Chapter 643, go back for revenge

Sister-in-law Lin saw her angry look and was puzzled, "Why are you looking for her? Has she provoked you again?"

Xiao Zi said angrily, "You don't know that when we got up early in the morning, there was a bag of stinky sheep excrement in our yard, which almost stunk me to death."

“We have just moved here not long ago, and no one recognizes us, so naturally we have no enemies.”

 “The only one who doesn’t get along is that charming lady.”

 So that bag of sheep **** must have been thrown away by that stinky woman, Mei Niangzi!

Sister-in-law Lin said "Huh?", also very surprised.

 “She, she threw sheep **** in your yard?”

That is indeed a bit unethical.

But this is not the first time this has happened.

 In the past, some people have thrown stinky sheep **** away from charming ladies.

 Unexpectedly, this time it was the charming lady who threw someone else away.

Xiao Zi said angrily, "Hurry up and tell me which courtyard she lives in. I will definitely throw this bag of stinky sheep excrement into her courtyard!" Otherwise, I won't be able to swallow this breath.

Sister-in-law Lin advised her, "You should calm down first."

"There is no evidence for this. Secondly, you are new here. If you argue with her early in the morning, it will not be good for your young lady and uncle."

Xiao Zi angrily said, "Then we can't just let it go like this."

 If that’s all, I don’t know if I’d think she’s easy to bully.

 When that stinky woman comes and throws sheep **** at her every day, what's the point?

Sister-in-law Lin looked around and saw no one, so she whispered to her, "Her family lives in the fourth room on the left. Please be gentle and don't let her catch her."

Xiao Zi was delighted and nodded, "Thank you, sister-in-law."

 After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

She went back and picked up the bag of sheep dung, and pulled out a handful of smelly weeds on the road. Then she covered her face and sneaked to Lady Mei's house.

Mei Niang went to fool around with a man last night, and she hasn't gotten home yet.

When she got home, she saw stinky sheep excrement strewn all over the courtyard, almost suffocating her to death.

She looked at the black package on the ground and knew it was made by Xiao Zi. She kicked the door panel angrily.

“You stinky girl, how dare you come back with revenge? Let’s see how she deals with her next time!”

 Last night she complained to the man, saying that Xiao Zi bullied her and asked the man to deal with Xiao Zi.

 But that man was afraid of trouble and did not dare to do anything to others.

So he picked up a bag of sheep dung and threw it over, thinking of avenging the charming lady.

Mei Niang thinks that stinky sheep excrement will do the trick, and it would be best if the other party pours more sheep urine into it to stink them to death.

But the other party just wanted to be intimate with the charming lady and didn't want to waste time getting those smelly things, so he just got through with a bag of sheep shit.

I thought this would please people a lot, but who knew that that **** girl would actually dare to throw the sheep **** back?

And how did she know this was her home?

 It must have been that sister-in-law Lin who told her.

 Hmph, you hypocritical villain, he looks so nice to her on the face of it, but isn’t he helping others deal with her?

 Hypocritical woman!

Mei Niangzi was so angry that she turned around and went to find another man.

 She needs to show Xiao Zidian her color, otherwise that **** girl will really think she is easy to bully!

 If you don’t give her some sex, she won’t be able to hang out here in the future.

Xiao Zi didn’t know what she was thinking, so she went back after throwing away the smelly sheep shit.

Sister Ying also smelled a bad smell when she woke up.

Wearing loose pajamas, she opened the window and asked Xiao Zi, "What does the courtyard smell like? Why is it so smelly?"

Xiao Zi coughed and said, "No, just, the passing sheep pooped at the door. I'll wash it off in a while and it won't stink. You go back to sleep."

Sister Ying had no doubts and continued to lie down for a while. She didn't get up until Young Master Zhong came to look for her after she was full.

 As soon as Mr. Zhong entered the courtyard, he also felt a bit smelly.

 Ask Xiao Zi, “Does your family raise sheep?”

Otherwise, why would the taste be so strong?

Xiao Zi turned away with a guilty conscience, "No, the passing sheep peed here a few times. I'll wash it with water and it'll be fine."

Mr. Zhong had no doubts and asked Sister Ying to go to the chicken coop to have a look.

Sister Ying hummed, had a simple breakfast, put on her cloak, wrapped her head and face, and then went over with him.

As soon as they went out, the charming lady saw them.

Madam Mei has met Young Master Zhong.

She knew that he was the prince-consort, the princess's man. He was handsome, handsome, and had a gentle temper. She liked it very much.

Several times she wanted to seduce Mr. Zhong, but she was afraid that the princess would find out and her life would be in danger, so she could only suppress the greed in her heart.

I didn’t expect that the prince-in-law would come here after not seeing each other for many days?

 Especially when she came out of that dead girl’s courtyard?

 What is his relationship with that dead girl?

 No, who is that woman who came out with the Prince Consort?

Could it be that he is that girl’s master?

Mei Niangzi followed over to take a look with a jealous look on her face.

She was lying next to the wall and looking at her from a distance, she could see that the woman under the cloak had a beautiful figure. Even the loose clothes could not cover her slim figure.

Especially the fingers under her sleeves, they are so white and slender, and she looks like a coquettish girl at first glance.

Especially that foxy girl is tall and looks like a perfect match for the tall consort.

The charming lady became more and more angry and jealous.

She never expected that the seemingly clean and honest prince-in-law would actually cheat one day.

No wonder no man has been seen coming in or out of the house after that stinky girl moved in for so long.

It turns out that they are actually the Prince Consort's people.

Ms. Mei gritted her teeth in jealousy and wished she could rush over and beat Sister Ying up.

  It was clear that the prince-in-law was the man she liked, but someone else took advantage of him.

Had she known that the prince-in-law dared to steal food behind the princess's back, she would have gone to seduce him in advance, and there would be no chance of other foxy girls taking their turn.

But in the blink of an eye, I thought, since the consort can accept other women, he must also accept her.

As long as she seduces you more, he won't take the bait if you don't believe her.

Thinking of this, Mei Niang gained confidence again and immediately went home to cheer herself up.

She planned to wash herself more fragrantly and wear something light and seductive. When the time came, she would go to the fox girl's house to have her beard cut off and stop the prince-in-law halfway.

Mr. Zhong and Sister Ying, who had already walked away, glanced behind them and clearly noticed that someone was peeking at them.

 But the other party obviously had no martial arts skills, so he didn't take it seriously and continued to move forward.

They came to the farmyard again today, planning to expand the chicken coop and try to increase the number of mixed-breed chickens and ducks.

 For a large chicken coop, you need to draw a composition first and find a master craftsman.

 Finally, we need to study how to make chickens, ducks and geese full.

After all, there is not much feed for chickens, ducks and geese here, and there are not many insects, so we have to start with this.

The two of them were busy until very late before going back.

Mr. Zhong bought some of the Third Princess’s favorite snacks and sent Sister Ying back first.

He said, "I will send you slaves in a few days. They are all good-natured. I think you will like them."

Sister Ying nodded, "Thank you then."

Mr. Zhong smiled and waved his hand, "It's me who should thank you."

“Your diet is really effective. The third princess eats the food on the diet every day, and her health is obviously much better, and the swelling has gradually gone away.”

 (End of this chapter)

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