Chapter 683, start dressing up

As soon as the two of them finished chatting, Nuer and the others came over.

Xiao Zi heard the noise in the attic and was happy. She hurriedly returned the child to Mr. Zhong, "I'll go down and take a look."

Hurrying down, he came to the door and quickly fixed his makeup.

 “Brother Nuer, are you here?”

Nur came in and saw her smiling and ran over to her. He smiled at her and said, "Yes, have you had breakfast?"

 Xiao Zi shook her head shyly, "Not yet, have you eaten?"

Noor nodded, "Eat, you go ahead and eat, we'll get busy first."

 After saying that, he led the people to the backyard to continue the work that he didn't finish last night.

Xiao Zi hurriedly chased after him and lay down by the door, secretly watching his busy figure.

Little Liti also woke up. When we came together, we saw her lying by the door. When we came over and took a look, we saw Noor's figure.

 She asked Xiao Zi, "Do you like him that much?"

 Xiao Zi nodded, "Can't you?"

Little Liti shrugged, "It's not impossible, but unrequited love is uncomfortable."

 Xiao Zi frowned, "Unrequited love?"

  Little Liti, "Yes, you like him, but he doesn't like you. What else is it if it's not unrequited love?"

 Unrequited love is fruitless.

These words made Xiao Zi feel suddenly cloudy, and she suddenly felt lost.

 “Then you tell me, what should I do?”

Seeing her love-obsessed look, Little Liti clicked her tongue and told her in a low voice, "In this way, you first try to get close to him, have more contact with him, and see if he is interested in you."

“As a man, as long as he is interested in the woman he likes, he is willing to stay with her. You might as well give it a try.”

 Xiao Zi nodded and said, "You are right. I can get in touch with him first. Maybe the feelings will come out like this."

For example, the relationship between her young lady and her uncle comes from getting along.

 Perhaps she and Brother Noor can do it too.

“Then do you think this is okay for me?”

 She felt that after all, Little Liti was prettier than her, and she was also sophisticated, so she should know more about men than she did, so she couldn't help but ask her for advice.

Little Liti glanced at her up and down and shook her head, "No, you are too old for what you are wearing. You need to change into some beautiful clothes, do your hair like a girl, and learn how to make up."

When Xiao Zi heard that it was such a trouble, she frowned and said, "Do you have to dress up? Can't you get along comfortably?"

Xiao Liti shook her head and lectured her, "Sister Xiao Zi, you have to know that all men have the same moral character and only like beautiful girls. You are not beautiful to begin with, and if you don't know how to dress up, you will be even more useless."

 Xiao Zi didn’t believe this evil, “I don’t think Brother Nuer is that kind of person.”

 He looks honest and reliable, not the kind of person who knows faces.

Little Liti laughed at her for being too naive, "If a man doesn't pick on your beauty or ugliness, that means he doesn't like you."

 “He doesn’t like you anymore, he doesn’t care whether you are beautiful or ugly.”

"Let me tell you, if you want to get him, you have to dress up and look good, so as not to fail before you take action."

Xiao Zi felt melancholy, “But I’m not good at this.”

 She is very good at working hard, but if she is asked to be pretentious, she really can't do it.

  Little Liti pulled her over and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the street to buy clothes."

Xiao Zi didn’t want to go, but she looked at Nuer who was busy in the courtyard, gritted her teeth and said, “Okay, just go.”

As long as it makes Brother Nuer like it, just dress up and dress up. I won't be willing to give it up if I don't give it a try.

So the two of them went to the street together to buy some beautiful clothes.

Mr. Zhong watched them leave from the attic, then looked at Nuer, as if he understood something.

 He carried the child downstairs and went to the backyard to watch Noor and the others working. Seeing him coming, Nuer hurriedly came over and asked, "Why are you here?"

“But the third princess has something to do with her subordinates?”

Mr. Zhong waved his hand and said, "No, she didn't look for you. I just came here to have a look."

Hearing this, Nuer looked at the child in his hand and said thoughtfully, "The sun will rise in a while. It will be hot. You can go to the main room."

Mr. Zhong nodded, “That’s okay.”

 Originally, he wanted to gossip and ask Nuer if he liked that girl Xiaozi.

 But I’m afraid that if I ask about the horoscope before I’ve even written it, it will make things awkward, so I might as well not ask it now and wait until some time later.

Seeing that the sun was about to come out, he was afraid that the child would be overheated, so he simply went back first.

 It was already getting hot when Xiao Zi came back.

Just now on the street, they visited two or three ready-made clothing stores, but they didn't see the dress they liked. They were sweating while trying on it, but they couldn't find the right one.

On the other hand, Xiao Liti has a good figure and looks good in anything she wears. It's a pity that she has no money, so she just tries it out without buying it.

She was really looking forward to Xiao Zi buying her one, but Xiao Zi tried it on for a long time and became more and more ugly. She was in a bad mood and did not dare to ask for clothes from her.

  She asked cautiously, "Sister Xiao Zi, you don't like these clothes?"

There are all red, green, and yellow, so why can’t you like any of them?

 Xiao Zi was discouraged, “These clothes are too close-fitting, the waist is the waist, the **** is the butt.”

She has a big frame to begin with, but wearing such close-fitting clothes makes her look tall and strong. She is not feminine at all, but rather ugly.

 She still likes to wear loose and comfortable cloth, which makes her work comfortable.

But men really didn’t seem to like wearing that kind of dusty cloth, so she was in trouble now.

Xiao Liti suggested, "How about we buy some cloth and go back and make it ourselves?"

 Or maybe just buy it and have it made by a tailor. Wouldn’t that be a perfect solution?

 Xiao Zi’s eyes lit up, “Yes, why didn’t I think of that?”

  Anyway, there are many styles of fabrics, you can choose them yourself.

 When the time comes, choose something with a younger color and make a few outfits according to your body shape. It will definitely be suitable.

 “Let’s go buy some cloth!”

As soon as Xiao Liti heard that there was something going on, she hurriedly followed.

Happily choosing from the fabric point, "Sister Xiao Zi, this one with flowers is beautiful. The apricot color complements the skin tone. Buy this one."

Xiao Zi looked at the cloth in her hand. It was apricot color with embroidery, which really matched the skin. It looked young and not tacky. She thought it would look good on Sister Ying, so she ordered one.

 Then I picked out a batch of bright green ones. The embroidery patterns were fresh and white.

Little Liti also liked this one and came over to please her, "Sister Xiao Zi, I'm small. If you have any leftover materials, can you make one for me too?"

Xiao Zi looked at her busy schedule and nodded generously, "Okay. I'll make you both."

Little Liti was naturally happy to get new clothes, and took her to buy jewelry.

There are not many styles of jewelry here, but the colors are bright, and the headscarves and veils are also colorful.

Xiao Liti tried a lot of them and wanted to buy them all, so she looked at Xiao Zi's money bag.

 Xiao Zi made a stop gesture, "I can only buy one thing, I have no money."

 She usually has no use for her monthly money, but this time she spent a lot on clothes and shoes.

Little Liddy didn’t expect her to be rich, so she picked out some inexpensive but beautiful earrings, and scraped together enough to beg for them.

Xiao Zi saw that the price was not high, so she paid it together.

 She bought a silver hairpin with carvings on it, which looked very elegant.

 (End of this chapter)

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