Chapter 679, Xiao Zi and Nuer

Xiao Zi smelled the aroma of the rice and swallowed, "Cook, this rice smells so good~~"

  It’s simply better than Yangzhou fried rice, and it’s so fragrant that it whets your appetite.

The cook smiled and said, "Eat more if you like. Madam just ordered me to have enough food."

 Having said that, go and serve the soup.

 One bucket of rice and one bucket of soup. It looks full and the portion is not small.

Nuer thanked the kitchen, carried rice in one hand and soup in the other, and asked Xiao Zi, "You go wash your face first, and I will get the bowls and chopsticks later."

 Xiao Zi was stunned at first, "Why?"

 “I can take it too.”

 The bowls and chopsticks are not heavy.

 But Nuer said, "You have been tired all day. You have pulled so much grass and your hands are already sore. You should rest for a while."

 “I’ll be here in a minute.”

 After that, he took the rice bucket and soup bucket and went to the backyard first.

Xiao Zi looked at his powerful back and said "Oh", feeling suddenly shy.

This is the first time a man has helped her.

 In the past, no matter where I was, whenever I saw someone working hard, the men would not regard her as a woman and would let her carry something heavy.

This is the first time a man has helped her and prevented her from lifting heavy objects.

Seeing her shyness, the cook introduced her with a smile, "His name is Nuer, and he is the steward of the third princess's backyard."

 Xiao Zi was surprised, "Do you know him?"

The cook nodded, "We all know him from the same village. Nurna is very enthusiastic and serious about his work. He is a good young man."

“It’s just that the family is not harmonious, so I went out to work early to make money.”

These words aroused Xiao Zi's gossip, and she quickly asked, "You said there is no harmony in his family? How do you say that?"

The cook sighed and told her, "There are many uncles in his family, so there are also many aunties."

The more women there are, the more children they will bear.

 With a large family of more than 40 people living under the same roof, it is strange that there is no noise.

  “The women in their family are all shrews, one is a **** and the other is a fierce one.”

“Nur’s parents are in the middle, and they are the least favored at home.”

“His parents were both honest and didn’t care if they were bullied. Later, his parents accidentally fell to death while working outside, and Noor’s life at home became difficult.”

  If the elders look down on him, the children will naturally learn it.

At a young age, Nuer was often bullied at home. The elders were even more afraid of wasting food by raising him. When he grew up, they had to help him find a wife. Naturally, they didn’t want to raise him, so they tried to drive him out of the house.

 Nur didn’t cry after running away from home, but he was very strong and found a job as a dishwasher. No salary required, but food needs to be taken care of.

The boss is of course happy to hear that he won’t pay.

But they didn’t give much food, just one meal a day.

Nur, who is growing taller, has not grown very tall because he did not eat enough when he was a child.

Originally all the boys here are very tall. He is a short person and is looked down upon by other boys wherever he goes.

However, he did not lose heart and lived out his life very strongly.

"At that time, the third princess was patrolling the streets and saw Nuer building a house for others. She felt that he was serious about his work, so she asked the person in charge to call him back."

“Now Nuer is considered a steward among the three princesses.”

 Many times, the third princess will entrust him with some important things, but these outsiders don't know about it.

Xiao Zi was curious, "Then how do you know?"

The cook looked outside and saw no one, so she whispered to her.

 “Because I am Noor’s aunt.”

Xiao Zi’s eyes widened in surprise, “Huh?”

 Is this still happening?

The cook looked at her dumbfounded and smiled, "Silly boy, is it possible that I will lie to you again?"

Xiao Zi scratched her head and smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, it's useless if you lie to me." She was not familiar with Nuer, so there was really no need to lie to her.

 The cook liked her very much.

"Okay, wash your face and go to eat quickly. Let them go back after eating. Don't let the grown men stay too late and let others gossip."

 Xiao Zi nodded, "Okay, I'll go there."

She washed her face and went over to see how they were eating. As soon as she arrived, she saw Noor bringing a plate of hand-meal and handed it to her.

 “Take it and eat it.”

Hand her a bowl of soup.

 Xiao Zi said "Huh?", and then took it after a pause.

 Ask, “Have you eaten?”

Noor nodded, "Eat it. Eat it quickly. The taste will be different after it cools down."

Xiao Zi gave a rare shy sigh, "Okay, I understand."

Noor brought her a chair and said, "Sit down and eat."

Xiao Zi’s ears turned red and she hummed, sat down, and ate obediently.

While eating, she turned her head and glanced at Noor.

 Under the sunset, the pores on his face were clearly illuminated.

However, the pores on Noor’s face are not large and the skin is very good.

With his wheat-colored skin and handsome facial features, he is very masculine despite his short height.

Especially because he has a very good temperament and has a managerial charm about him, which makes him look very attractive.

Xiao Zi was so stunned that she even forgot to eat.

Nour felt her gaze and turned around to see her looking at him blankly. He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Zi coughed and said, "No, it's nothing, I just think you look good."

Nur said "Huh?", obviously he didn't expect her to say this and was a little embarrassed.

  He scratched his head and said unnaturally, "No, I look ordinary. You are praising me."

Ever since he was a child, no one has ever praised him for his good looks. Especially since he became an adult, he has been disliked by many girls for his short stature. This is the first time that a girl has praised him for his good looks.

Xiao Zi saw that his face was red and he seemed uncomfortable, so she patted his shoulder and said like a buddy, "Don't be embarrassed, I just think you are a man and I mean it sincerely."

Seeing her serious tone, Nuer knew she was not joking, so she smiled and said, "Thank you, but you'd better eat first, it's already cold."

Xiao Zi chuckled and said "Oh", feeling a little happy. She lowered her head and started eating, but found that she didn't have chopsticks.

Noor saw her looking for chopsticks and said, "Food with your hands must be eaten with your hands to make it taste better."

 Xiao Zi said "Huh?" and hesitated, "But your hands will be greasy when you eat them."

 She didn’t want her hands to be greasy after washing them.

Seeing this, Nuer asked, "Don't you have any hands to eat?"

 Xiao Zi nodded, then shook her head.

 “Yes, there are, but few.”

This kind of specialty shop is basically brought here by people who come here, and people who eat there also try to be fresh and use a spoon.

 She also ate it, but also with a spoon.

Noor nodded and did not embarrass her. "You can use a spoon if you want. It doesn't matter."

 Every place has different habits. If you can blend in, blend in. If you can't blend in, just do it in your own way. He doesn't like to force others.

 Xiao Zi nodded and hummed, with a shy face, "Then, I'd better use my hands. Try your method and see if it tastes good."

 As he said that, he was going to grab it with his hands.

Nur grabbed her hand and taught her, "No, use three fingers first."

Afraid that she won’t know how to do it, show her the example yourself.

 (End of this chapter)

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