Chapter 684, Xiao Zi’s liking

 After buying these, the two of them hurried back.

Xiao Zi walked quickly and immediately went back to the house to insert the hairpin into her hair.

She went to change into a crescent-colored sarong, and put on simple earrings, and also put on silver bracelets that she didn't usually wear.

 After dressing up, she looked around in the mirror and felt that she looked a little more delicate in this way, and then she smiled happily.

She shyly ran to the backyard, lay down by the door and watched for a while. When she saw Noor working with his head down, she peeked for a while.

He is not very tall, but his body is well proportioned, especially his tendons, which makes him look particularly strong.

Perhaps it was because of the hot weather that sweat started to form on his forehead halfway through the work.

But he didn't pay attention. He wiped his sweat casually, took off his coat, and started repairing the holes in the backyard wall while wearing a vest.

His arm muscles are beautifully curved, and the way he looks like he is sweating and working in the sun is really charming.

Xiao Zi peeked with a shy look on her face, her big body couldn't help but shake.

Nour heard the noise and looked back, and saw her peeking at him.

 He smiled helplessly, said nothing, and continued working.

But Xiao Zi saw that the weather was hot and hurriedly went to the kitchen to serve them snow pear soup.

 She brought over the sweet pear soup and gave bowls to the others so that they could fill it themselves.

If it was Nuer, she would scoop it up herself, stand under the wall and hand it over, "Brother Nuer, have some sweet soup."

Nur hummed and reached out to take it.

Xiao Zi is tall, so he can get it if he raises his hand and hands it over.

If she were shorter, she probably wouldn't be able to reach it.

Nur raised his head and drank the sweet soup, instantly quenching his thirst.

 He handed the bowl over to Xiao Zi, "Thank you for your hard work, you should go and drink some too."

Xiao Zi blushed when she saw that he cared about her again, "I don't work hard, you do."

 “Brother Nuer, do you want to drink another bowl?”

 Nur shook his head, "That's enough. I'll drink again when I'm thirsty."

Xiao Zi nodded and asked him shyly, "What do you want to eat for lunch? I'll ask my aunt to make it for you."

When Noor heard her name, he smiled and told her, "You can do whatever you want."

Xiao Zi wanted to chat with him more, so she said, "What do you like to eat? Fried noodles? Fried rice? Or mutton skewers?"

Nur answered her while working, "Anything is fine."

He was busy now and had no time to talk to her, so he told her, "You'd better go back first." Standing here would affect him.

Xiao Zi saw him driving her away and was a little injured.

She was a little disappointed and her tone was soft, "Okay, then I'll cook some meat for you myself."

After saying that, he sighed and left.

 She returned to the kitchen, and the cook saw this and asked, "What? Did you have a fight with Noor?"

 Xiao Zi shook her head, "No, it's just that Brother Nuer doesn't seem to like me very much."

The cook smiled and said, "No, you are so good, there is no reason for him not to like you."

 “Besides, if he doesn’t like you, he won’t talk to you.”

Xiao Zi was doubtful, "Really? But when I asked him what he wanted to eat for lunch just now, he was very cold and not enthusiastic."

The cook explained to her, "Because he is working. How can he talk to you while he is working?"

“He must have wanted to get things done as soon as possible, so he didn’t have time to chat with you.”

“That’s how Nur is. He doesn’t like procrastination when working, and he likes to rest only when things are done well. You can wait until he finishes his work in the evening before talking to him, then he will ignore you.”

After listening to this, Xiao Zi’s mood immediately improved.

 “Is that so?”

It seems that Brother Nuer doesn’t dislike her, but wants to seize the time to do the job well.

The cook smiled and pinched her earlobe, "Yes, it's not that he doesn't like you. He will be enthusiastic about you when he is free at night. If you don't believe me, just give it a try then." Xiao Zi grinned, very happy , "Okay, let's cook first."

The cook also laughed, "Okay, let's make them fried noodles for lunch, and some vegetable soup to relieve the heat."

Xiao Zi helped her, and after finishing cooking, she put the rice in the rice pail and carried it over.

 “It’s time to eat~”

 Everyone was hungry after being busy at this point, so they looked at Nuer.

 Nur nodded and asked them, "Let's eat."

The group of subordinates immediately stopped what they were doing after receiving the order, stood up and lined up to serve the noodles.

Xiao Zi served them a full bowl, and it was time to scoop out another bowl of soup and asked them, "If there is not enough soup, please fill it again."

 After serving them, it was Nur's turn.

  Xiao Zi filled the bowl for him and held it to him with a shy face, "Brother Nuer, it's time to eat."

Nur went to the water tank to wash his face, took some water and rubbed his face. When he saw her coming over, he hummed and lifted up the clothes around his waist to wipe away the sweat.

Xiao Zi hurriedly took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and handed it over, "Use this."

Nur didn’t see clearly the handkerchief she handed over, thinking it was a sweat towel, so he naturally took it and wiped the water stains on his face.

When I finished wiping and opened my eyes, I saw clearly that the handkerchief was in my hand.

 He used a girl's handkerchief for the first time and was stunned for a moment, "This"

But Xiao Zi said, "It's okay, just give it to me and I'll just wash it off and it'll be fine."

 She often sweats when working, so she always wipes it with a handkerchief.

 It’s a good thing I’m using a new veil today, otherwise it would be smelly.

Seeing this, Nuer handed the veil to her numbly, feeling embarrassed.

 He took the noodles from her hand and asked her, "Have you eaten?"

 Xiao Zi shook her head, "Not yet."

Hearing this, Nuer asked her, "Then you can go and eat too."

Xiao Zi felt that the cook was right. He didn't like to talk to others when he was busy, but when he was not busy, he was indeed more enthusiastic.

 She nodded shyly, "Okay, I'll serve the noodles."

She quickly served the noodles, brought them over, and sat down with him under the shade of a tree to eat the noodles.

Xiao Zi looked at him while eating, and it was so hard for Noor to ignore him.

 He asked, "What are you looking at?"

Xiao Zi smiled and said, "You look good."

Nur was embarrassed to say this as a boast.

He scratched his head and coughed, "Don't talk nonsense, I don't look good."

 Here, for his height, he is considered ugly, and no one thinks he is good-looking at all.

This little girl doesn’t know what’s going on, but she keeps praising him for his good looks.

 Xiao Zi felt that he was simply too modest and corrected him strictly, "Brother Nuer, you are just very good-looking and charming. Don't be so unsure. I just think you are the best."

Her adoring eyes were bright and unadulterated, making Noor wonder if she was really that beautiful?

But he didn’t care about the appearance and smiled helplessly, “Eat it quickly.”

Xiao Zi hummed happily and asked him, "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll ask my aunt to make it for you."

Noor will not be busy now, and will have time to think about what to eat for dinner.

 He thought for a while, "Let's make jelly then. It should be cooler."

The weather is so hot that I can't even eat anything because it's so hot that I need to eat some jelly to feel refreshed.

Xiao Zi also wanted to eat this and smiled happily, "You are thinking the same as me. I was just thinking about whether to eat jelly at night."

 (End of this chapter)

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