Chapter 680: The girl is tempted

 His fingers are strong and powerful, and his movements of grabbing food are naturally beautiful.

Xiao Zi looked at it and suddenly became shy. She imitated it for a while and then asked him, "Brother Nur, am I right to catch him like this?"

Seeing that she had caught it wrong, Nuer did not correct her, but said tolerantly, "That's okay, you can eat it first, it's almost cold."

Xiao Zi saw him smiling and smiled too.

She chatted with him while eating, "Brother Nur, do you always eat finger food when it's hot? Aren't you afraid of burning your hands?"

Noor shook his head, "We have been used to eating it since we were young, and we are not afraid of it being hot."

Xiao Zi nodded, remembering what the cook had just said about his life experience, she suddenly felt a little sorry for him.

 “How are you doing now?”

She suddenly said this, Noor was stunned for a moment, and then remembered, "Did my aunt tell you that?"

 Xiao Zi nodded, "Yes, she said you were so miserable when you were a child, which made me want to cry."

Nour saw that she looked like a child who had not grown up and looked like she was about to cry. He smiled and said, "It's okay. It's all over."

His tone was open-minded and his smile was relaxed, and it didn't seem like he was faking it.

 Xiao Zi said distressedly, "So how are you doing now?"

  Nur nodded, “Very good.”

 Since meeting the third princess, his life trajectory has completely changed.

 The third princess is a general who is very good at using people.

She knew that Noor was determined and reliable, so she entrusted him with many things that seemed small but were actually very important.

Nur thanked the third princess for her recognition and naturally worked hard to repay her.

 He now seems to be the steward of the third princess's backyard, but in fact he has long been a junior general under the third princess.

However, he has a special status and only handles affairs for the three princes secretly.

On the surface, he is still the steward of the third princess’s backyard, but I don’t see him very often.

 I came here today mainly because I happened to have time, and because my consort gave me a special order, I came over to help in person.

Xiao Zi also feels that his temperament is not just about taking care of things, but also like a person who does big things.

She looked at him with a silly smile and asked him, "Then will you come to help tomorrow?"

 She quite wanted him to come over.

Nur thought for a while and replied, "I might have to go back and ask for instructions."

He will come here if he has time. If the third princess assigns him other things to do, he will not have time to come here.

Xiao Zi thought he wouldn’t be able to come, and was very disappointed.

 “That’s good”

 It’s rare to meet someone you like, but it doesn’t come the next day. What a pity.

Seeing her disappointed look, Nuer shook his head and smiled, "Let's have some soup."

Xiao Zi let out a sigh, feeling depressed and uninspired, but she obediently took the soup and drank it.

  After everyone had eaten and drank enough, Nuer said, "Let's get the tools in order before we go back."

 Everyone answered in unison, "Yes."

Seeing that they were leaving, Xiao Zi stood up quickly and said, "I'll see you off."

 After that, send them out all the way.

After leaving the door, Nuer said, "Okay, go back, you have been tired for the whole day."

Xiao Zi gave a sweet hum like a little girl for the first time, "I know, you go back and have a rest early."

Nur nodded, turned around, and left.

 When he walked away, Xiao Zi was still watching at the door, looking at her husband like a stone and not bringing him back.

Sister Ying saw her not coming back for a long time in the house, so she came out to look for her.

 When I came to the yard, I saw her standing at the gate looking out, not knowing what she was looking at.

 She came over and patted her on the shoulder, "What are you looking at?"

Xiao Zi was startled and patted her chest, "Why are you here? You scared me to death."

Sister Ying smiled helplessly, "What are you looking at? Are you so focused?" Xiao Zi chuckled, "I won't tell you." After that, she ran away with a smile.

Sister Ying found it interesting and hurriedly chased it.

Xiao Zi ran to the kitchen and asked the cook shyly with a square face, "Auntie, do you think Noor will come tomorrow?"

The cook was happy when she heard her name.

 “You want him to come?”

Xiao Zi smiled shyly, her big body swaying happily, "Hope~~"

 She felt as if she had fallen in love. She missed him so much after not seeing him for a while.

The cook is someone who has been here before, and you can tell by the sweet look on her face that she is attracted.

She smiled and told her while cleaning the kitchen, "Nur is in charge. He is busy with many things on weekdays. There is no guarantee whether he will come tomorrow. Don't expect too much."

 If he doesn't come after a while, the little girl will be disappointed.

Little Liti heard it from the side and sneered, "Sister Xiao Zi, don't you have a crush on that boy?"

Xiao Zi snorted at her, "What do you know? That's called manly charm!"

Brother Nuer is such a good person. He seems reliable and down-to-earth. Anyway, she likes him very much.

Sister Ying heard it from behind and pulled her ear, "Follow me back to the house."

It’s a little girl movie. She’s not very old, and she can still find a partner by herself.

The two of them returned to the house. Before Sister Ying could ask, Xiao Zi took the initiative.

 “Miss~~I like Brother Nuer~~”

The big body was swaying coyly, and she even took out the handkerchief and twisted it, like a shy girl.

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "You just met her for the first time and you fell in love?"

 The legendary love at first sight?

Xiao Zi shyly pulled the veil, "It's not love at first sight. I didn't notice him at noon, but at night, I thought he seemed a bit charming~"

  I was working all day long and didn’t even look at who was following whom.

 It was only when we spoke formally at night that we saw his face clearly.

 Plus he helped her carry the food and taught her how to eat, which made her very excited.

Sister Ying was ashamed and worried like an old mother, "Is it tempting to teach you how to eat? What if other little brothers teach you?"

This girl's appearance control is no less than hers, why is she tempted so quickly?

 Have you changed your standards after being taught a meal?

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "How can anyone else~"

“But Brother Nuer is really handsome, just as handsome as you said.” The so-called charisma.

Sister Ying was curious, "Is he really that good?"

If the little girl likes it, she will go and observe it tomorrow.

  If the other party is of good character, he can settle it for Xiao Zi.

 She has also reached the age of marriage, so it would be good to find someone she likes.

When Xiao Zi heard that Sister Ying wanted to look after Nuer for her, she said shyly, "Miss Ying hates it~"

I was shy and wanted to scream, but in the end I turned into covering my mouth and having fun.

“Then remember to say something nice to others~”

Sister Ying was helpless and deliberately teased her, "It depends on your performance. If you are not good, I won't put in a good word for you."

“When the time comes, let’s see if I want to say something bad about you in front of your brother Nuer.”

When Xiao Zi heard this, she immediately became anxious and stamped her foot.

 “Why are you like this? When did I become disobedient?”

She is such an obedient little girl, "You asked me to go east, when did I go west?"

There is no maid anywhere who is more obedient than her!

There are so few subscriptions, there are no people~(///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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