Chapter 636, The temper of a child

Sister Ying heard their voices of reconciliation outside the door, raised the corners of her lips, and silently stepped back.

 Xiao Zi came to pick her up and asked, "Are you down so soon?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Have you bought all the groceries?"

Xiao Zi said, "I've bought it. I bought a lot of vegetable seedlings, flower seedlings, and fruit tree seedlings. I'll plant them all in a while, and the yard will be fragrant."

Sister Ying agreed and followed her back to plant fruit trees.

 The courtyard Mr. Zhong arranged for them is neither big nor small, but has a good layout.

 There are walls to block the sun during the day and avoid exposure to the sun.

It can also protect against wind and sand.

 It means that the courtyard is bare and colorless.

Sister Ying and Xiao Zi worked hard all afternoon, creating a flower garden and vegetable garden in the yard.

Saplings have also been planted to see if they will bear fruit next year.

  After doing all this, both the master and the servant looked disgraced.

 Xiao Zi went to boil water.

By the time the water was boiled and washed, it was already dark.

 The sunset here doesn’t go down until very late, and sometimes it doesn’t get completely dark until Hai hour.

 After taking a shower and drying her hair, Sister Ying was too tired to talk.

Xiao Zi was full of energy and went to cook again before bringing it over.

 “Miss, let’s have some midnight snack.”

 “It’s been a day’s work, I see you’re tired.”

Sister Ying lay lazily on the bed, not wanting to move.

 “I won’t eat it, you can eat it.”

I haven’t worked for a long time, and I have used up all my energy for a year today.

Xiao Zi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “I think you are thinking about my uncle and you can’t eat.”

Looking at how loving Mr. Zhong and the third princess are, my uncle hasn’t been back for several days, so he’s so worried that he can’t eat.

Sister Ying glanced at her and said, "You are the only one who talks a lot."

 However, when I come here, there are few entertainment activities and there are few people to chat with, so it does feel a bit lonely.

If I had known earlier, I would have had a baby to pass the time.

 Future baby.

 So this is why I came to this world?

Xiao Zi laughed after listening to her talking to herself, "Are you serious too? Do you still have children because you are bored?"

Sister Ying also laughed, "Why not?"

 According to what her grandmother said, "Idle time is idle, so it is better to have a child to kill time."

Xiao Zi covered her mouth and giggled, "Then I'll call my uncle back tomorrow and ask you to give birth to a child for you as soon as possible?"

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Go, go, I'm just kidding."

Looking at the third princess getting pregnant and tossing herself like that, it’s scary to think about it. She doesn’t want to give birth out of boredom, just let nature take its course.

 Xiao Zi, "Then drink the soup and then go to sleep."

Sister Ying hummed, drank the soup, rinsed her mouth, and fell asleep.

 On the second day.

 Sleep until the third day of the sun and then get up.


Sister Ying stretched herself comfortably, and Xiao Zi came to report, "Miss, the third princess is letting you pass."

Sister Ying asked, "Did you say anything?"

Xiao Zi shook her head, "It seems that Mr. Zhong has gone out. The young master has been crying because he can't find his biological father. The third princess can't figure it out and wants you to try."

Sister Ying pointed at herself, "Me?"

 It’s not impossible.

 She took care of Kang Geer when she was a child, and now she should have no problem hugging the son of the third princess.

 She packed herself up, put on a veil, covered her face, and then went over with Xiao Zi.

As soon as I came upstairs and before I entered the room, I heard the little baby crying "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo".

That loud voice makes people’s heads buzz.

 “Who is crying?”

Sister Ying came in and walked towards the third princess with a smile. The third princess's hair was messy and her eyes were tired. When she saw her coming, it was like seeing a life-saving straw, "Quickly, hug this brat, I won't be able to survive."

Sister Ying laughed when she saw her hurriedly trying to get rid of her son.

 She took the child over and it was quite heavy.

He held her in his arms, weighed it gently, and coaxed her softly, "Oh, don't cry~"

The little thing in her arms looked at her with big eyes and actually stopped crying.

 The fleshy little hands were in his mouth, and there were tears on his face. He looked quite pitiful.

Sister Ying felt soft and asked the third princess, "Is he hungry?"

The third princess raised her head and said, "No, I just finished drinking goat's milk and my belly is round. How can I be hungry?"

 “Is that urine?”

Sister Ying touched the child's diaper. It was wet. It turned out to be urine.

 She put the child on the bed and changed his clean diaper with unfamiliar movements.

After changing it, the little guy stopped crying and smiled.

The third princess saw that the brat didn't cry. She breathed a sigh of relief and cursed, "You brat will torture me."

A dignified general who was tortured by a milk baby didn’t look like a human being or a ghost. No one would believe him even if he told him.

Seeing her angry and helpless look, Sister Ying shook her head in amusement.

 “Where is Mr. Zhong?”

 “He went out to find the wet nurse.”

Originally, we could just leave this matter to the servant, but that guy likes to take matters into his own hands, so he took care of it himself.

He has been taking care of the little guy since he was born. He has to look for it every now and then when he can't see it, as if he has become a spirit.

 The third princess had a headache, "He's really trapped now."

 She doesn't know how to do anything at home, and it's all up to Young Master Zhong to manage it.

Even her son has to be taken care of by him, and now she really can’t live without him.

Sister Ying smiled happily, feeling that they were really a good match.

 The third princess also smiled and shrugged, as if she recognized it.

She ordered her servants, "Go and see if the prince-in-law is back. If he is still on the street, ask him to come back and take care of his son quickly."


The servant responded and left, and now only Sister Ying and the third princess were left in the room.

Sister Ying held the little guy in her arms and coaxed him for a while, but she didn't see that he wanted to sleep.

 The third princess felt it was amazing, "When I hug him, he always cries loudly, which makes my head hurt. How come you don't cry when you hug him?"

If this little thing hadn't come out of her belly, she would have wanted to make a meal of it.

Sister Ying smiled, "Maybe she's just hungry or sleepy."

 The third princess shook her head and said, "No."

 “This kid obviously doesn’t want me to hold him.”

 As he said that, he raised his hand to Sister Chao Ying and wanted to show her the experiment.

Sister Ying made a sound and thought it was interesting, so she gave the child to her.

As soon as the little thing was in the hands of the third princess, she looked at it with big round eyes. She didn’t know whether he could see clearly, but as soon as he felt that someone was wrong, he immediately burst into tears.

The third princess was speechless and handed him to Sister Ying again, "Try it."

Sister Ying smiled and hugged the little guy who was crying loudly.

I thought he would still cry, but after staying in Sister Ying's arms for a short while, he stopped crying immediately, and his crying could be controlled freely.

The third princess snorted angrily, "Look! I just said it." This little thing did it on purpose.

 Let’s see how I deal with you in the future. You are a little thing, how dare you despise her?

Sister Ying laughed and laughed, "It's all fate."

 Children’s tempers are unpredictable, and they can’t predict this.

 The third princess didn’t really want to argue with her own son, she was just a little discouraged.

“I don’t know if my hands are too hard, making it uncomfortable to hold him.”

She thought this was the reason, otherwise why would her son cry as soon as he got into her hands?

  Thank you for your votes, good night (▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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