Chapter 642: Being thrown sheep shit

Sister-in-law Lin nodded and sighed.

 “It’s a long story.”

Originally, the charming lady was from Sister-in-law Lin's village.

 The two of them got married together and took care of each other at first.

 But Mei Niangzi is a high-spirited person and loves to compare.

Her man was originally an ordinary low-level soldier.

Sister-in-law Lin’s man worked in the military camp for two or three years, and finally got promoted, and his position was suddenly higher than that of Mei Niang’s man.

 Nowadays, as a man's status rises, his wife will naturally rise with the tide.

Seeing that Sister-in-law Lin's status was higher than hers, Lady Mei was naturally jealous and asked her man to get promoted quickly.

Her man also wants to save face, and when she compares him with other men every day, he becomes more and more motivated.

Later, her man was also promoted to the same position as Sister-in-law Lin’s man.

 After the two of them had equal positions, Mei Niangzi was not happy again.

 She felt that this small position was not enough for her. She wanted to be the wife of a general.

Even if he cannot be a great general, he must at least be a small general.

So she whipped his man every day to show off to the third princess, so that he could be promoted and make a fortune as soon as possible.

Her man accidentally slipped and fell while patrolling on the cliff because he was trying his best.

 Sister-in-law Lin’s man originally fell with him.

The two of them fell one after the other and were about to be in danger of their lives. As soon as the rope to save them came up, the two of them grabbed it immediately.

However, it rained heavily that day and the mountain road was extremely slippery. The person who rescued them slipped and almost fell together.

At the critical moment, Mei Niangzi’s man pulled Sister Lin’s man, but unfortunately the rope in his hand was cut, so Mei Niangzi’s man lost his footing and fell down the mountain. When he found him, he was out of breath.

Sister-in-law Lin's man remembered this kindness and always asked his wife to take care of Mei Niang.

Sister-in-law Lin knew what her husband wanted, so she took good care of Lady Mei.

 But the charming lady does not appreciate it.

 She felt that her husband's death was all a conspiracy of Sister-in-law Lin and his wife.

 They must have murdered their men because they were afraid that their men would get promoted and make money.

 Otherwise, two people fell, but only one was rescued.

 It looks like murder no matter how you look at it.

Even though others explained the matter clearly, Mei Niangzi still firmly believed that some people couldn't stand the good days she was about to have, so she hated everyone.

 At the beginning, she was in control, and everyone turned a blind eye.

 Later she felt that this alone was not the solution.

 She now has no protection from a man, cannot buy anything she wants, and has problems with food and clothing. Then he turned his attention to other men.

 She looked at herself in the mirror and thought she was very pretty.

If she can marry the lieutenant in the military camp, women in this street will respectfully call her madam.

 So she started to seduce the lieutenant.

 It is a pity that the lieutenant general is already married, has six children, and there is a tigress at home.

 She was afraid of being beaten to death, so she could only change to another one.

 But those men’s wives are very careful. She really can’t seduce those with high positions, so she can only seduce those who can make money in the middle and lower levels.

Those men also came to the road, and seeing how charming she was, she accomplished good things every time she came and went.

But they are also thieves. They know that the mother-in-law at home will make trouble, so they choose the place to be very secretive.

 Because those women were not caught at the scene, it is useless to hate the charming women, they can only look for trouble in weird ways.

The charming lady is very thick-skinned, she can seduce other people's husbands, and she can also plausibly say that people are bullying her because she is a widow. I cried with pity when I saw her. The men she offended felt sorry for her and gave her some money.

It is still rare to be scolded by Xiao Zi like today.

Other neighbor women saw Xiao Zi’s bravery and came over to praise her.

 “The little girl is pretty good. She has good courage and good eloquence. Come and sit at my house if you have time.”

 Xiao Zi has a cheerful personality and a square appearance. Everyone thinks she is not threatening and they all like her.

They all took her to chat.

If it wasn't for getting dark and it was time to go back, she wouldn't want to leave. After listening to her description, Sister Ying nodded, indicating that she understood.

He also said to her, "Don't keep arguing with others in the future, or you will become a thorn in your side."

 Xiao Zi was unconvinced, "If she didn't bully others, I wouldn't quarrel with her."

“Sister-in-law Lin is so kind. She even brought me a pack of snacks when I came back.”

 After saying that, he took it out like a treasure and gave it to Sister Ying to eat.

“There were four in total, so I ate one and gave the rest to the lady.”

 She was so loyal to protect the Lord, Sister Ying smiled heart-warmingly.

“One is enough for me, and you can eat the rest.”

Xiao Zi thought she must be tired, so she hurriedly made her bed.

I pinched her shoulders, but I smelled the smell of **** on her body, "Miss, you seem to smell a little bit?"

Sister Ying sniffed her sleeves, and it did stink.

 “Okay, then I’ll wash up.”

I was out for a day and I came back very tired and didn’t want to move, but my hair did smell like chicken shit, so I had better wash it first.

 “Okay, then I’ll boil the water.”

Xiao Zi went to boil water. It was already late at night when she finished her work.

Sister Ying was lying on the bed and fell asleep.

Xiao Zi was also asleep beside her, watching over her.

 In the dead of night.

Suddenly someone threw a bag of smelly stuff into the courtyard, which made all the secret guards vomit.

 “Who is it? So wicked?”

The secret guard took a closer look and saw that it was a bag of stinky sheep excrement. It stinked to death.

 “Want to clean up?”

An Wei Er shook his head, "We are only responsible for guarding people, not doing anything like this."

 The secret guard nodded, "That's right, then let it go."

 The scene of the crime is on the left and right side. It’s time for Madam to take a look.

the next day.

When the sun rose, Xiao Zi opened her eyes and stretched.

She got up and went to see Sister Ying. Seeing that she was not awake yet, she lifted the quilt for her, turned around and went out to cook quietly.

 Now she is the only servant in the family, and she is responsible for cleaning the yard and cooking.

Sister Ying wanted to help, but she refused.

Mr. Zhong said that he would find a helper for her in a few days, but no one has arrived yet.

Xiao Zi opened the door and went out. As soon as she reached the yard, she smelled the smell of stinky sheep excrement.

  She vomited and felt a little nauseous.

 Going close to the black bag and kicking it, the sheep **** particles in the bag were kicked out.

This smell is absolutely stinking.

 “His grandma, who is so wicked?”

 She actually threw sheep feces into her yard?

Xiao Zi was so angry that she opened the courtyard door angrily and looked around, but didn't see the mastermind.

She looked around angrily, but couldn't find the culprit. Finally, she put her hands on her hips and thought, "It must be that vixen who did it!"

She was really **** off.

Sister Ying was still awake at this moment. She didn't intend to wake Sister Ying, so she closed the door and went to Sister-in-law Lin's house.

“Sister-in-law Lin, are you at home?”

Sister-in-law Lin got up early to cook for the children. When she saw her coming, she smiled and said, "Xiao Zi is here?"

Xiao Zi took a deep breath and asked her, "Sister-in-law Lin, do you know which courtyard Lady Mei lives in?"

This whole row of courtyards all looks the same, and it’s hard to find anyone who’s not familiar with them.

 (End of this chapter)

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