The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 682: , deep boudoir resentful man

 Chapter 682, Deep boudoir resents the man

Mr. Zhong snorted, "You're so cute! With the same virtue as his mother, you're disgusting!"

 A scumbag girl. She hugged her son for a while when she came back. When he cried, she immediately gave him to him and went directly to the study.

During the day, he would hold him for a short while, and then he would immediately give the child to him, and then run away again.

  She was carefree and at ease, which made him tired to death.

Xiao Zi saw that he had so many grievances, so she stood by him and spoke for him, "Why is the third princess so bad? You don't even care?" It's really disgusting.

Zhong Da saw her supporting him, so he immediately complained non-stop, "No, I'm busy all day long. No matter how tired I am, I'm even more tired than her!"

 He would rather go out to make money than take care of the children at home. He is exhausted.

Xiao Zi suggested, "How about you go out to work and leave the baby to the wet nurse and let him get used to it for two days."

 Children are better adaptable than adults think.

Mr. Zhong said, "I tried it. I ignored him for a day on purpose. He also had a bad temper and cried whenever he wanted. He could cry for a whole day and his voice became hoarse."

 There was nothing I could do. I felt so bad that I finally relented and had no choice but to take care of myself.

When the third princess came back and heard that her son's voice was hoarse from crying, she glared at Mr. Zhong and said, "How do you take care of your child?"

 As soon as Young Master Zhong heard the tone of the question, he immediately became unhappy.

"How do I take care of my children? I take care of them day and night. Isn't this enough? If you have the ability, come and take care of me!"

The third princess saw that he was so fierce and she didn't dare to quarrel with him, so she ran away.

 As soon as she ran away, Mr. Zhong was even more displeased and chased her again to quarrel with her.

The third princess had no choice but to stand in the courtyard and listen to his lecture for a long time. In the end, she had to apologize and admit her mistake.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault. You should work harder. It will be fine when he grows up."

  "If it really doesn't work, just leave it to other people to take care of. You can also rest and recuperate."

 The main thing is to keep her temper. She was such a gentle person before, but now she has become a harem, which scares her to death.

Of course she didn’t dare to say this, lest he quarrel with her again later.

 But Mr. Zhong vaguely understood the meaning of her words and immediately became unhappy, "Are you saying that I have a lot of grievances?"

The third princess saw that he had a bad look on his face and hurriedly explained, "No, that's not what I meant. I meant that you have worked too hard and I want you to rest."

She looked sincere, not like she was faking it, and Mr. Zhong was a little less angry.

 But it was really depressing to take care of the child at home every day, so he took the child out early in the morning to relax, get some fresh air, and see if his mood would become a little brighter.

Xiao Zi said with concern, "Then you come to chat with me often. There is a lot of gossip around here. I will take you to listen to it when I go up to the attic."

 As soon as Mr. Zhong saw the gossip, he immediately became interested.

"Really? What's the gossip? Let me hear it."

Xiao Zi took him to the attic, asked Xiao Guli to bring tea and snacks, and started talking to him.

“Look at the third family on the left, that family gave birth to twins and two daughters this year.”

“However, her parents-in-law are extremely patriarchal and dislike the woman every day, criticizing her and saying that she cannot give birth to a son.”

“The sister-in-law also had a bad temper. She was already tired from taking care of the child and was disliked by the whole family. She immediately became unhappy and picked up the child and went to the sixth family’s home.”

Young Master Zhong was puzzled, "What does the sixth family have to do with her? Why did the child go to that family?"

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "The sixth household is her sister's house. She didn't want to live with her parents-in-law, so she went directly there. She has been living there for a month and she still doesn't want to go back."

Mr. Zhong clicked his tongue. He didn't expect other families to be so miserable.

He is okay, he doesn’t have to live with his father-in-law and mother-in-law, nor does he have to live with his parents. He and the third princess are the only ones in the house, and they can still be the masters of the house.

Moreover, the third princess is more afraid of him now and doesn't dare to bully him at all, let alone drive him away.    Compared to others, he is still okay.

Seeing that he was calmer, Xiao Zi continued to tell him, "You don't know that after the woman ran away from home with her two daughters in her arms, her parents-in-law didn't look for her at all. It's been more than a month and they don't care at all. So cold-hearted."

 Thanks to the woman's sister's generosity and understanding of her difficulty, she never asked her to go back.

Plus her parents-in-law didn’t come to pick her up, what a loss it would be if she went back with the two children by herself.

If she just goes back in such a dejected manner, she will definitely be looked down upon by the old couple, and they will have to poke her spine with this in the future.

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yes, if they don't invite her, she'd better not go back, otherwise her life will be even more difficult in the future."

He was also curious, "Tell me, what will she do if the parents-in-law never invite her?"

 You can’t always live in someone else’s house.

Even if she is a biological sister, her brother-in-law will have objections if she lives with her for a long time, right?

Xiao Zi nodded, "Her brother-in-law is quite nice, but if you live here for a long time, gossip will inevitably spread."

"I heard a few days ago that the woman wanted to rent a small courtyard here and live with her children by herself. She won't talk about reconciliation or go back. She just wants to live like this."

Young Master Zhong was quite impressed when he heard this.

“Actually, this is pretty good, but I’m a little bit upset.”

“Think about it, she can raise the child by herself, but if her husband marries another child, he won’t give her any money in the future. How can she raise the child?”

She was newly married and had several children, but within a few days she and her two daughters were forgotten.

Even though it is possible to live a pure life in this way, how can a woman raise her children if she has no money?

 It costs money to rent a house, money to eat, what kind of things don’t cost money?

It’s hard to reconcile myself to just thinking about it, coming out in such a dejected state and making myself and my children so miserable.

“If it were me, even if I ran away from home, I would take away all the third princess’s money!”

 “I want the children, and I want the money too!”

Look, I even put myself in it.

Xiao Zi burst into laughter, "Yes, what you said is correct, but we have to wait and see what will happen to the woman next in a few days."

 Master Zhong chatted with her so much, and his mood suddenly improved.

He lowered his head, glanced at the smelly son in Xiao Zi’s arms, and exclaimed, “He’s still asleep?”

 In the past, she would cry like crazy when being held by others, but now she is very familiar with her at Sister Ying's house, and she is not afraid of life at all.

Xiao Zi smiled and said, "This child is destined to our family."

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yes. When your lady gives birth to a son in the future, she can play with my son."

 The child has playmates, so he will definitely not be disturbed anymore.

Xiao Zi is also looking forward to it, "It seems to be quite lively for the two young masters to play together in the future."

But it’s not certain whether it’s a boy or a girl. “Maybe it’s a young lady.”

“If it’s a young lady, I guess my uncle won’t let her go out to play with brats.”

Mr. Zhong was startled, "That's true."

Brother Jing seems to be a jealous man. He is very strict with his wife, and he is probably also a strict father to his daughter.

 (End of this chapter)

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