Chapter 689, Nurji Xiaozi

“Then I’ll leave first and come to find you in the evening.”

Sister Ying saw that he was about to make a baby stroller, so she stood up and sent them off without stopping.

 “I’ll wait for you in the evening.”

Mr. Zhong sighed and quickly went to the carpenter's shop.

Sister Ying went to the backyard to take a look at the situation.

At this time, the craftsmen in the backyard are also busy.

 Nur has experience here and has laid a solid foundation. He is now looking at the drawings with the carpenter.

Xiao Zizezi was helping, whether serving tea or water, or helping with tools, just like a little bee.

Nour was too busy to pay attention to her, until she accidentally bumped into a piece of wood, and an "ouch" made his idea come to her.

Seeing that she had fallen, Nuer came over to check, "Are you okay? Where did you hit her?"

 Xiao Zi pointed to her knee, "I touched my knee, it hurts a little."

 Her movements were already big, and when she turned around, she was bumped into hard. Of course, it hurt.

Nur frowned and rubbed it for her, "Does it hurt too much?"

Xiao Zi originally wanted to say it for a while, but after thinking about it, Xiao Liti said that women must be weak for men to like her, so she hummed, nodded, and pretended to be pitiful.

 “It hurts a lot~”

Nur frowned and helped her up, "I'll help you back."

Xiao Zi saw him coming closer and hummed shyly, "Okay~"

 It would be better if I could carry her back.

But Noor obviously didn't expect this, and helped her back to the front yard.

“You sit in the pavilion for a while, and my aunt will give you some medicinal wine later.”

 Xiao Zi sweetly hummed, "I know~ You should also be careful."

Nur hummed, went to the kitchen to talk to the cook, and then continued to work.

Sister Ying watched carefully from the side. After Nuer left, she came over and teased, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, not bad, great progress. You can pretend to be weak now."

 If it had been before, this girl would have been hit by a piece of wood, and her first reaction would have been "f*ck".

 Today I feel quite pitiful.

It seems that falling in love really makes people different.

Xiao Zi smiled shyly, "Oh, doesn't this hurt? My brother Nuer frowned when he saw how distressed he was."

Sister Ying deliberately teased her, "Maybe she frowns because she thinks you are useless."

 Xiao Zi said "Huh?" "No way?"

"I didn't mean it on purpose. He doesn't really think I'm useless, does he?"

Sister Ying pointed her head with her finger, "I am teasing you, but it is too late for him to feel distressed. How can he dislike you?"

Xiao Zi then patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, "You are really scary."

 “But, isn’t it bad for me to do this?”

If Brother Noor thinks she is a useless person, will he not like her?

 “Otherwise, I’d better go over and help.”

 She didn’t want Noor to think she was useless, she still wanted to be strong enough to help him.

Sister Ying also wanted to test Nuer's attitude toward Xiao Zi, so she agreed.

 “Okay, you go over and try.”

Xiao Zi didn’t think much. After applying the medicinal wine, she limped to the backyard.

Nur didn't notice her at first. It wasn't until he stopped to wipe the sweat for a while that he saw the limping figure.

 He was stunned, "Xiao Zi?"

He immediately came over and looked at her with an unhappy look in his eyes, "Didn't I tell you to rest? Why did you come here?"

His tone was suddenly so fierce, Xiao Zi was startled, "I just want to help."

Nur was very angry, "You're like this, how can you help?"

“You should have a good rest if you are injured. If you insist on coming to help, it will only cause more trouble for us!”

This tone was a bit harsh, Xiao Zi was frightened, and her grievances suddenly came up.

 “You are cruel to me”

She was here to help, and she felt that it was not a big deal if she got bumped, so she continued busy.

Who would have thought that he would suddenly become so fierce, wouldn't it be a grievance? "I" Noor panicked a little when she saw her eyes were red and she looked like she was about to shed tears.

 “Don’t cry, I’m not scolding you, I’m just”

He just felt that she was a little too ignorant. She came to help even though she was injured. What would happen if the injury worsened later?

But Xiao Zi felt aggrieved and didn't want to hear it anymore. She cried, covered her face, and limped outside.

Seeing this, Nuer hurriedly chased after him.

He walked quickly and walked up to Xiao Zi. With a click of his tongue, he picked her up.

 “Ah~ you.”

Xiao Zi was startled, but was still carried to the front yard by his princess.

 “Where is your house?”

Xiao Zi was still a little confused and pointed to her house.

 “The third room on the left.”

Nur hummed and carried her back to the room.

Xiao Zi was so embarrassed that she never thought that she would be hugged by a princess one day.

She never dreamed that she would be treated like this after being injured?

Had I known it earlier, I would have done it more often.

Sister Ying peeking from the side.

This girl, you don’t need to guess what she is thinking.

  But Nuer didn’t think too much. He carried her back to the house, took out a bottle of plaster from his body, and handed it to her, "You can apply some on it later. This medicine is very effective."

 After saying that, he was about to leave.

 But Xiao Zi grabbed him and said, "Please help me wipe it."

Noor was stunned, "This is inappropriate."

  Since men and women do not have close contact with each other, it is a special situation to hold her, but applying medicine will not do it.

 Xiao Zi said, "I am a patient, there is nothing wrong with me."

She saw some shirtless people being treated by the barefoot doctor on the street, and there were also female patients. Why was it inappropriate?

Noor laughed when he saw her aggressive attitude.

 “You. Why are you so childish?”

  "If you've been knocked down, you should take a good rest and strain your muscles and bones for a hundred days. Don't be so showy."

“Besides, it’s enough to have us in the backyard. Just work in the front yard. Don’t go to the backyard all the time.”

 We are building a chicken coop now, and the backyard is full of hammers and nails. It would be bad if we accidentally step on them.

Xiao Zi said, "Then I just want to help you~"

 “I just want to give you a helping hand…”

 She said it with sincerity, and it didn't look like she was lying.

Noor knew that she wanted to help him, but he also said to her, "It depends on the situation. Your knees have been injured, and going over there will only cause trouble."

"Be obedient and stay in the house. I'll just be busy in the backyard."

Xiao Zi pursed her lips, "But you were so mean to me just now, and I'm still sad."

 The accounts have been settled.

Nur scratched his head, not very good at saying this to girls.

 “Then shall I apologize to you?”

 It was for her own good to be mean to her, but I didn't expect that she looked so careless, but also held such a grudge.

 Seeing him in trouble, Xiao Zi felt secretly happy in her heart, but acted coquettishly on her face, "I don't want you to apologize, I want you to buy me a gift."

Noor scratched his head and said, "That's fine. What do you want?"

As long as you don't say those sensational words, it would be nice to apologize.

Xiao Zi thought for a while and said, "Well, I want a hairpin."

It is said that a man who gives a woman jewelry is because he has feelings for the girl, and she also wants him to give her something.

Nur didn’t think much about it. He just thought that this would solve the problem, so he agreed, “Okay, I’ll remember it.”

 (End of this chapter)

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