Chapter 697: Testing Nuer’s character

It was not the first time that Noor heard her praise her sister and uncle, and it was the first time that she became curious about the couple.

“Is your young lady and uncle really so nice?”

 Xiao Zi raised her chin proudly, "That's right."

“My uncle was helping me just now. Wherever he stops, your uncle and aunt won’t dare to get close.”

   It’s not her fault, her uncle must be handsome and powerful, and no evil person would dare to speak in front of her uncle.

Nur imagined the scene she described, and felt that the imposing person she mentioned looked a bit like the third princess for some reason.

The third princess is also a very cold and serious person. Whenever she stops in the crowd, everyone will automatically stay away from her and dare not approach her for fear of bumping into her.

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "Don't tell me, our uncle and the third princess do have similar temperaments. Especially when they are angry, their faces are so cold that they can kill people."

“Bad people don’t even dare to breathe in front of our uncle.”

 Including her sometimes not daring to mess with their uncle.

“Our young lady dares to climb up and down my uncle’s body without taking my uncle’s majesty into consideration at all.”

 Nur has always admired the third princess’s personality and magnanimity. But listening to Xiao Zi's description, I always feel that her uncle is also such a domineering person.

 Let’s get to know each other if we have the chance.

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "Let's go, let me introduce you."

Just in time to show her uncle how she found her husband.

Nuer also wanted to thank Jing Shirong for rescuing Xiaozi just now, so he went with her.

Jing Shirong was having breakfast in the kitchen.

Since Sister Ying hasn’t woken up yet, I don’t want to disturb her in the house, so I just come to the kitchen and sit and eat.

 Little Liddy is still sleeping in.

 If she knew that Jing Shirong was coming back, she would definitely not sleep.

Xiaozi knew that he was eating in the kitchen, so she pulled Nuer over and introduced him to Jing Shirong, "Uncle, this is Brother Nuer, who was sent by the third princess to help us."

Jing Shirong heard that he was sent by the third princess and looked up at him.

He is not tall, but his eyes are clear, and he is an upright person.

 The third princess has a sharp eye and never chooses the wrong person.

 He nodded with satisfaction, and the straight man asked, "Are you the person this girl wants to marry?"

Xiao Zi coughed, she didn’t expect him to ask so directly, but she also wanted to hear Nuer’s attitude.

Nur was also a little embarrassed, but he didn't avoid answering. He nodded and answered seriously.

“Yes, if nothing else happens, I will come to your house to propose marriage in one month.”

Although it was said that the maid was getting married, Xiao Zi told Nuer about her relationship with Sister Ying, and she knew that this family did not treat Xiao Zi as a slave, but treated her very well.

Since they are very good to Xiao Zi, the marriage must follow normal procedures.

Jing Shirong saw that he was interested and deliberately tested him, "If in the future, you marry Xiao Zi, you will be able to work in our house, will you be willing?"

 He saw that the man's face did not look like a slave, so he deliberately tested him with a few words.

Nuer heard his temptation and responded respectfully, "The villain is under the orders of the third princess. If the master wants the villain to come here, the villain needs to go back and report back."

 I think it’s okay, but I have to ask the third princess for instructions.

 “What if the third princess doesn’t let it go?”

Nur was stunned, but he didn’t think of this problem.

Based on his understanding of the third princess, the third princess is not an unreasonable person, and she will not stop him from leaving.

So he confidently clasped his fists at Jing Shirong and said, "The third princess will not refuse to give in. She is a reasonable master."

If the third princess didn't tell her, he would never leave the princess' mansion and would serve her for the rest of his life.

  But if it’s for Xiao Zi’s sake, I really need to ask for instructions.

If the third princess is in need, he will go back immediately to help.

 After all, his future career was given to him by the third princess, so he cannot be ungrateful.

Jing Shirong saw his loyalty and nodded with satisfaction, "I know, let's get to work." Since she is a good character, Sister Ying doesn't need to worry.

Nur clasped his fists at him, turned around and went back to the backyard to continue working.

Xiao Zi was very happy, holding his hand and chatting with him.

“It seems that you have passed the level of our uncle.”

Noor asked, "What about your young lady?"

 Xiao Zi chuckled, "Not to mention my lady, she is so good to me that she won't object to me marrying you."

Nur grinned, "What if your lady doesn't agree with you marrying me?"

Xiao Zi hummed and thought, "If the lady doesn't let me get married, it must be because of your fault or your family's fault."

 Her young lady won’t harm her anyway.

Seeing how much she trusted the owner, Nuer guessed that the family was indeed very good to her.

He said, "I will settle some matters at home in the evening, and I will take you to buy hairpins tomorrow."

 Xiao Zi said "Huh?" "You want to go to your home?"

Noor shook his head, "No, my uncle and aunt will definitely come over in the evening. I will go out and chat with them for a few words, and there will probably be a quarrel. People will come to watch, so why don't you go and watch."

 Xiao Zi angrily said, "No, I want to go with you. What if they bully you?"

 Nur was deeply moved when he saw that she was so worried about him.

He touched her head with his big hand and said, "No, they can't do anything to me. They can only say a few unpleasant words."

He has become immune to those bad words, so they can say whatever they want.

 Since he has been kicked out by his family, he has no obligation to give them money.

 In the past, he might have given some, but now that he is getting married and will have to raise children in the future, he is naturally unwilling to give.

Xiao Zi shared his hatred, "It's okay, I'll be with you. We share the blessings and the hardships."

Nur smiled warmly and said, "Okay."

At night.

 Nur finished his work and was ready to go out.

Xiao Zi went to talk to Sister Ying and prepared to go out with Nuer.

Sister Ying laughed when she saw her looking like she was about to fight with someone.

 “You can go, but don’t fight with others.”

This place is someone else’s business after all, and the other party looks shameless. It’s really a quarrel, and it’s hard to tell who will suffer.

 Xiao Zi was not afraid, "I can't watch them bullying my brother Nuer."

Sister Ying was happy, "Then what are you going to do? Curse them for three days and three nights?"

Xiao Zi chuckled and said, "It's not that exaggerated. Let's not talk about it for now. I'm going out first."

 After saying that, he ran out to meet Nuer.

Sister Ying was worried and went up to the attic to take a look.

Nuer went outside to wait for her. As soon as she went out, she saw his three uncles and three aunts.

  This couple came here on foot and were just waiting for him to finish his work.

 “Nur, have you finished work?”

Nur said coldly, "Is something wrong?"

His three uncles and three aunts looked at each other and began to sing a sad drama with him.

“That’s right, your grandfather is old and not in good health. He has been taking medicine recently.”

"He hugged you when you were a child. Now that you can make money, shouldn't you go back and show your respect?"

“If you don’t have time to go back, that’s fine. Just give us the money and we’ll take it back for you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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