The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 663: , lure the snake out of its hole

Chapter 663: Lure the snake out of its hole

Sister Ying nodded her elm head.

“Fourteen spies may sound like a small number, but these fourteen people have undergone intensive training.”

“If they set a fire over the grain and grass and burn all the grain, would it be serious?”

 When the time comes when someone burns the grain and grass, you still don’t know who the other person is, are you going to get angry or panic?

 Xiao Zi understands.

“No wonder the third princess keeps asking us to carry the child around. It turns out she wants to lure the snake out of its hole.”

Sister Ying nodded, "As long as you understand."

Fourteen spies do sound like a small number, but they are extremely destructive.

Especially since they are hiding in an army of 100,000 people. If they reveal any military information to you, it will be fatal.

 Or maybe they poisoned the horses or the soldiers, which is no joke.

Xiao Zi understood, "It seems that these fourteen people are all potential cancers, and we need to root them out before we can live in peace.

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, that's why the third princess and Brother Rong wanted to find them out."

Xiao Zi asked, "So you want to use the young master as bait?"

Sister Ying hummed, "The little guy was born to the third princess, doesn't he become a bait?"

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "Thinking about it this way, being the son of the third princess is not that happy anymore."

Sister Ying also laughed, "Let's go down and have a look too."

Jing Shirong had already left early. He simply had breakfast and then went out with the third princess, heading towards the military camp.

Qi Yuanming had patrolled the military camp early and probably had an idea.

 When the third princess and others came over, he began to report.

“I’ve observed it, and those spies are really secretive.”

"Two are on the side of the grain and grass, two are in the kitchen, and two are next to General Wang, responsible for sowing dissension."

 The remaining ones should be hidden in the Third Princess's Mansion or outside the city wall to deliver messages.

Seeing that he had found everything, the third princess nodded with satisfaction.

 “Has all the tracking powder been sprinkled on them?”

   “If so, you should be able to see them in the next few days.”

Jing Shirong gave him another pack of itching powder and said, "Sprinkle this one too."

 This is more useful.

 Qi Yuanming reached out and took it, "Okay."

 The three of them discussed the plan together again, and then dispersed.

 After Mr. Zhong got up, he fed his son first and then cleaned himself up.

 When the sun shone warmly into the yard, he picked up his son and went to the yard to bask in the sun.

Sister Ying also went to the courtyard with Xiao Zi to grind medicinal powder and other things.

Although the master and servant were grinding powder for medicine, they kept looking around the courtyard.

Xiao Zi looked at her secretly, "Miss, tell me, when will the secret spy show up?"

Sister Ying said while grinding the medicine powder, "I don't know."

Who knows this?

 You must plan something.

 As for when it will appear, it depends on the situation.

“Then we’re just going to keep watch in the yard?”

Sister Ying shrugged, "What if?"

 Mainly the courtyard was empty so that they would have time to deal with the spies when they arrived, thus holding them back.

 When the time comes, the guards will come over with an iron net so that they can be caught.

Xiao Zi asked, "What about my uncle and the third princess? Why can't I see them?"

Sister Ying asked her to lower her voice, "Don't ask so many questions."

 If they show up, will the spies still show up?

This girl hasn't heard anything from her mouth all morning. The noise makes people have headaches.

Xiao Zi murmured, "Okay then, I won't say anything anymore."

 Master Zhong told his son stories for a while and felt sleepy.

 He came over and threw his son to Sister Ying. “You take a look at it for me and I’ll make dinner.”

Sister Ying hummed, clapped her hands, and hugged the child.

 The little guy just woke up, glanced at her lazily, then closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Sister Ying hugged him and also yawned.

 “Forget it, let’s go upstairs and take a nap.”

  I feel tired from running around recently.

Xiao Zi followed them up, covered them with quilts, and took a nap on a chair nearby.

 At night, the courtyard was still quiet.

Xiao Zi was suspicious, "Miss, are they not coming?"

Sister Ying looked up at her, "Why do you say that?"

Xiao Zi guessed to herself, "Just think, the third princess's mansion is heavily guarded, so they won't find a chance."

 This is true.

But the third princess will not sit still and wait for death, and will definitely give them a chance.

No, early the next morning, news came outside the city that the post station was on fire. After hearing the news, the third princess immediately rode over to deal with it.

 The secret spies found the right opportunity and began to make moves.

Sister Ying knew that she was waiting for an opportunity, so she put the sleeping child on the second floor of the inner mechanism of the closet, enlarging the air holes, then locked the cabinet, took a fake quilt and went out to bask in the sun.

 She took an umbrella and held it above the quilt so that the spies in the dark could not see the authenticity.

As soon as Young Master Zhong brought the milk over to feed his son, he saw Sister Ying blinking at him under the umbrella. He immediately understood, sat down and started feeding the child.

 Because he was skillful in feeding the child, the secret spies had no suspicion.

 They looked at each other and decided to do it now.

It's only evening now and it's not dark yet.

 But the third princess went to put out the fire and didn't care about this place.

If you don't take action now, it will be even worse when the third princess comes back.

So they gestured to each other, walked in dressed as servants, and said to Young Master Zhong, "Prince-in-law, the princess asked you to go outside the city to help."

Mr. Zhong raised his eyebrows. Knowing that these people had appeared, he said calmly, "Wait a minute, I'll feed my son before talking."

 He turned his back to those people and winked at Sister Ying.

Sister Ying nodded and motioned for him to go out first.

Mr. Zhong knew that she was good at Qinggong, so he didn't stay long. He put down the bowl and pretended to kiss the quilt, "Son, I'll go find your mother. She'll be back in a minute."

 Having said that, he asked his servants to bring the horses and quickly went out to find the third princess.

Sister Ying held an umbrella and walked upstairs with her child in her arms.

The four secret guards saw this and followed her all the way.

Just when they were about to take action, Sister Ying suddenly came to her senses and sprinkled a packet of pepper on them.

This kind of pepper is improved.

Once it is sprinkled in the air, it will make the nasal cavity extremely itchy, and then start sneezing like crazy.

The four secret guards did not expect her to come here, so they quickly held their breath.

Sister Ying continued to sprinkle it on their hair.

Although those spies held their breath for a long time, they still had to breathe after holding their breath for a long time.

Especially if pepper is sprinkled on them, they will start to sneeze as soon as they breathe.

Sister Ying took advantage of this and started running while hugging her quilt.

 “Hurry up! She ran away.”

When the spies saw her running away, they hurriedly chased her.

It was the first time that Sister Ying faced so many masters. Her heartbeat accelerated and she picked up the flute around her neck and started chasing them as if running for her life.

The spies saw her walking so fast and were suspicious, "Have we been fooled?"

 The four of them looked at each other and prepared to run back.

However, his way was blocked by Qi Yuanming and Jing Shirong.

 “Where are you going, brother?”

 (End of this chapter)

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