This is the fruit of love between the two of us, so of course we should be very surprised."

He does not plan to get the third princess pregnant in the future. There will only be one child like this in the future, and money is expensive.

The third princess didn’t expect him to say that. She was speechless, her ears turned red, and she called him, “pretentious.”

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Anyway, I like our son. Why did you give birth to him?"

The more he said this, the less able the third princess was to accept the move. She coughed and ate her own food without saying a word.

Mr. Zhong knew that she was shy, so he stopped teasing her.

When Sister Ying came over, the third princess was still eating.

She knocked on the door and came in, bringing a plate of dried fruit.

 “I made snacks for you, you can try them when you are bored.”

The third princess knew her good skills, so she hummed and asked her, "Sit down."

Just as Sister Ying hummed and was about to sit down, the little piglet in Young Master Zhong’s arms started to cry.

   "Crying very loudly."

Mr. Zhong knew that he was hungry, so he took him to the wet nurse.

But the third princess said, "Stand there."

Mr. Zhong was puzzled, “What’s wrong?”

The third princess was eating dried fruit and asked the maid, "Go and ask the wet nurse to come in."


The maid responded and soon the wet nurse came over with her slender waist.

This nanny was found in the town.

I am twenty-five years old, and I have given birth to my fifth child this year.

Mr. Zhong didn’t know much about finding a wet nurse at first, but the midwife introduced her. She said that the wet nurse was healthy, had given birth to many children, and had rich experience in feeding children. He asked her to take care of the children in a healthier way.

Mr. Zhong didn’t understand this aspect, but what the midwife said made sense, so he invited the person back at a high price.

The third princess has always paid no attention to such trivial matters. She leaves all matters at home to Young Master Zhong.

Mr. Zhong told her at the beginning that he wanted to hire a nanny, and she agreed.

Unexpectedly, the nanny invited was a young and beautiful one.

Even though she is young and beautiful, she is still coquettish. When she sees Young Master Zhong, she seems unable to walk. She stares straight at her, wishing she could stick to Young Master Zhong.

The third princess didn't know about this at first, but the maid couldn't stand it and came over to report it to her.

   It is said that when Young Master Zhong took the child to find the wet nurse, the wet nurse pretended to feed the child, but kept peeking at Young Master Zhong and kept leaning towards Young Master Zhong.

The third princess didn't believe it at first. After all, the nanny behaved well in front of her. It was hard to imagine that she would seduce her man.

 It wasn’t until she smelled a sweet smell on Mr. Zhong’s body that she became wary.

 She knows that her man will not mess around outside.

 But she is not sure whether other women will miss her man.

Today she wanted to see how the wet nurse seduced her man!

Soon, the nurse was called over by the maid.

As soon as she entered the room, a fragrant smell of powder came in. It was obvious that she had dressed up specially. Look at the dress on her body. It is tight at the top and loose at the bottom. It outlines her exquisite figure.

Especially her red lips, her small waist twisting and turning when she walks, making any man take a second look at her.

 The third princess narrowed her black eyes slightly, and those who understood her would naturally know that she was angry.

Sister Ying looked on and coughed to remind Young Master Zhong to pay attention.

 But Mr. Zhong’s energy is all on his son, and he has no idea about the turmoil between women.

At this moment, the little piggy was crying. He quickly gave his son to the wet nurse and told her, "Hurry up and feed him. We piggy can't get hungry. We have to howl when we are hungry, and our little faces are red from crying." He said with a distressed look on his face.

After hearing this, the wet nurse shyly leaned over, took the child over, and deliberately touched Young Master Zhong with her soft and fragrant body.

Mr. Zhong’s attention was not on her, and he naturally ignored her electric eyes. He kept looking at his son.

Seeing that the wet nurse was about to lift her clothes, the third princess took a deep breath and said coldly, "That's enough!"

People in the room didn't know why, and they all looked at her.

Mr. Zhong didn’t understand even more, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Hurry over and touch her forehead.

 The third princess waved his hand away and asked him, "Give me your son."

Mr. Zhong was puzzled, "Why? He was just about to eat."

 The third princess gave him a cold look and said, "I want you to carry me over! No need to waste words."

Young Master Zhong felt aggrieved, "He is good at being good but he is also cruel to others."

But he obediently went to pick up his son.

After holding her son in her arms, the third princess raised her eyes and glanced at the nanny, "You can go."

  Meaning that there is no need to come again in the future.

The wet nurse also heard it and knew that she was going to be driven away, so she knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Princess, please forgive me. Tell me what I did wrong. I will change it. Please don't dare to leave me."

 She couldn't bear to lose such a high-paying yet easy job.

Especially because the Prince Consort was so handsome and pleasing to the eye even more than once, she really couldn't bear to leave.

Mr. Zhong was puzzled and asked the third princess, "Do you mean we don't need her? Why?"

 Aren’t you fed well?

The third princess glanced at him and said, "I want to feed myself."

Mr. Zhong said "Huh?" "You feed yourself? But you don't do it either."

 Before he could say anything else, he was glared at by the third princess.

“Then go and find someone more beautiful. I don’t like ugly people to feed my son.”

Young Master Zhong was confused, "Ugly??"

He turned back and glanced at the young and beautiful wet nurse, "Isn't it ugly?"

 Having said that, I suddenly came back to my senses.

So it turns out that the third princess is jealous?

This nanny is young and beautiful, but she deliberately calls someone ugly. Is she jealous that the other person is more feminine than her?

 The more Mr. Zhong thought about it, the more he was right. He smiled and said flatteringly, "Yes, yes, I will look for him in a minute."

After saying that, he gave the nanny a piece of silver and told her, "Go back. You have worked hard these days."

The nurse didn't really think she was going to be driven away. She hugged Mr. Zhong's pants and begged, "Husband-in-law, what did I do wrong? I can change it. There are many children at home, so just let me stay here and work." , please.”

She begged so hard and even shed tears that the other men would become soft-hearted and leave her behind.

Mr. Zhong, however, had no feelings for her. He only said melancholy, "The princess at home has the final say, so you'd better leave."

 The meaning is very clear, he listens to the third princess.

The nanny was a little discouraged when she saw that he had no rights. She raised her head and glanced at the third princess. She saw that her brows were stern and she didn't dare to ask for anything, so she could only run away in fear.

 (End of this chapter)

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