Chapter 687, local handsome guy

Noor was surprised, “Can you eat a whole watermelon?”

No way? real or fake?

He is a big man and can't even eat a whole meal. Can a little girl like her eat a whole one?

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Xiao Zi patted her chest and assured, "I can really finish it. If you don't believe me, just look at it."

 As he said that, he ate it for him to see, one bite after another, and he quickly ate three big pieces.

Just as he was about to eat the fourth piece, Nuer stopped him and said, "Don't hold on if you can't eat it. Eat carefully and it will spoil your stomach."

Seeing that he didn’t believe it, Xiao Zi ouched and assured him, “I can really finish it and I won’t hold it back. If you don’t believe me, ask my lady.”

 Nur looked at Sister Ying, as if seeking confirmation.

Sister Ying nodded, "Don't worry, she never lies."

Xiao Zi was instantly happy and smiled at him, "Look, I just said I can finish it."

Noor was surprised and amused, "Then you are pretty good at eating."

 He doesn't often praise others, and he doesn't know much about it. He could only hold back this sentence.

  Xiao Zi was quite happy to be praised by her. She boasted, "Watermelon is just a small problem. I can eat five bowls of rice, as well as rice, meat and soup. Don't underestimate me."

Sister Ying couldn't bear to look at her. She blinked and winked at her, telling her to stop talking.

 But Xiao Zi seemed to have opened up the Ren and Du channels, bragging about her abilities endlessly.

“Brother Nuer, even though I eat a lot, I am also very strong. Maybe I can even knock you down.”

 She is a champion in arm wrestling, and even adult men may not be her opponents.

Nur was stunned, "Really?"

 Xiao Zi nodded heavily, "Of course, if you don't believe me, we can compare."

Nur shook his head and smiled, "No, we have to move all the materials back and compare again when we have time."

Xiao Zi wanted to stay with him for a while, so she said, "Bibi, just for a while~"

Noor was helpless. He really didn’t understand why she was competing like this, so he advised her, “Next time, I’ll compete with you when I have time, okay?”

 Xiao Zi curled her lips, a little disappointed, "Okay."

  I originally wanted to shake hands with him.

Sister Ying simply didn’t notice, she covered her face and hurried to pull Xiao Zi back.

He whispered to her, "Don't you see that he doesn't want to fight with you?"

Stupid girl, how can there be someone who is directly looking for others.

 Xiao Zi melancholy said, "Then don't I want to have more close contact with him?"

 Hand wrestling is so great, you can touch your hands, and you can get closer, face to face.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "Okay, you are awesome." You can actually think of this.

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "That's right. One step counts every step." And every step is meaningful.

Sister Ying laughed, "Isn't that a failure?"

The arm wrestling failed, "What's the next step? What move do you want to make?"

Xiao Zi touched her chin and thought for a while, "I can work with him."

Even if we don’t talk, it’s nice to be able to do things together.

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then you go ahead and I'll go shopping."

 Since we’re all out, let’s go shopping for a while and buy some fruit or something.

 Or see if there is a suitable shop here that you can open.

 Xiao Zi hummed and ran away, "Brother Nuer, wait for me~"

Seeing her running so fast, Sister Ying shook her head helplessly, put on her gauze hat and walked around in the street.

The street is very lively today because there is a bonfire festival in the evening.

Brother Rong said he would be back in the evening, but I don’t know how soon he will be back? Because of the Bonfire Festival, there are many more stalls on the street than usual.

There are many stalls selling mutton, and there are also a lot of fruits.

Sister Ying went to pick some local fruits and tasted them. They were very sweet, so she bought more.

Go to the food court again, find a shop, drink a bowl of milk tea, sit down for a while and listen to the drama in the lobby.

 Perhaps it was because of the Bonfire Festival that everyone had a day off, so they all went out to the shop to drink tea and listen to the opera.

The play here is not the kind of singing, but a storyteller talking about intention.

 Speak the local language, mixed with some Mandarin.

Sister Ying didn’t quite understand it, but she could roughly guess something.

 There are quite a few people from the capital who come here to do business, and there are people from the capital at the next table talking about business matters in the past few days.

Sister Ying listened for a while, and then heard people talking and laughing next door. The atmosphere was very lively.

 She rested for a while and then got ready to go out.

Before he could stand up, a group of people came outside the door.

Some women with keen eyes were immediately surprised when they saw who the person was, "Oh my god, it's Master Kawuli. I haven't seen Master Kawuli for a long time, and he is still so handsome."

 Woman 2, "Yes, my three daughters like him very much, but I don't know if there is any fate for Master Kawuli to fall in love with him."

Sister Ying listened to their envious words and looked towards the center of the crowd, where she saw a Balangzi who looked particularly local. He was the type of handsome man recognized here as handsome.

 She saw that the man was tall, with deep features and a good temperament. It was no wonder that these women wanted to marry their daughters to him.

The young man named Kawuli was already accustomed to being watched by the crowd, so he turned a blind eye and went up the stairs to drink tea on the second floor.

Sister Ying looked at it for a while, and then she was ready to go back.

However, as soon as the girls from the outer door heard that Master Kawuli was here, they immediately rushed in excitedly and wanted to take a look at their sweetheart.

Sister Ying didn’t have time to understand the customs and customs here before, but now she has experienced them.

I didn’t expect that the girl here was quite proactive and enthusiastic.

 In addition, the waiter in the store did not stop them, and the scene suddenly became more lively.

The girls all wanted to go up to the second floor, but were stopped by Kawuli's entourage at the entrance of the stairs.

“Girls, stay here! We, Master Kawuli, just want to have a cup of tea quietly. I hope you won’t disturb me.”

 The girls were slightly disappointed, "Okay."

But they didn’t leave either. Instead, they stayed downstairs, ordered a cup of milk tea, and waited downstairs.

Sister Ying waited until the crowd dispersed a bit before putting on her hat and going out.

 Kawuli was at the fence on the second floor, looking down at the scenery below.

 Ask his subordinates, "Has anything unusual happened in the city recently?"

"Back to the young master, there was a fire at the inn recently, but it was put out by the third princess. Nothing else happened recently."

Kawuli nodded and asked, "What about home? Is there still noisy at home?"

He is the youngest son in a family with thirteen brothers, all of whom are married.

A family of fifty or sixty people all live on the same street, with yards next to each other, and there are a lot of things to do.

Especially the older brothers, in order to compete for the property, secretly created obstacles for each other.

The subordinate replied, "It's been very quiet recently. Maybe it's because the third princess came out and she became a little calmer."

  Previously, the third princess was at home waiting for her childbirth and hardly went out, so the security here was a little loose.

 The Kawuli family saw this loophole and secretly fought several times.

But no one was hurt, so let’s leave it at that.

 The servant said, "But recently, I have started to select a wife for you, so you must go back today."

 (End of this chapter)

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