The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 668: , the handsome third princess

 Chapter 668, the handsome third princess

The third princess asked coolly when she saw them being beaten to a pulp.

 “How is it? Are you still crazy?”

The two groups of new soldiers and veterans were all stunned, "I don't dare anymore."

 Because they were so confident before, they felt that they had accomplished something.

Unexpectedly, just a few random visits by others would result in their entire army being annihilated.

The third princess took advantage of this and said, "You are still far behind. Wait until you really learn your skills before you go crazy again!"

 After saying that, he rode away.

She was arrogant and had a strong aura of strength. The recruits admired her for being strong and immediately admired her.

“Well, if I had known that the third princess was so strong, I should have waited for her to come out before training with her.”

“Look at the soldiers under her, they look so powerful.”

  Strong people are always attractive.

 Including any soldier picked out by the Third Princess’ subordinates, they are all very strong.

The new recruits who were not convinced by her immediately rebelled.

 “I like the third princess so much, she is so strong and powerful.”

 “I will be as powerful as her in the future!”

  General Wang and his group of veterans are also envious.

 “It would be great if the third princess could be trained.”

Seeing that they were all useless, General Wang whipped his whip angrily, "Why don't you go back to training!"

 Today I have lost all my face.

Fortunately, he was still so confident, thinking that he was almost beating the third princess.

  Unexpectedly, the clown turned out to be myself.

He turned around to call the two "confidants, but found that they were missing?"

 “Where are Liu San and Wang Si?”

Others shook their heads, "I don't know, I seemed to have seen them leave just now."

General Wang was angry, "Leaved?"

 Where did he die?

He sent people to look for him, but he couldn't find him.

 In the end, I had no choice but to report it to the third princess.

“General, it’s bad, two of my cronies are missing. I’ve been looking for them all day but couldn’t find them.”

The third princess waved her hand and pointed at the two spies in the corner who had committed suicide by taking poison.

 “You mean them?”

General Wang walked over and saw that they were all dead. He was startled.

"This is??"

 Why did you die?

The third princess wiped her hands, sat down coldly, and asked him, "Go and take a closer look to see if those two people are your cronies."

General Wang was puzzled, but he went to identify it.

 He knew that the third princess would not kill his people for no reason, unless these two people were fake.

His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly poked their chins with quick eyesight and hands.

Sure enough, after poking for a while, I saw a layer of fake dough.

 When he opened it, he saw that it was not his two men.

"how so?"

The third princess looked at him coldly, "I want to ask you another question. You are so good, but you actually let the spies get in?"

Unexpectedly, when she returned to Beijing, spies from neighboring countries lurked here. This shows how neglectful General Wang was when she was away.

General Wang was stunned. He obviously didn't expect a spy to sneak in, and his back felt cold.

 “The last general.”

The third princess snorted coldly, "I thought you could manage the defense of the military camp because I saw you were unwilling to do so. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect you to let spies sneak in not long after I left?"

 “At this level, do you still want to be the head coach?”

General Wang’s face heated up and he felt embarrassed.


 At first, he was happiest when the third princess returned to Beijing to get married.

 Because after the third princess left, he felt that he had the opportunity to take another step forward, so he took the initiative to apply for the task of managing the defense of the military camp. The third princess saw that he had this ambition and desire, so she let him try it.

 Lest pressing him all the time will make him resentful and not good for the military camp.

Who would have thought that this idiot would always look at his career and do things beautifully.

Who would have thought that as soon as she left, there would be spies lurking in, and the ambush was so good, which shows how poorly the defense was done.

General Wang felt deeply embarrassed and asked, "Is the general aware of his mistake? Did he catch all the spies?"

The third princess looked at him coldly, "What do you think?"

 “Aren’t you responsible for guarding the city gate?”


It is true that he is responsible for guarding the city gate. It is also his fault that he has been drifting away after being the boss for a few days.

However, those spies were also very powerful. They were able to sneak in and stay with him, deceiving him for so long.

It seems that his strength is still too poor, and he has been fooled for so long.

 “The general will finally realize that he is wrong.”

The third princess glanced at him coldly, "You know how to punish me."

General Wang lowered his head in shame, "General, I know. Thank you to the third princess."

 Based on his dereliction of duty this time, he would have been demoted a long time ago.

 But from the tone of the third princess, it seemed that she had not mentioned the matter of demotion.

He did not dare to ask, so he accepted his fate and accepted the punishment.

Qi Yuanming had been listening in the corner for a long time and asked, "Will this scare off the grass and scare the snake?"

 The third princess waved her hand, "No."

The competition was so loud today, the remaining four spies must have heard about it.

 General Wang was punished, and they must have known about it.

 When they can no longer see the two spies beside General Wang, they will definitely find a way to inform each other.

 As long as they connect with the secret code, it will be easy to take them down in one fell swoop.

Qi Yuanming understood and disappeared into the dark night.

 He is still suitable for this job, and it is much more convenient to act in secret.

At this time, Jing Shirong was also in the tent with Sister Ying, explaining the types of poisons to the military camp.

The poisons administered this time are more subtle and not fatal, but they will make people and horses weak and weak for a certain period of time.

 If things continue like this, good soldiers will become weak and weak, and they will definitely not be able to go to the battlefield.

 Fortunately, the old military doctor's medical skills are relatively good, and he quickly researched the antidote.

 The couple were tired for a long time and were ready to go back.

 The third princess will come in to find them and ask, "Is everything settled?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "Solved."

"What about your side? Have you dealt with the remaining four spies?"

The third princess nodded, "Qi Yuanming has passed, you can come too."

Jing Shirong did not refuse and asked Sister Ying, "You and the third princess will go back later. I will pick you up when I'm done."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then be careful."

Jing Shirong kissed her forehead and disappeared into the darkness.

The third princess saw Sister Ying's reluctance to leave and said to her, "Let's go, I will take you back."

Sister Ying chuckled, remembering how handsome she looked on horseback just now, and walked over to hold her arm like a little girl.

“Okay, I wonder what Brother Zhong will cook in the evening. I’m already hungry.” The little head rubbed against the third princess’s arm.

The third princess lowered her head and looked at her head leaning against her, with a puzzled look on her face?

She frowned and reached out to push Sister Ying's head, not liking how slimy she was.

 But Sister Ying continued to be close to her, holding her hands and acting coquettishly, "Don't push me~ I want to lean on you."

When the third princess heard this, she raised her head proudly and felt disgusted, but she didn't push her anymore.

She thought, this woman has been busy taking care of her son these days and is exhausted, so let her rest for a while.

Sister Ying saw that she didn't push her anymore, so she smiled and continued to hang on her.

“Princess, you are so handsome~I like it, hehehe~”

 I used to think that the third princess was aloof, but from what I saw just now, she is really awesome and handsome.

It’s not surprising that Jing Shirong would have admired her when he was young, because she is really cool.

 (End of this chapter)

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