The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 666: , the third princess came to the military camp

Chapter 666: The third princess comes to the military camp

 “What is she here for?”

 Could it be that you discovered that he was secretly trying to win over the soldiers?

 General Wang originally had ambitions to be the head coach.

 But not so bold.

The reason why he started to become bold was mainly because he was encouraged by the two spies pretending to be cronies.

They have been telling General Wang in his ears that General Wang is so powerful, so brave, and has such outstanding achievements, that he should have been the commander-in-chief long ago.

Although General Wang had this small idea at first, he did not dare to say it out.

  Until I was constantly praised by these two people, my self-confidence was inflated.

 Plus the third princess never came back, he felt that God was going to give him a chance to be promoted, so he became active.

 Start to win over the morale of the military in the military camp.

 Including the newly recruited soldiers, they also want to **** it for their own use.

Everything was going well, but I didn't expect the third princess to come suddenly.

The third princess knew about his ambition, but she didn't take it seriously.

She had long suspected that the cronies around General Wang were fake spies. The reason why she had not intervened was because she wanted to see how many spies there were in the military camp.

Now that the spies have basically been found, they naturally want to come over and close the net.

General Wang thought she had noticed his recent movements and was a little flustered.

The two spies advised him in his ears, "General, calm down. The third princess will come as soon as she comes. We have done nothing wrong and have nothing to be afraid of."

"Besides, you have worked hard in the military camp these years, and everyone has seen it. If the third princess wants to take you, she has to think carefully. What's more, you haven't done anything, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

 The two spies persuaded General Wang in this way.

"Yes, you are right, I have nothing to do, and the third princess has no right to take me."

At most, he could win over some soldiers and help train new recruits, and he didn't do anything bad, so he wasn't afraid of her.

But when he actually arrived in front of the third princess, he still shrank from his arrogance and stammered when he spoke, "Third, third princess, are you here?"

The third princess glanced at him coldly, "When will I become the third princess?"

  In the military camp, she was always called General. When did she turn back into a princess?

General Wang was a little scared when she gave her a cold look.

 "The general. The general made a mistake. Why did the general come suddenly?"

The third princess glanced at the two spies pretending to be young generals beside him, and quietly winked at Qi Yuanming outside the door.

Qi Yuanming understood in seconds and secretly prepared a dragnet.

General Wang didn’t know that the two cronies around him were spies pretending to be spies. He lowered his head and worried about being scolded by the third princess.

Fortunately, the third princess was silent for a while and did not say any training. She only asked him, "Go and call the new recruits and see the results of your training."

General Wang was sweating on his forehead. Unexpectedly, this matter was exposed.

He smiled coquettishly and said, "General, I saw that General Na Jing and General Qi were both newcomers, and I was afraid that they would not understand, so I helped lead the new soldiers. I will let them continue training tomorrow."

The third princess waved her hand, "No need."

“Since you are training at the beginning, continue the training. I will see the results after three months.”

“If the effect is not good, you don’t need to be a general.”

General Wang was stunned, obviously he did not expect that the third princess would say such a thing.

He murmured, feeling unconvinced but not daring to refute.

 After all, under the control of the third princess for many years, he has become accustomed to obeying and does not dare to talk back.

  Opened his mouth and took the order and said, "Yes, I will go here."

 After he went out, the two spies also went out.

Sowing discord in his ear, "General, the third princess is too arrogant to say such things." The second spy said, "You have been working hard in the military camp for so many years, how could you treat you like this?"

“Besides, helping train new recruits is a good thing. Does the third princess think you are too good and want to replace you?”

General Wang was originally angered by the third princess's words.

 When these two spies said this, they were naturally very angry.

“Hmph! Just because you are a princess, you think you are the boss?”

Having worn the general uniform for so many years, doesn’t she still look like a girl?

 The reason why she was so arrogant before was because His Majesty was protecting her.

 Otherwise, as a woman, she really thinks she is a god? Can you quit him just by telling him?

 Seeing how angry he was, the two spies looked at each other with satisfaction.

“General, will you go and gather the new soldiers now?”

General Wang waved his hand and said, "Go and call, why don't you call?"

Since the third princess looked down on him, he still wanted to show her how good the recruits he had trained were.

 At that time, he will also recruit new soldiers, and half of the entire military camp will belong to him.

 At that time he will not be afraid of being the third princess.

The two spies took advantage of this and said, "But there are still a group of die-hard followers of the Third Princess in the military camp. I'm afraid these people won't listen to us."

You should know that some of the soldiers in the military camp were personally trained by the third princess.

They have been together through life and death, and their relationship is not generally strong, and cannot be convinced by spies with just a few words.

Those who can be persuaded are just fagots. They will fall wherever the wind blows. There is no climate at all.

 When they really came to the third princess, they rebelled faster than anyone else.

However, General Wang couldn't understand the situation at all, and he was brainwashed by the two spies into thinking he was right.

At this moment he went to the recruits’ tent and shouted, “Gather!”

  The recruits came out quickly and lined up in neat lines.

 They all looked at him.

General Wang looked at their neat steps and felt that his training was good, so he gained confidence.

“Remember to behave well in front of the third princess later! Don’t disgrace our battalion!”

He deliberately called her the third princess, but he didn't call her the commander-in-chief.

 This group of recruits have all heard the name of the third princess.

 It is said that she is invincible in every battle and is a heroine.

 Some young recruits still admire her and think she is really powerful.

Some people who were brainwashed by General Wang felt that the third princess, a woman, came to the military camp to be a commander, which was a mistake for the people, so they were not convinced by her.

 They will be gathered suddenly. If they are asked to perform in front of the third princess, they will naturally not have stage fright.

Those who admire the third princess want to show their best training results to their idols.

 Those who look down on the third princess want to use their best gesture to make her feel inferior and get out as soon as possible.

Hence, a group of new soldiers lined up bravely and neatly in front of the third princess.

The third princess rode on her horse, looked at them coldly, waved her hand, and told General Wang, "Let's get started."

She wanted to see what General Wang could do without her training.

General Wang naturally doesn’t want to lose face, so he always works hard to train.

 He was on horseback and ordered in a strong voice, "Set up the formation!"

  The recruits were aroused and began to form formations.

 The team was divided into two groups, one group formed a formation and the other pretended to be the enemy. The two sides fought each other and underwent intensive training in both defense and attack.

 (End of this chapter)

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