Chapter 688, being followed

 Kawuli frowned, "Choose a wife?"

 Why didn’t anyone tell him?

The subordinate replied, "Originally, I wanted to inform you about this, but the young master and young lady at home said that "the marriage only requires the parents' order and the matchmaker's words," so I didn't need to inform you."

 Kawuli sneered, "No need to notify me? What do they want to do?"

 You choose a wife for him without notifying him? As if he were dead?

 The subordinate answered truthfully, "Those young ladies probably want to marry the girls at home to you, and they have been recommending them to the master recently."

Although Kawuli is the youngest son in the family, he is the strongest and earns the most money, so the sisters-in-law in the family naturally take an interest in him.

 Kawuli dislikes the group of scheming sisters-in-law at home, so naturally it is impossible for him to agree.

But if the old man is asked to handle this matter, it will be difficult to refuse.

 He punched the fence angrily.

The wooden fence suddenly made a "clinking" sound.

As soon as Sister Ying left the door of the tea shop, she heard a bang above her head.

 She looked up and saw the young master Kawuli.

Hmm, he is indeed handsome.

She took another look at it infatuatedly, smiled, and then turned around and continued shopping.

 Kawuli also saw her and asked, "Who is that girl?" How come she has never seen her before?

 He has had a photographic memory since he was a child.

 In addition, I once worked as a patrolman on the street, so I remember the appearance of the people here.

 Even if you don’t look at the face and only look at the back, you can still know who is who.

He had never seen the slender figure from the back.

The subordinate thought for a while and recalled, "This one should be new."

 Probably family members at the military camp.

 At the military camp, families sometimes move here, so it’s normal to have new faces.

 But Kawuli was a strict person, so he asked him, "Go and check and see who are the new ones."

Although there are three princesses guarding here, nothing will happen.

 But he and the third princess have divided it. The street here is his base, and the city wall is the third princess's base.

 He had to check out all the new arrivals.

 “Yes, I’ll go right away.”

Sister Ying went to a snack shop along the street and tried several kinds of snacks. If she thought they were delicious, she would buy more.

 We went to the nut shop and bought some snacks and preserved fruits.

 Then he went to a men's clothing store and bought some close-fitting clothes for Jing Shirong so that he could change them.

I went to buy some headgear and earrings.

 Until I had big and small bags in hand, I was ready to go back.

While passing by a children's shop, I remembered Little Piggy, so I stopped and bought him some summer clothes and toys.

 After buying these, I am ready to go back.

As she was walking, she suddenly felt like someone was following her behind her.

From the sound of footsteps, he should be Lian Jiazi, but his martial arts skills are not as high as those of Brother Rong and others.

There was a hidden guard beside her, and it was broad daylight, so she was not afraid, so she deliberately circled around a few times to get away from the man.

 But the people behind it are obviously very familiar with this generation. They follow them wherever they go and can't get rid of them.

Sister Ying walked all the way and saw that the other party had no ill intentions, so she didn't bother to take a detour and went back directly.

The other party saw her entering the yard and did not continue to follow her.

 After closing the door, Sister Ying turned around and asked the secret guard, "Go and see who is following me."

The secret guard left immediately.

 After arriving home, Mr. Zhong happened to be here.

 Little Piggy also came together.

The little guy has just come out from eating and is currently grabbing Young Master Zhong’s hair and not letting go.

Mr. Zhong pried open his little fingers to free his hair, but he was still unwilling and screamed angrily.

Mr. Zhong was also angry, "I brought you out to play so well, but you still pull my hair? Let me go!"

Little Piggy didn’t understand and kept talking, thinking his father was playing with him.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Are you here?"

"Hurry up and sit down, I bought a lot of delicious food." Mr. Zhong looked at her big and small bags and asked, "What did you buy? You bought so much."

Sister Ying held up the bag and said, "There are snacks, candied nuts, and dried fruits. They are all delicious. You can eat some too."

 Mr. Zhong feels like he has become a housewife now.

 He sat down and put the child on the table. When he saw that he was about to howl, he put him on his lap.

Picked up a bag of dried fruits and chatted with Sister Ying while eating.

 “Where is that girl Xiaozi?”

Sister Ying pointed to the backyard, "She's busy."

 She is busy planning to chase her husband.

Young Master Zhong laughed when he heard this, "It's good to be young."

 Unlike him, when he was young he was always drinking medicine and making medicines, so he had no chance to chase anyone.

Sister Ying looked outside and said, "You can't say this in front of the third princess, or she will be jealous."

Mr. Zhong snorted coldly, "None of her business."

He is the king in the family now. When the third princess sees him, she is like a mouse to a cat, and she has no time to hide.

Sister Ying did not expect that his status would skyrocket, so she praised him, "Not bad, now he is the head of the family."

Mr. Zhong waved his hands modestly, "Fortunately, who asked us to take care of the child?"

  Anyway, people who don’t have children have no right to criticize him.

Sister Ying laughed and sat down to eat dried fruit with him.

 “Let’s go out and play together during the Bonfire Festival tonight?”

Young Master Zhong also thought, "I'm just afraid that the brat in my arms will get up in the middle of the night and look for someone."

 It is summer now and the sun sets late.

 He was afraid that before he was halfway through the game, the kid would start howling, and the servants would have to look for him again.

Sister Ying thought for a moment, "How about taking him with us?"

 Since there are so many people watching, let’s help guide him when the time comes.

Mr. Zhong was overjoyed, "That's a good feeling. I haven't been out to play for a long time."

Sister Ying smiled and stretched out her hand, "Give me a hug for a while."

Young Master Zhong gave her the child as soon as she asked for it, "Hold it, you will get tired of it if you hold it for a few more days."

Sister Ying smiled, "No way?"

 Children are quite cute.

Of course, the premise is that it belongs to someone else.

Young Master Zhong was very happy, "Of course it's cute if it's not mine. How can it not be cute if you throw it away after playing with it for a few times?"

If you were **** with him every day and couldn't go anywhere, then you wouldn't be cute.

“By the way, have you gone to see the chicken coop?”

Sister Ying shook her head, "No, everyone is on holiday today, so we will stay there for a day. I'll go take a look in two days."

Mr. Zhong nodded, “That’s okay, let’s get together when the time comes.”

Sister Ying suddenly remembered, "By the way, you can make a baby stroller."

 She remembered that when she was a child, she had a stroller made of wood like that of Sister Ying, which was very convenient.

When Young Master Zhong heard this, he became interested and asked, "What is it like?"

Sister Ying, "Just wait, I'll paint it for you."

 Having said that, go get the pen and paper, spread the drawing on the table and show it to Young Master Zhong.

“Look here, you only need to nail two wooden wheels to push it. The child is placed on it and protected by a fence so that it will not fall.”

“When the time comes, you can just push him out when you go out, and your hands will be free.”

“You can still put things in the back, but you have to hold it with your hands.”

 Master Zhong was surprised to see it and liked it very much.

 “This is good, this is good, I’ll have someone do it right away.”

 With this stroller, it is so convenient to go out.

 (End of this chapter)

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