The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 698: , relatives come to borrow money

Chapter 698: Relatives come to borrow money

Noor sneered, "Why did I just see my grandfather going out to drink tea and listen to a play the day before yesterday? He looked good. Could it be that the three uncles and three aunts were blurred?"

His uncle and aunt were stunned. They didn't expect that the old man would actually come out to watch the show and Nuer would see him.

They coughed and explained, "That's not the case now. I'm all lying at home now."

"And you also know that our family has a large population, and we don't even have enough food. Your cousins ​​are all old enough to marry, and the family doesn't have enough money. I was thinking, now that you are making a living, can you lend us some money first? ? When your brothers make money, they will return it to you."

Nuer sneered, "Repay? What can I get in return?"

"My cousins ​​usually work one day and have three days off. Do you think it's possible to expect them to work and repay the money?"

 Early years ago, he also sent some money back to his grandparents, as a filial piety for his parents.

But the two old men didn't appreciate his favor. They took the money, and their attitude wasn't very good. They seemed like he was an enemy and didn't have a good look towards him at all.

 Since people have treated him like this, he won't send any money.

His grandfather was better off. He didn’t receive any money and didn’t come to ask for it.

But he couldn't resist his family's attempts to take advantage of his money.

But he was busy outside during that time, and even if they wanted to ask him for money, they couldn't get it.

Even if they find him and he doesn’t give, what can they do?

It is impossible to ask for money just in the name of asking him to respect the elderly.

Like this moment, isn’t his third aunt just here in the name of asking the old man for money?

He said that his grandfather was not in good health, and then he changed the subject and asked for money to marry wives for several of his cousins.

Seeing that he was silent for a long time, Third Aunt Noor's family looked at her man and asked him to speak.

Uncle Nuer coughed and came over shamelessly, "Nur, I gave you pocket money when you were a child. Now your cousins ​​have no money to marry, so you can help a little, and we will pay you back in the future." your."

Nur is not stupid. He knows that it is impossible to get the money back after taking it out.

Besides, he is not a very kind person. He has no feelings for these people and does not want to talk to them at all.

"I have no money."

"My parents wanted me to repay the debt they owed outside the country. My grandfather also sent a lot of money back, and I don't have the rest. You can figure it out yourself."

 After saying that, he was about to leave.

Uncle and Aunt Noor stopped him angrily when they saw that he didn't want to borrow any money, so they couldn't let him go.

He pointed at Xiao Zi angrily, "Did this woman not let you borrow it? What does she have to do with you? How can you listen to her? We are your uncle and aunt after all, why don't you distinguish between inside and outside?"

After saying that, he asked Xiao Zi angrily, "Fox, are you the one who persuaded our Nuer not to borrow money?"

 “Tell me, do you want to be greedy for his money?”

Xiao Zi said "fuck", it was the first time in her life that someone called her a vixen, and she felt inexplicably happy. What should I do?

Her young lady said that vixen was a title for a beautiful woman, and she was immediately happy.

Nur looked at her worriedly, thinking that she would be unhappy after being scolded, but who knew that she actually smiled happily.

 “Xiao Zi??”

This kid, why are you giggling?

 Are you happy after being scolded?

Xiao Zi chuckled and listened, "My lady said that vixen means great beauty. Your third aunt called me a great beauty."

Hearing this, Nuer couldn’t laugh or cry.

“How about you go back first?”

 He really didn’t want her to see the mess at home.

 Xiao Zi refused to leave, "No, I am your fiancée, and I have to share the same hardships with you."

As soon as Third Aunt Noor heard about her fiancée, she became furious.

 “You want to marry her? Just this woman?”

 What good is a maid?

"Originally, your third uncle and I have thought about it for you. After your cousins ​​get married, we will marry you one too. My maternal niece is very suitable for you. She is beautiful and sensible. She is much better than this maid. ”

Nuer didn't like them talking about Xiao Zi like this, and said coldly, "That's enough! When my parents died, you kicked me out of the family. Now I'm no longer a member of your family." "I want to marry anyone." It has nothing to do with you. If you say anything harmful again, I will arrest you!"

 He is also a lieutenant general now, but he has not publicized it to the outside world.

 The family members didn't know his experience over the years, and they thought he was a slave who worked for others, so they dared to bully him like this.

Uncle and Aunt Noor didn't expect him to be so bold now and dare to say harsh words to them.

His third aunt was even more furious, "I think you have been deceived by this vixen. When I go back and have a good talk with your grandfather, I will ask him to come over and sober up with you, so that you don't have to be deceived and have fun secretly." "

 After saying that, she angrily pulled her husband over and said, "Let's go."

The two of them went back angrily, feeling defeated.

 Xiao Zi even made faces at their backs.

But he was still worried about him, "Brother Nuer, your grandfather won't come to trouble you."

 Noor didn’t care, “It’s up to them.”

 He will have to go on a mission in a while, and has no time to talk to them here.

But he was quite worried about Xiao Zi, "If I leave and they come to you, don't open the door for them."

 Xiao Zi reassured him, "I'm not a soft persimmon, I won't let them pinch me casually."

“I’m not afraid of group fights.”


 “But what?”

Xiao Zi crossed her fingers and looked at him shyly, "But, can we get married first? Otherwise, when you leave, they will scold me, and I will not be able to fight back even if I want to."

But if her identity is changed to his wife, she can be as aggressive as she wants.

Didn’t that group of people come and make noise about Nuer’s relatives?

 When she gets married to Noor, she will be the legitimate Mrs. Noor.

 When those people come, she will be able to scold them openly.

Nur shook his head and smiled, "You."

But he is really concerned about getting married.

“You wait until I finish my work and then come and arrange our marriage.”

 Xiao Zi nodded happily, "That's great." She could finally be a bride for once.

Sister Ying could see clearly from the attic, shook her head and smiled.

 “What? I thought the other party was powerful against me.”

  It also seems to be a showpiece.

Today she and Mr. Zhong were going to the farm to look at the chicken coop, and she saw him coming upstairs with the child in his arms.

Sister Ying put on her gauze hat, carried fruit snacks, and went down to pick them up.

 “Brother Zhong.”

 Zhong Da saw her coming out and smiled, "Do you still bring food?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, your son will be hungry soon."

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "It's okay. I brought the nanny out."

 “Let’s go and have a look at the chicken coop, I haven’t been there for a few days.”


The two of them went to the farm together.

 The workers are working as usual today and see that the chicken coop is almost completed.

 It will be better in the evening.

 (End of this chapter)

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