Chapter 667, Competing Formations

 The third princess watched coldly from the horseback.

 She nodded when she was satisfied.

If she wasn't satisfied, she frowned and secretly thought that she needed to change it here and there. It was really different from the camp she trained in back then.

General Wang carefully observed her expression from the side and saw her frowning and then frowning again, which meant she was dissatisfied.

He snorted coldly, feeling that the third princess was just picking on others.

 Obviously he has trained very well, why is she dissatisfied?

The third princess knew what he was thinking and glanced at him coldly, "If General Wang feels that he has trained well, then let your veteran team fight against them. You will know the effect after a try."

General Wang was stunned, he did not expect such a move.

He knew the team under his command. Although it was not as good as the team under the third princess, it was not bad either.

If you compete with these new recruits, the winner and loser will definitely be clear at a glance.

 When the time comes, if you lose, won’t you slap yourself in the face?

The third princess raised her eyebrows and looked at him provocatively, "What? Are you so unsure of your training results?"

General Wang wiped the sweat from his forehead and explained, "They are new soldiers after all. They have just arrived. They will definitely not be able to compete with the old soldiers."

The third princess raised her lips coldly, "Who said recruits are worse than veterans?"

“The waves from behind in the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and the waves in front will die on the beach, haven’t you heard?”

General Wang was oppressed by her powerful aura and wiped the sweat from his forehead, unconvinced.

“That’s true, but their training time is short, so they definitely can’t beat the veterans.”

 The third princess chuckled, "So what? The soldiers you trained yourself are still so unsure?"

 “The last general.”

He wanted to argue, but the third princess refused to listen. She made a stop sign, rode up to the group of new soldiers and said, "General Wang said that you will definitely not be able to defeat the veterans. Do you agree?"

  The group of new recruits looked at each other. After all, they were young and energetic, so naturally they could not admit defeat easily.

They all raised their heads and said, "How will you know if you don't try?"

  During this period, they also competed with the veterans. They thought that they were young and energetic and could not defeat the veterans.

 Besides, the third princess is still watching, so it is useless to give in so easily.

 “We ask to compete with the veterans!”

 One person takes the lead, and others follow suit.

When the third princess saw this, she nodded with satisfaction.

 “Okay. Since you have confidence, let’s compete.”

 Having said that, let the group of veterans under General Wang “come out!”

As soon as he spoke, the group of veterans immediately reacted and lined up in an orderly manner.

The third princess looked at them and challenged the new recruits, "I heard that you abandoned General Qi and General Jing and chose General Wang?"

  The recruits looked at each other without answering.

The third princess did not wait for their answer and continued, "Since you have chosen General Wang, let me see the skills you have learned during this period!"

“If you lose after a while, add ten more laps to your morning jog every day!”

 “Add ten more pounds to the load!”

The new recruits were miserable and asked, "What if we win?"

The third princess snorted softly, "If you win, you will have a day off and hold a sheep feast!"

 Everyone was immediately excited when they heard that they could have a holiday.

Especially the whole sheep feast, which is really tempting.

 “Okay, we want to win!”

The recruits were very excited, "We want to win!"

 When the veterans saw this, they cheered up.

They have been here for three or four years anyway. If they lose to a group of brats who have just arrived, it will be embarrassing, so naturally they cannot lose.

 So both parties were very energetic.

The third princess held up the chess piece and shouted the command, "Get ready!"


 Today’s competition is about formation. The two groups of people began to form a formation. The group in the front was responsible for the attack, and the group behind was responsible for the defense.

 The veterans were relatively experienced and quickly took the offensive.

The new recruits were caught off guard from the start.

 But he quickly reacted and quickly defended himself.

General Wang watched with sweat on his forehead and glanced at the third princess again.

The third princess looked at it calmly for a while, then went to look at the two spies.

I saw that the two spies were also observing the formation of the new soldiers, as if they were thinking about how to break the formation.

 This formation was thought up by General Wang, and it took him a lot of thinking.

But there is a flaw in the end. An experienced coach will definitely be able to quickly find the weakness of this formation and hit the key point.

The two secret guards were also memorizing the formation. The third princess saw it but did not act.

Rather, he waited until they were ready to retreat quietly before letting Qi Yuanming follow them.

Qi Yuanming had already laid an ambush. When they were about to return to the tent, he chopped them unconscious with one strike. His hand speed was so fast.

General Wang was busy looking at the formation and did not pay attention here.

The third princess saw that Qi Yuanming had taken the man down, so she didn't say anything and continued to watch for a while.

  The recruits have good physical strength and are not tired even after playing three sticks of incense.

 In addition to saving face, I have been trying my best to survive.

The veterans were familiar with their own formations, but they couldn't resist the other party's formations, especially when General Wang taught them the same pattern without innovation, leaving them unable to start.

 In the end, after fighting for a long time, I was exhausted and stopped to catch my breath.

The third princess was on horseback and gave General Wang a cold look.

 “This is the result of your training?”

  Rigid, full of flaws, and nothing new.

Not to mention the enemy, if you randomly pull out one of the twenty soldiers trained by Jing Shirong, you can immediately defeat these two groups of new soldiers and veterans.

General Wang also saw that there were loopholes in his formation. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and explained, "I will study the formation again when I get back. Will the commander give me another chance?"

 The third princess nodded, "Okay, then I'll give you another chance."

 “In three months, I want to see a brand new formation.”

Rather than this kind of formation that looks good but is full of loopholes and consumes physical strength.

 In other words, the two parties are friends.

 If they were enemies, they would have been hacked to death long ago, and they would still be walking around with them.

 General Wang was very confident in his formation and training at the beginning.

 Coupled with being praised by two "confidants" every day, I have long been in high spirits.

Who would have known that my formation was so different when I came on the field today.

Moreover, it was full of mistakes in front of the third princess, which was really embarrassing.

The third princess didn't have the same knowledge as him, so she made him see clearly how blindly confident he was, so that he could improve better.

 She gestured and called some veterans.

 “Go! Give them some color.”

Let these brats know that overconfidence is fatal.

Those veterans were her subordinates and immediately rushed into the formation.

 The formation was quickly cut into pieces.

The recruits didn't expect that there were only five of them, but all fifty of them were beaten down, and they felt embarrassed.

"how so?"

 Including General Wang's group of veterans, when they saw the Third Princess's soldiers coming, they started to feel frightened without fighting.

As expected, the loss was ugly.

Moreover, they sent veterans from the lowest level.

 If a lieutenant general or a general comes, it will be really finished.

 (End of this chapter)

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