The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 644: , all men in the world are the same

Chapter 644: All men in the world are the same

 After the third princess gave birth, her body was always swollen.

 Thanks to relying on sister Ying's diet for therapy, after eating it for almost two months, the swelling finally subsided.

 And the qi and blood are getting better and better.

Mr. Zhong thanked her sincerely, "The Bonfire Festival will be here in a few days. Then let the third princess give Brother Jing a holiday and let you two go and have fun."

Sister Ying was naturally happy when she heard that Jing Shirong could have a holiday.

“Okay, let’s go out and have fun together then.”

 Because the third princess has finished her confinement, but her body has not fully recovered yet, she is still kept at home for recuperation.

Mr. Zhong knew that she was tired of staying at home every day and planned to take her out for a walk, so he agreed.

 “Okay, let’s come out together and have fun together then.”

As the two of them talked, they arrived at Sister Ying’s yard.

 Before he entered the door, he saw a figure standing by the door.

Mei Niangzi came here early to keep watch.

She knew that these two people would not come back soon after going out, so she stepped over and looked at the light at the door, ogling Mr. Zhong in a charming way.

“Sir, when I passed by here just now, my waist seemed to be twisted. Can you help me take a look?”

As he spoke, he casually dropped his cloak, revealing his thin red gauze skirt.

Sister Ying glanced at Mr. Zhong and said, "Do you know him?"

Mr. Zhong shook his head, "I don't know him."

Sister Ying could tell that the woman wanted to seduce Mr. Zhong, so she asked Mr. Zhong to be careful.

“The third princess’s eyes are everywhere, please be patient.”

Mr. Zhong was wronged, "What are you talking about? I didn't want anything to happen to her."

He is such an innocent person, how could he do this behind the back of the third princess?

 Besides, he didn’t think this woman was pretty. On the contrary, she was very irritating. He didn’t know how much powder she had applied to her body, which made his nose itch.

Lady Mei saw his brows furrowed and thought he was hesitating.

She twisted her waist in a pretentious manner and flirted with Mr. Zhong in a coquettish way.

“Sir, my waist really hurts. Can you help me take a look at it, okay?”

 As he spoke, he was about to fall on Mr. Zhong.

Mr. Zhong was startled, took a step back, like a snake or a scorpion, said goodbye to Sister Ying, and ran away.

Madam Mei never expected that Young Master Zhong would actually escape.

It was obvious that her delicate body was almost touching Young Master Zhong.

As long as he hugs your soft and fragrant body, he will definitely fall in love with it.

 Unexpectedly, he actually avoided it? ?

 Why is he hiding?

 It stands to reason that it shouldn’t be.

 She has seduced so many men, and there is no one who is not good at it.

Even if you look dismissive on the surface, don’t you still come to see her behind your back?

 She didn't believe that she was unattractive. After thinking about it, it must be the fault of the woman next to her.

 She turned back and glared at Sister Ying fiercely.

Scanning Sister Ying's eyes up and down, she wanted to see what charm she had that could make her consort send her back.

Sister Ying knew what she was thinking. She shook her head and told her, "Go back. The prince-in-law is not someone you can imagine."

If the third princess finds out, the consequences will not be something she can bear.

 But Mei Niangzi did not understand the meaning of her words, and instead thought that she was demonstrating with herself.

She said with disdain, "What qualifications do you have to threaten me? Why don't you do such a dirty thing yourself?"

“Hmph, do you really think you can control the Prince Consort just because he is young and innocent?”

 “I’m telling you, if you can get him, so can I!”

 If you don’t believe it, just wait and see!

 After saying that, he twisted his waist and walked away angrily.

 Leave Sister Ying with a question mark on her face? ? ?

 What does  mean?

Did that woman just say that she was with Mr. Zhong?      My mother, I don’t dare to say this nonsense.

Sister Ying quickly looked around and knew that the secret guards were there. She coughed and warned them, "Don't let these words reach your husband's ears, otherwise you will all be replaced."

 The secret guard felt guilty and did not dare to speak out.

 After all, they will tell Jing Shirong about every move here.

  But the lady couldn’t say anything after she said it, which would make things difficult for them.

 They know that the wife is still more authoritative at home.

But they were using Jing Shirong’s money to do things, and he was the real master. If he didn’t tell his master, he would probably be fined, right?

  Say it, will Madam hate you?

 If the madam is angry, they will not get any benefit.

 The secret guard is in trouble.

 “Ada, do you want to say it or not?”

     一, "If the master asks, tell him; if he doesn't ask, don't tell."

     , "Good idea."

Sister Ying didn't care what they thought. She took a shower as soon as she entered the house to wash away the smell of chicken, duck and goose.

Xiao Zi wiped her hair and asked her, "Did you go to the chicken coop again?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, there is a big temperature difference between morning and night here. If you want to raise chickens, ducks and geese, you need to expand the site and chicken coop."

 Because I have been dealing with chickens, ducks and geese, I will inevitably smell a little bit.

Xiao Zi was ashamed, "Fortunately, my uncle is not at home, otherwise he would probably be scared away if it smelled so bad every day."

Sister Ying chuckled, "He dares?"

You want to hug your wife when she smells good, but you dislike her when she smells bad?

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "Men, don't they all like those who are soft and fragrant? My uncle is also a man, so he must be virtuous."

Sister Ying, however, has confidence in her man, "He is different from other men."

 He just likes her, it has nothing to do with her delicate body.

 He liked her first, and then he liked her because of her delicate body. He didn't like her because of her appearance.

 Xiao Zi didn’t believe it.

“If you weren’t so good-looking, I wouldn’t believe that my uncle would fall in love with you.”

 Men, it all depends on their appearance.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and said to her, "Why are you so resentful of men today?"

Xiao Zi coughed and whispered, "I'm not stimulated yet."

After Sister Ying went out, she went to the street to buy vegetables.

She was accompanied by a little maid from the yard next door.

The little maid was pretty and lovely, gentle and gentle. As soon as she came to the street, many street vendors unconsciously gave her a few more vegetables and fruits.

 Some of them just buy one and get one free. I wish I could give her more.

 At first, Xiao Zi thought it was the enthusiasm of the locals.

 But when she went to buy groceries, she got as much as she wanted, and she didn’t even bring a single chive as a gift.

 Not to mention buy one get one free.

 At first she didn't believe in evil, so she dragged the little maid over.

Sure enough, as soon as the pretty little maid came, the male stall owner immediately gave away things for free.

An angry Xiao Zi gritted her teeth and asked the male boss, "Why did you only give it to her and not to me?"

The male boss looked matter-of-fact, "Can't I give it to her if I want? I can give my food to whoever I want. Humph~"

 Xiao Zi

 She finally figured out that this group of men who only care about their looks act based on their appearance.

And there is a whole row of men with bad behavior!

 When I see beautiful girls, I start to lose my virginity. I forget about girls with charming personalities like them and don’t even look at them. It’s really abominable.

No, as soon as he came back, he also vented his anger on Jing Shirong.

 I feel that all men in the world are the same.

 Since my uncle is good to the young lady, he must also be coveting her beauty, huh!

Sister Ying.

 (End of this chapter)

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