The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 662: , go to neighboring countries

Chapter 662, Go to neighboring countries

Sister Ying did not expect that hiding under a tree would be unsafe, but they could not think of any other safe place for the time being.

 After all, there is still a chance of escaping outside.

 But if you live in someone else’s house, the obstacles to running away will be even greater.

Jing Shirong knew what they were thinking, so naturally he would not scold her.

He touched the back of her head with his big hand and comforted her, "It's okay. Those three spies have been exposed. You can stay at the Princess Mansion with peace of mind."

 They have already confirmed it.

 The neighboring countries on the other side sent a total of twenty spies.

 Three of them were caught.

 Three others were also exposed.

 The remaining fourteen should be distributed throughout the military camp and the Third Princess's Mansion.

Sister Ying was shocked, "Really in the Third Princess's Mansion?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes. But it's okay, we have found their traces."

 “Do you still have the itching powder?”

This medicine really works.

 As long as it is sprinkled on the skin and no antidote is applied, it will not be cured within a month.

Sister Ying went to look for it in the bag, "There is another bag, be careful not to touch it."

Jing Shirong put the medicine bag away and told her, "I have been staying in the house recently and don't come out. Those fourteen spies are very skilled in martial arts."

They can both disguise and change their appearance. They blend in with the servants and cannot be identified unless they are carefully identified.

 But the third princess and Jing Shirong have experience in catching spies and know how to deal with them.

Mr. Zhong asked, “How do you want to lure them out?”

 The third princess raised the child and said, "Use him."

Mr. Zhong frowned, "Isn't this bad?"

 After all, it’s your biological child. Even if you don’t use someone else’s child, you can’t use your own child.

The third princess glanced at him and said, "You can't bear to let the child catch the wolf. Could it be that you want to hold him and hide in Tibet every day?"

This place was originally her proudest territory, but now it has become the habitat of her enemies.

 If they don't catch the fourteen spies, they won't be able to live a good day.

Mr. Zhong looked at his ignorant son all day and swallowed, "Do you need my cooperation?"

 The third princess nodded, "Need it."

"You can hold your son in the yard and bask in the sun as usual these days."

 When the spies see the child, they will naturally take action.

Mr. Zhong was nervous, "They are so good at martial arts. What if the child is taken away?"

The third princess looked at Jing Shirong and did not answer directly. She only said, "It will be okay. This is the general's place."

 No matter how high the opponent's martial arts skills are, there are only fourteen people.

 They will only act in secret, not openly.

 Unless there is no other way, they will definitely not be exposed all.

Sister Ying looked at the third princess and then at Jing Shirong, feeling like they had some plan.

She raised her head, looked at Jing Shirong with watery eyes, and asked him, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Jing Shirong lowered his head and kissed her eyes, "I'll tell you when I get back."

Sister Ying pulled him and said, "Then go back to the house first."

The two of them went back to the wing first, closed the door, and then Sister Ying hung up on him and asked in a low voice, "What are your plans?"

Jing Shirong glanced outside with his dark eyes, carried her to bed, and whispered in her ear for a while, and then Sister Ying understood.

“That’s right, you and the third princess are so smart.”

 He is worthy of being a general, and he is very resourceful.

Jing Shirong was praised and twitched his lips, "As long as you like it."

Sister Ying laughed, not expecting him to say this. She held his handsome face with both hands and kissed each.

 “Well~I love you~”

Jing Shirong also came over and said, "Me too."

They hugged each other quietly for a while, and then Sister Ying asked, "Did you make any new discoveries last night?"

Jing Shirong hummed and did not hide anything from her. “The three people who went back to get medicine last night were all secretly executed.”

They wanted to go back and ask for instructions, but they didn't expect their king to be so cruel. When he saw them exposed, he immediately executed them secretly.

Sister Ying shook her head, she didn't expect the other party to be so ruthless.

She asked, "Then, after solving three of them, will they send out new spies?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No."

 The emperors of neighboring countries would not be that stupid.

 If the spies are discovered as soon as they are discovered, they will be exposed faster.

Now they only need to deal with the fourteen spies hiding in the princess's mansion and the military camp.

 After all, it is better to solve the problem quietly than to go to war.

As long as the matter is resolved quietly and there is no conflict between the two countries, the surface peace can still be maintained.

Once there is a real disagreement, it is the people who will suffer from the fight.

However, judging from the ambitions of the neighboring emperors, perhaps this war is unavoidable.

Sister Ying was worried, "What should we do? If there is a fight, will you go to the battlefield?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yeah."

 Not only him, but all soldiers and soldiers have to go to the battlefield.

 Happily they have had plenty of food and grass in recent years, otherwise it would be miserable if they were starving and skinny.

Sister Ying hugged him and asked, "If a fight really breaks out, are you sure?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "As long as the third princess is here, nothing will happen."

This is what I said.

Sister Ying felt sour when she heard this.

 “You admire her so much?”

Jing Shirong saw her jealous look, twitched her lips and smiled, "What? Are you jealous?"

Sister Ying snorted, "If I had known, I should have learned some art of war."

In terms of doing business, I never thought that the last man I married would be a general.

Had I known it, I should have learned all the eighteen martial arts.

Jing Shirong smiled when he heard this, "You are already very good. If you continue to learn the art of war and martial arts, I won't be worthy of you."

These words made Sister Ying laugh.

 “Just coax me.”

It doesn’t matter whether he is worthy or not, he is so good that he is more than worthy of anyone.

Jing Shirong, however, feels that if she likes someone, she has low self-esteem and always feels that she is not good enough for her.

Sister Ying held his face in her hands and said, "Don't say that. We are the perfect match. We can't replace each other. There is no question of whether we are worthy of each other. We just like each other."

Jing Shirong hummed, "Yes."

The two hugged each other for a while, and then fell asleep together.

 On the second day.

Xiao Zi brought water for them to wash up.

While combing Sister Ying's hair, she asked, "Miss, I didn't recover last night, but I just came back to my senses now. Do you think we are fine, do we need to run?"

Isn’t this the third princess’s territory?

 Besides, there are only fourteen spies. Are they that scary?

There are hundreds of thousands of troops over there at the military camp, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

 It would be nice to catch them immediately as soon as they appear.

Sister Ying explained to her while wearing a hairpin.

“What you said is easy. The spies are not fools. You tell them to show up and they will show up obediently?”

If you hadn’t held the children and wandered around them specially last night, would you have wanted them to show up? It is simply harder than reaching the sky.

“Moreover, only three spies appeared, and the rest are still hidden. If we don’t use dangerous tactics, we won’t be able to catch them.”

 Xiao Zi poked her head, a little understanding, but also a little confused.

“Then, if the spies don’t show up, what impact will it have on us?”

Is it possible that an army of 100,000 people is still afraid of 14 spies?

 (End of this chapter)

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