Chapter 661, cat and mouse

 The other spy guessed, "Is it possible that we have been discovered?"

 Otherwise, why would their bodies suddenly feel so itchy?

 Speed ​​1, “I felt a faint gust of wind just now.”

The other party is probably a master.

 If so, it makes sense.

"Now that it has been discovered, we must not expose it."

 But this doesn’t make sense either.

If the other party finds them but does not take action, but instead poisons them, it means that the other party wants to attract more spies.

If this is the case, it will be difficult for them to go to their companions to get the antidote.

Once you go to get the antidote, isn't it equivalent to exposing all the spies' hiding places?

 Speed ​​1, “What should we do now?”

"They want to lure all our people out, but we can't just sit back and wait for them to die."

 But the itching on the body is not solved unless it is solved.

 Second Spy, “Go back first.”

If the hiding place of your companions cannot be exposed, you can only go back to the king to get the antidote first.

 Speed ​​1: "But if we go back like this, will we be followed?"

Spy 2: "No, once they reach our territory, they won't be able to catch up."

 The three of them looked at each other and agreed.

Jing Shirong and the third princess were watching from a high building on the city wall.

 Seeing the three men finally taking action, they looked at each other and said, "Chase."

The two of them quickly chased after them with Qinggong, following the three spies all the way.

Qi Yuanming stayed behind to guard.

 Because there were several enemy spies mixed in the military camp, he had to find a way to catch those spies.

Sister Ying, Young Master Zhong and Xiao Zi also left the city at this time.

 The three of them pretended to be a family and walked to the streets of neighboring countries.

They wear the clothes of neighboring countries. People in neighboring countries are tall, and they are tall enough, so they don't feel out of place in the crowd.

Sister Ying asked Mr. Zhong, "Have you been here before?"

Mr. Zhong nodded, "I came once with the third princess."

 When I came here, my body was still a little acclimated.

For a period of time, he felt unwell and lacked energy, so the third princess took him on horseback to visit the streets of neighboring countries.

 Because I have been here before, so I have some experience.

He told Sister Ying, "Buying and selling here is done with silver. I have all the money with me. Let's go buy something later."

Sister Ying looked down at the baby in his arms and asked, "What will the young master eat?"

 A toothless milk baby cannot eat other food.

Young Master Zhong pursed his lips and asked her to look ahead, "There is a village nearby. Let's go sit there and feed the kid, and then we'll go back tomorrow."

Although the most dangerous place is the safest, he still feels that running back and forth makes it harder for the enemy to catch him.

 Otherwise, this is someone else's chassis. If you are caught, you won't have a chance to escape.

Sister Ying thinks so too.

 “Yes, we will go back after the little guy is full.”

 When the little piggy has eaten and drank enough, coax him to sleep. After he falls asleep, you can hold him back and forth and stop crying.

Mr. Zhong said, "Let's go buy some food now, and we'll take a nap later."

It was already midnight and they were sleepy.

Xiao Zi took the money and went to the street to buy meat buns, while Sister Ying took the child and put it in her cloak to protect it.

 Because it was late at night, the street was not that bright.

 Plus she has a slender figure and has a child hidden in her arms. If you don't look carefully in the dark, you can hardly see that there is a child in her arms.

Mr. Zhong thought this was a good idea and ordered three bowls of noodles nearby.

 The three of them ate the noodles quickly and then went to a nearby farm.

When they arrived at the farm, they simply bought a bowl of goat's milk, fed the little one at night, and then found a secluded place to sleep for a while.

The three of them were sleeping in the bushes when they suddenly felt several stampedes above their heads.

Judging from the sound, it should be that someone passed over the top of the tree and headed north.

Sister Ying and the three of them looked at each other, guessing that the group of people must be experts. Fortunately, the experts were just passing by and did not stop.

 The three of them speculated, "Could it be that the spies are back?"

 Zhong Dashao thought, "It's very possible."

 I don’t know if they were chased out to find them.

 No matter what it is, just be careful.

Xiao Zi asked, "Are we going back now?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "Wait a little longer."

 Let's see if there is any movement.

 If there is no movement, go back.

Mr. Zhong also listened to her and sat back down, holding the child in his arms to sleep for a while.

 Fortunately, it was quiet in the second half of the night and I didn’t notice anything.

 The next day, they simply fed the children, ate some steamed buns, and then went back.

 Neighboring countries do not have their own territorial security after all.

 Especially during the day.

At least spies and killers dare not rush out directly during the day, otherwise they will expose themselves.

 So it would be better for them to go back during the day.

 They went back to the wine shop first, and then to the third princess's house.

 The servants in the mansion were drugged last night, and they just woke up now.

After they woke up, they realized something was wrong and quickly looked for someone, only to find Young Master Zhong holding the child in his arms.

Still wondering, "Could it be a dream?"

Mr. Zhong said, "It's not a dream, you have been drugged. Be careful these days and don't fall into other people's ways."

After hearing this, the servant became frightened and said, "Yes."

 Happily they were drugged last night. If it had been poison, they would have died long ago.

Mr. Zhong was very sleepy. After feeding the child, he hugged the child and fell asleep quickly.

 The third princess and Jing Shirong did not return until late at night.

Mr. Zhong and Sister Ying were not sleepy at night because they slept all day.

 When the third princess and the others came back, they happened to wake up too.

“Brother Rong? Are you back?”

Jing Shirong nodded, hugged her, and asked her, "Did you go to a neighboring country last night?"

Sister Ying hummed twice, "Yes, how do you know?"

Jing Shirong looked into the distance and snorted coldly, "I saw it."

Sister Ying was suspicious, "Did you see it? Where did you see it?"

 Could it be that they were the people on the top of the tree last night?

Jing Shirong lowered his head and pinched her nose, "You are so brave."

  Even sleeping in the bushes in the middle of the night, I was not afraid of being trampled by horses.

Sister Ying stuck out her tongue, "No, we are on alert."

Jing Shirong frowned but said nothing more.

 The third princess gave Young Master Zhong a scolding look.

“Didn’t I teach you to choose a place that is well hidden? Why did you choose such a place?”

It's just covered by a bunch of trees. It would be okay if there were dark clouds, but the moon wouldn't shine through.

If the moonlight is clear, a sharp eye can spot them.

Furthermore, there are many mosquitoes in the trees, and the child will feel uncomfortable if bitten, and will definitely cry and scream, and then the exposure will be more obvious.

Mr. Zhong scratched his head, but he didn't expect that he was negligent.

“I didn’t choose the right place. I won’t do it next time.”

 The third princess saw that he had realized his mistake, so she stopped criticizing him.

She went over to see her son and saw the little thing gnawing his hands energetically. She snorted, "Little thing, you are quite optimistic."

They spotted them last night when they passed by the top of the tree. It was thanks to the spies that they were extremely itchy and they were just scratching the itch, so they ignored the bottom of the tree.

 Otherwise, Sister Ying and the others would have been discovered long ago.

 (End of this chapter)

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