The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 635: , the third princess quarreled with Mr. Zhong

Chapter 635: The third princess quarreled with Mr. Zhong

After the nanny left, Mr. Zhong came over to please her, "She's gone. Princess, don't be angry. I'll make you roast chicken tonight."

The third princess rolled her eyes at him and said, "You go too."

Mr. Zhong looked innocent, "Why? It's not my fault that I'm more feminine than you. Why are you being mean to me?"

 You can’t just blame him because someone else is more feminine than her, right?

 The third princess took a deep breath, "What did you say? Say it again?"

 Dare you say she is unfeminine? ?

 Also, “Did you peek at her?”

 Sure enough, you still dislike her?

Hum, stinky men, all have the same virtue, but they only look at their skin.

 “Get out!”

Young Master Zhong was also angry, "Get out of here."

She loses her temper every time for no reason, I really see through her, huh.

He left angrily. The maid was in a dilemma, but she chased him out to avoid making the third princess even more angry when she couldn't find him.

Sister Ying was ashamed, she didn’t expect to see such a thing.

 She can neither sit nor walk now.

I can only give one piece of advice, "As a couple, if you want to live a happy life, talk to each other properly. Don't be so harsh to him in front of outsiders, he will be sad too."

The third princess was furious and snorted, "What does he have to be sad about?"

Him takes care of everything in the house, and she is under strict control by him. What's left to be dissatisfied about?

 Since she was a child, she has never heard anything the emperor said.

But he was willing to stay in the house for so long just because of him. How dare he lose his temper?

Sister Ying felt that they were not angry at the same point, so she sighed and walked over to talk to her.

“Were you angry because of the nanny just now?”

“But Mr. Zhong and the nanny are obviously not familiar with each other. If you are so jealous, Mr. Zhong is also very wronged.”

The third princess refused to admit it, "Who is jealous? They can do whatever they like, Guan Ben will do nothing."

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, pouring her a glass of sweet fruit water, "If you are not jealous, then tell me why you lost your temper with Mr. Zhong just now?"

The third princess thought about it carefully, and it seemed that she was angry because the nanny had been seducing the man named Zhong.

Especially when she smelled the fragrant smell of Young Master Zhong, her jealousy rose to the extreme.

She couldn't imagine other women holding Mr. Zhong in their arms, and she got angry just thinking about it.

Had she not endured it, she would have become furious.

Sister Ying saw that she cared about Mr. Zhong and gently advised her, "It's someone else's fault for seducing him, and it has nothing to do with Mr. Zhong. You'd better not get angry with him because of this next time."

Haven’t you seen that Mr. Zhong only has his son in his eyes?

He didn't even look at the wet nurse.

The third princess knew that he had no objection, otherwise she would have killed him long ago.

She took a deep breath and felt that her temper had become more moody after becoming pregnant.

Especially after giving birth to a child, her moods are even more changeable. Sometimes she is angry, and sometimes she is sad. She doesn’t know what’s wrong with her, and sometimes she can’t control her emotions.

Sister Ying knows that postpartum emotional syndrome has its ups and downs.

  Sometimes I feel inexplicably sad, want to cry, or lose my temper.

These are not the mothers’ original intentions. We still need to comfort them more.

She rubbed Princess Shun San's back and told her, "It will always be like this after pregnancy and childbirth. Emotions are out of control. It will be fine when the child is older. It is not your problem, it is the same for everyone."

The third princess was doubtful, "Really?"

 She thought that was just her, that there was something wrong with her and that she couldn't control her emotions.

Sister Ying told her, "It's the same. After my mother gave birth to Brother Kang, she would lose her temper for no reason and then quarrel with my father. She would regret it afterwards."

“And so are my cousins-in-law, whose symptoms are exactly the same as yours.”

 The third princess breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that so many mothers were the same. “So everyone is like this?” Can’t control your temper after getting angry?

Sister Ying recognizes her head. "Yes, it's the same for everyone, so don't worry it's your problem. Take good care of yourself and it will be fine."

 The third princess has now recovered and has begun to regret it.

 “But I just hurt him.”

That guy got up early every day to make confinement meals for her, three meals a day without interruption.

 Get up early and stay up until late every day to buy fresh ingredients, just to let her eat more.

 She knows all these hard work.

  I just said something indiscriminately in anger. Now I will wake up and regret it.

 But I couldn’t bear to call him.

Sister Ying told her, "Let me tell you, men are softer than tough. I'll call Mr. Zhong in later, and you can apologize to him, and the matter will be fine."

The third princess frowned, "Apologise?" She couldn't say it.

 She has never been humble to anyone in her life.

 I definitely can’t open this mouth.

Sister Ying thought for a while and gave her a compromise, "Otherwise, you can just soften it up. It's always an apology."

The third princess thought about it and thought it would work.

Sister Ying went out to find Mr. Zhong.

I saw him squatting at the door and hadn't gone far at all. I couldn't help but squat down in a funny voice and asked him in a low voice, "You haven't left yet?"

Mr. Zhong turned away awkwardly, "I'm not leaving. Why should I leave when she asks me to leave? I'm the head of the family, so I won't leave!"

Sister Ying did not expose him, but nodded in agreement, "You are right, you are the head of the family, and the third princess really has no right to drive you away."

 Zhong Da saw that she recognized him, and he suddenly felt confident.

“That is, this home is mine, she is mine, and my son is mine, so I won’t leave!”

 After saying that, I stood up majestically, looking my best.

Sister Ying thought he was really interesting and cheered him up.

 “Go and make it clear to the third princess that she won’t be allowed to chase you away next time.”

Mr. Zhong gave a firm hum, opened the door and entered the house.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw the third princess holding her son and coaxing him gently.

Just now the maid fed the child some goat's milk, and now the child is already drowsy and looks like he won't sleep.

When the third princess saw him coming in, she opened her mouth and remained silent for a long time before holding back one sentence, "You're back?"

Mr. Zhong pretended to be cold and hummed, "Is my son asleep? Let me take a look?"

 Come over and look down at the child.

 The third princess handed the child to him, "You can hold it, my hands are sore."

Hearing this, Young Master Zhong hurriedly took the child over and asked with concern, "Are your hands sore? I'll give you medicine and rub it in a while. Don't hold the child anymore. He's very heavy."

The third princess hummed along the steps and asked him, "We'll find an honest nanny later. Don't look for those flashy ones."

Mr. Zhong grunted, worried about her health, "You have been sitting for a long time, lie down quickly."

The third princess felt happy when she saw that he was only focused on himself and didn't care whether he was a wet nurse or not.

 She opened her mouth and said, "I'm not in a good temper recently, please be patient."

 After being married for so long, this is the first time that she has taken the initiative to give in.

Mr. Zhong’s face was filled with shock and his heart softened.

On the face, he pretended to be calm, "It's okay, I've been in a bad temper recently, and I won't be in a bad temper again."

The two looked at each other and blushed shyly.

 (End of this chapter)

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